Be me

>be me
>hard studying college student
>stem major
>good grades
>one year out from graduation
>undergrad research experience and internships at companies
>already had a few job offers
>come in contact with a girl I used like in high school through Facebook
>she has spent the last several years in and out of jail, on meth, and had her kids taken from her
>still looks pretty and I still have feelings for her
>pick her up one day from the street because she says she needs help
>but her food, give her rides, I am socially awkward but I comfort her as best I can
>tell her that I am willing to lift her out of poverty, help her straighten up, and even help get her kids back as soon as I finish college and start working
>she calls up late one night needing a ride
>I crawl out of bed to go pick her up and take her home
>when I arrive I realize there is a guy with her
>she says he is "just a friend" and I reluctantly give him a ride to but he pays for gas
>she contacts me the next day saying she kinda wants to fuck the date up meth guy I gave a ride
Tfw can't even get laid by a meth whore.

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She calls you to let you know that she wants to fuck him?

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>stem meme
stopped reading right then and there

I asked her who the guy was over Facebook the next day. She replies that "he is just a friend," and I was kinda angry so I said "do you fuck your friends or something?" And she replies that she might consider fucking the guy because she kinda liked him.

After that I got pissed off and basically told her she is a loser meth whore and I want nothing to do with her anymore. Still makes me feel like a loser that I couldn't get laid by a meth whore.

Stem meme works.

Dude... tell her fuck off. Trust me.
t. Been there

Count your blessings and forget about her.
Your friend,

pathetic simp.

You can bring a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

Fuck off back to Yas Forums, tranny.

She's k keeping him posted

dont worry in 10-15 years shell be ready for you :)

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>>tell her that I am willing to lift her out of poverty, help her straighten up, and even help get her kids back as soon as I finish college and start working
imagine being this much of a cuck

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What do you expect of a meth whore? Dude get over your ego and just keep working on yourself if you really want to fuck that meth whore just tell her, she will probably reject you but there are tons of meth whores outside, I used to think that to bang this kind of woman I had to degrade myself to their level, dont do that.

big simpin

man STEM faggots truly are retarded

OP seriously you need clinical help. Re-read your post and tell me that sounds sane. You're trying to play captain save a ho for a crack whore.

Also how the fuck is this politics

maybe you shouldn't act like a pathetic fucking doormat? jesus fucking christ.

kek you friend zoned yourself m8. if you wanted to get laid you could have spend $30 for a few hits of crack and fucked her.

Yeah right, fuck you kike, sage him bois.
Fucking kike shills posting inane crap in here all fucking day.

You should never offer a woman anything until after you've already broken the ice and fucked a few times, preferably you're officially a couple and get along well, you know her friends and family and so on. Even after that you should be a little suspicious of her intentions, but if you offer help from the gecko without getting any appreciation in return, it's very likely she'll just use you.

if you're overweight, lose some fucking weight
get your ass to either pumping iron or do some calisthenics
do OMAD or longer fasts, that will bring your test up, and along with it your confidence
and never, ever be a fucking simp, especially for a single mother meth whore, get some fucking self respect.

Yes user I was. I thought I could help her and I thought she would appreciate me for that and turn over a new leaf. I was wrong.

kek herbed in all fields me brudah

You're just enabling her addiction bro and she isn't serious about stopping. Just forget her and trying to help her

Yeah and you're mentally deranged for thinking that. Your expectations about what is common in the world sound so fucked up I think you need a therapist. My 14 year old nephew wouldn't have made your mistake.

> still looks pretty and I still have feelings for her

You deserve to die alone.

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that's because you are a loser. what a pathetic story. it gave me aids more than jamal's black cock in my ass. i really feel less beta than you after reading this story and i get knocked up by a big dick against the bed frame on the regular. god you're pathetic, i'd let you suck my little dick cummies. go to the gym and get fit you little succulent meth whore babysitter enabler KEK.

you must have been private schooled then.

you just fuck her?
Quit being a bitch lmao.
Wanting to get involved with a crack whore other than to just pump and dump is one of the stupidest things ive ever heard. Even just as a fuck is kinda dumb, but cracked up chicks can ride and suck a good dick.


You are a looser but for so many more reasons than judt that.

Or, in this case, you can bring a whore to methville, but not make it want to fuck you.

You learned a valuable life lesson there OP. If you think giving everything to a woman is suddenly going to make her look at you as fuckable prepare to be disappointed. Don't be surprised if she calls you up for favors in the future (and trust me, she will).

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Holy shit when are retards going to get that YOU CANT be nice to women if you want to fuck em
Its a basic red pill point

Well that’s where you fucked up, cunt. No matter how much you help, she would have fucked you off in the end.

t. A guy who got dumped recently by an alcoholic bitch.

>turn over a new leaf
>answering to a leaf
Thanks for the chuckle, anyway op you should think about it for a second, what you just did was what i used to fantasise about when i was 15 and thought to myself "one day ill pick her up from the road and she will love me because i helped her" it's a childish mindset that doesn't quite rhyme with the rest of your life which looks well adjusted and sane all around. Do yourself a favor, forget this experience and keep being a man you will respect looking at in the mirror.

you're a cuck dude cut her off what the fuck is wrong with you

just tell her straight up youll buy her some meth if she fucks you. throw a fat shard in her asshole and use her holes hard for a few hours. no big deal, user.

You sound disgusting, i hope you die from some nasty std, fucking god i feel disgusted just answering to you kill yourself

It's really this easy. You can't turn a hoe into a housewife. You definitely can't turn a crack whore into a gf, but you can get cheap bag of shitty drugs and get her to fuck.

Dude fucking paid for your gas, be a little appreciative you beta ass bitch

this is stem degrees don't matter
the only thing that matters is mythical genetic survival

*coof* why have famine when you can have anime?

>tell her that I am willing to lift her out of poverty, help her straighten up, and even help get her kids back as soon as I finish college and start working

All you literally had to do was smoke meth with her, not this shit

what a surprise, a man and woman who are both meth heads are going to fuck. Get a grip OP if you can’t fuck a girl who’s tweaking you will forever be a virgin. Easiest lay you could ever find and you still found a way to fuck it up

Real men don't care about a womans past, you're doing the right thing by helping her, in the end she will appreciate you and you'll have a loyal partner for life.

If she's talking to another guy, don' accuse her of cheating on you. That shows you're insecure. Just play it cool. and be there for her when she needs you.

dude what just cut her off unless she starts slobbing your knobbing. bonus points if you smoke her up with meth first and she'll do it for six hours straight

He overcomplicated everything, shes a worthless whore who deserves a mercy killing but wanted to treat her as a princess, lmao dude, you didnt read that situation well at all.
Do you think the fathers of those bastards treat her well? lol, next time try to control your white knight instincs with women, regardless if its a meth whore or a "Nice" girl.

You nailed me with that one user how’d you do it?

I was trying to do something good in the world faggot. I don't expect you to understand.

if you don't know what you did wrong here, you're hopeless

How fat are you user, do you look like faggot?

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Lmao, just buy some beers, bring the meth and start touching her, you could have easily put your pee pee in her used hole OP.

Cherry coke.

Get married and trade your virginity while on drugs.

lol just tell her she can have all the meth she wants if she fucks you, then coooooom in her and she will have meth babbus

Anons never let yourself have feelings for drug addicts or bipolar girls. It's guaranteed heartbreak and STDs. Please understand.

>a girl I used in high school
This was the only interesting part of your blogpost. How did you use her and why?

i refuse to believe this is real, just chop your dick off dude

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No you didn't, you wanted to fuck her, but you dressed it up as "I want to help you out". Why else would you have noted that she "still looks pretty"?

Not only are you a weak ass beta, you are also a deceptive bitch who only helped her out of a desire to fuck her.

Real men have self respect and don't deal with degenerate meth whores

This OP, you played all your cards too early, even putting aside all the other problems with going after a meth whore. Think about it from her perspective, even after fucking herself up so much in the past if she was able to find a successful man this easily, why wouldn't she play the field a bit? It's just like your job offers, you've got a few job offers but you obviously haven't taken any yet because you're likely to get better ones in the future closer to your graduation. And when you do you'd be smart to play them against each other to up your salary. That's exactly what she's doing with her "career".

You dodged a bullet. Quietly report her for smoking meth somewhere and watch the cunt get arrested.

>Just play it cool. and be there for her when she needs you

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Stop it, you know this isn't true.

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She's got problems, do not make them yours. Instead of trying to be her white knight, offer her $20 for a BJ.
Then you can get some.

Skinny nerd, not masculine.

>Help from the gecko
I saved money by switching to Geico

>n the end she will appreciate you

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A degree alone does not a man make.

>Get a grip OP if you can’t fuck a girl who’s tweaking you will forever be a virgin. Easiest lay you could ever find and you still found a way to fuck it up
kek this is sad but true

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>plEaSe let me fuck you PLEASE PLEASEEE!!!

The fact that you even considered a Meth who're with kids makes you the biggest cuck Yas Forums has ever known.

You're hear by banished to reddit

That's what you get for being a zoomer faggot lol

I am a twenty year union builder and I can say without a doubt that this woman is built to code for the BBC.

This. Except it’s addicts in general. Just got fucked off by the now ex missus a couple of days ago, and she’s an alcoholic. Did the whole rehab stint and all, still struggles with it though. And she’s messed in the head, obviously. Only redeeming feature was that she is fucken hot as, but that doesn’t make up for her bullshit personality at times.

I bet he was a nigger. American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows and fantasizing about nigger dick. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Dave Chappelle while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

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Beta cuck

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