27 years ago, the US government killed 87 people for wanting to exercise their second amendment right

27 years ago, the US government killed 87 people for wanting to exercise their second amendment right.

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Never forget. They're gonna do that (and worse) in the months to come. Be ready, 'Murican friends!

and now NPCs mourn the retaliation it brought

Thank the good lord for our ATF brothers who protected us from these radical terrorists

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27 years ago the government killed a bunch on loony cultists and nothing of value was lost.

>27 years ago, the US government killed 87 people for wanting to exercise their second amendment right.

And you all did fuck all. Seriously whats the point of you fat fucks having guns if you never use them.

This is your 25th annual reminder that the destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was not only a 100% morally justified, but 100% necessary act of retaliation against the Government of the United States for its barbaric murder of 82 men, women, and children, who died a death of gas and flame in Waco, Texas 27 years ago.

Frankly, the Oklahoma City National Memorial should be torn down and replaced with a gigantic bronze statue of Timothy McVeigh poised triumphantly atop a Ryder truck, arms raised as if to form an Algiz rune from his body, with a plaque that states the honest truth. Nothing would be a greater insult to these pizza-party guarding federal swine than a permanent monument honoring McVeigh’s journey to Valhalla or Fólkvangr atop the piles of their corpses.

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Wacoan here from Waco. I live off Bosque on Guthrie Dr by the fair. I don't know a single person that voted for Hillary. This town has had 2 massacres. The biker setup being the most recent. All of the charges against the bikers have been dropped because the ptb do not want the truth to come out. Puic related is idol worship on Waco Dr.- in everybody's face. Google Waco mason for images of It's disgusting phoenix, sphinx and other "illuminated" heresy. Republicans and democrats are largely traitors to this nation.

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I used to go offroading next to where the "compound" was. TP&L is what it was called.

kill yourself glownigger

okay boomer.

no one gives two shits


>Ya nobody did anything about it

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Oh no, criminals were burned alive.


yup yup. just a warning for anyone who thinks they can step out of line

William Luther Pierce had a very pertinent broadcast right after the Waco Siege fire: bitchute.com/video/eR8fRsOJ4bAS/


We needed a thousand more of those and a general White uprising in the country, would have saved us from a lot of Jew misery.

>for wanting to exercise their second amendment right.

If you pull a gun you better use it. Wanting to use it but not is inviting the type of results seen here.

Any veterans who truly cared about the country should have made organizing local militias a top priority rather than crying about PTSD and seeking endless pharma treatments.

People still think any of the government is legitimate. They are literally actors playing out roles, without any authority whatsoever. The people should have risen up long ago but it's not going to happen because:

- People are without God.

- People are ignorant to simple, common truths like the fact that the US is a corporation, and that America has been in a perpetual state of martial law since right before the civil war.

>Oh no, criminals were burned alive.

IT's funny that you think you are not a criminal, and that you will not burn in the Lake of Fire. Such cognitive dissonance.

Thank you for this.

>>Ya nobody did anything about it
nobody /SUCCESSFULLY/ did anything about it
What did that change?


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Yeah I noticed today they were commemorating the Oklahoma City bombing. I wonder if they're going to also commemorate the innocent people murdered by government assassins in Waco and Ruby Ridge? Something tells me they won't be doing that.

Literal proof that LEO will stomp you gun loving pussies. You guntards will all get on your knees and hand over your weapons and thank the officer by sucking his dick.


both happened same day?

This isn't your country, traitor puppet. Stop pretending that it is.

>27 years ago, the US government killed 87 people to make an example of what happens when you fall out of line collectively as white people


No but they are the incidents which motivated the bombing.

>No but they are the incidents which motivated the bombing.
pretty sure the bombing occurred because of glowies. official story sounds like bullshit (as do all official stories regarding anything)


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never forget the 6 gorillion. we must ban everything to ensure another shoah never takes place

Why does it have to be white? Why can't it be Americans rising up together? Why do you have to add in the part about skin color when the people with power are all colors? Meme flag aside, the argument against tyranny is void if you still want to induce speration in the masses. You are just another tyrant.

Shouldn't you be practicing self defense with a spoon right now?

>Why can't it be Americans rising up together? >Why do you have to add in the part about skin color when the people with power are all colors?
>he genuinely thinks the non whites give a shit about anyone but their own sect
>he thinks the compassion he shares for his fellow "americans" is shared back with him
>he thinks he wont be the next problem to deal with after his fellow "americans" take control and oust him
your heart is beautiful, but your naivety is painful

>Shouldn't you be practicing self defense with a spoon right now?
almost 10pm here. hes hours too late. only allowed to practice until 4pm on sundays. its to make sure the muslim call to prayer goes uninterrupted. if he truly was training with his spoon post 4pm, i suggest you fill out an anonymous crimestoppers tipoff online and report him.

>non whites will team up with whites against the government right after they stop voting away the constitution
As soon as they've successfully voted away the 2nd amendment they're gonna start a revolution, screenshot this post.

The show on netflix is pretty good. They show the Branc Davidians as very sympathetic

uh, hello, based dept? we got a live one

But wasnt the david guy banging wives and children? Sounds cultish

I'm calling the police right now, he's gonna pay for what he's done.

Based as fuck, hope this spreads

What crimes did they commit?