Why do people on this board support dictatorships despite the fact that democracies have been shown to be better in...

Why do people on this board support dictatorships despite the fact that democracies have been shown to be better in every single way?

>inb4 democracy always devolves into a dictatorship
And bread eventually turns to mold, doesn't mean that mold is better than bread. It's not even true anyway

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How have democracies been shown to be better in every single way, then?

Standard of living, GDP, freedom, they even seem to be better at waging war than dictatorships.

I believe some countries are in need of dictatorships, but most white countries are fine to be democracies.
yes someone accused me of this, simply because I opposed autocracies

I firmly believe peak societies are meritocracies.

democracy devolves into tyranny, a dictatorship can be a tyranny or it can be legitimate rule.
The best system is a republic that can elect a dictatorship when necessary.

Same here, whites are obviously smart enough to work under a democracy. The fact that some other races fail at it is not our problem. People constantly bring up China as an argument but imagine the Chinese, pretty much defined by only thinking of themselves, under a democracy.

No, you're conflating what western nations have gained under authoritarian governments and empire and democracy. Most of Africa is technically a democracy but they dont have any of those things.

instead of conjecture you should create a metric or work on finding one and it's study
it's the constructive thing to do
have fun larping tho, don't be too mean to the shitpilled goylems
Are you a jew?

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Western nations have had exponentially greater grown under democracy, even after the autocratic systems annihilated any prospect of European world dominance for the next decades through the two world wars.

Yawn, sage kike shilling folks


>Western nations have had exponentially greater grown under democracy
Since when? After WW2 all we've seen is a decline, unless you're talking in a pure economic stand point which is retarded on so many levels.

because most democracies we have currently are not real democracies, they're an illusion to distract people and vote for a candidate that does not adhere to their views, rather the views of the elite in power. the brainwashed people really think their voting matters, but it does not. they do not control the country, the elite does.
even if the candidate turns out to be actually fighting for the people, he either loses or does not keep any promises he made.
democracy is a scam

>Hey maybe the people who are impacted by these policies should have a say in how it is run
shut the fuck up loser the adults are talking lol

>Since when? After WW2 all we've seen is a decline
You seriously think Europe now is weaker than it was after WW2??

>IMMENSE cultural decline
>Europe divided for decades on end, only recently ending
>Mass immigration
>No empires
>American bases every mile and a half
But hey, we got that GDP on the up and up! Shame it all came tumbling down with this corona thing, huh?

Meritocracy only lasts for one generation.

Name me one republic that isn't a shithole?

name one.

Europe being divided was a much bigger problem before democracy lmao, as for the rest, it has more to do with technological advancements. The system of government can hardly control the natural cultural flow of a people, in fact it is a result of it.
>American bases every mile and a half
America adopting democracy so early allowed it to become the premiere world power over europe

Someone has never read Roman history. A literal Nazi would be considered liberal permissive fag in Cato’s Rome.

>shut the fuck up loser the adults are talking lol
Unholy fuck what a jewish line , did your kike mom call you a fucking baby to shame you kike


haha fuck you kike shill, burn in hell.

>The system of government can hardly control the natural cultural flow of a people, in fact it is a result of it.
Doesn't it show how the system is flawed?
Also you didn't say how Europe is apparently much stronger after WW2. You've even admitted that the U.S overtook it after WW2.

>OP gets completely btfo in last thread
>comes crawling back to make more
It's all so tiresome.
Why the fuck would you want Npcs to choose their leaders in a popularity contest every couple years?

I'm posting the same argument from last thread in my next post because of character limits.

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Democracy is inefficient and unstable. There's more reasons, of course, but a lot of other reasons cause instability and inefficiency, such as voting and elected officials.

Voting is retarded because the masses cannot be trusted to reliably pick their leaders. Elections are just a glorified popularity contest that are an absolute waste. Why? Because it, along with voting, ensures that elected officials will see getting elected again as a priority. Rather than fixing the country, they will make short-term decisions that do not truly improve the long-term health and prosperity of the nation. Presidents and prime ministers get into office, and then after snagging their personal gains leave. Napoleon III remodeled Paris and built parks and invested in a lot of long term projects such as railroads systems, which could never happen if France was a republic. Democratic leaders would bicker to much to actually get shit done and every end of one leader's term risks being a completely unstable 180 in policy.

Democratic leaders are also not accountable to their actions. Monarchs are one person, and the head of the government. As a result the people know who is making the decisions and can justly put the blame on him for being a shitty leader. In a democracy to take down corruption you need to mow down pretty much all the representatives. My state of Illinois is a good example of this. For the longest time representatives have been nothing but corrupt, and the governor never does anything about it except keep optimistic fools hopeful by pretty much saying "uh yeah I'm working on it lmao."

This isn't even taking into account leaders not being able to make changes when Congress or Parliament can cuck them out of decisions, such as when Napoleon III wanted to expand the army for national defense, but the parliament wouldn't let him for their selfish autistic reasons. Later, during the Franco-Prussian war, France could have really used an expanded army.

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Dictatorships aren't inherently evil, Democracy is dependent on the citizenry being moral and just, once a nation has so many people that differ from each other so much that it begins tearing itself apart it can't be called a nation anymore, and it takes a dictator ship just to hold it together. No matter what action is taken democracies are doomed to failure because they all follow the same course of events.

Well then, go to reddit, faggot, and you can enjoy democracy even while posting.

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>OP gets completely btfo in last thread
>comes crawling back to make more
What actually happens
>autocrats make retarded argument
>get debunked
>cry, do the jew thing where you pretend the argument never happened
ok lol

Claiming democracy is responsible for our economic growth and not that our economic growth is responsible for democracy. Democracy in the West is a symptom of the industrial revolution, it is the advances made regardless of democracy that have lead to our prosperity, not this pantomime show they put on for the plebs that masquerades as "liberal democracy".

You've yet to respond to me, its almost like you've lost the argument and now it. You can tell by how you keep going to the whole 'lmao' and 'ok lol' phrases. You've got nada.

wewing right me me laddy laddo

>what are the unelected bureaucrats of europe

this is a republic not a democracy, the only true democracy in history was a pirate ship

>You've yet to respond to me, its almost like you've lost the argument and now it.
Lol loser argument.
I already said, the US overtook us because they adopted democracy before us

that entire thing reads like a long winded lefty meme


your flag shill user

you do know that in rome they used to vote for their dictators? dictator just meant that they were all powerful, not that it wasn't a temporary position, or that they weren't democratically elected

Pretty sure it was the autocrats that built European world dominance and the democracies that laid it waste.

America is a Republic shit tard. Electoral College much.

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No, you've yet to answer on how "Europe is stronger now." I want an answer, and you're failing to provide one.

> Why do faggots support dictatorships?
Its all of the rush of being an edgy contrarian with none of the risk of getting off the couch. You don't really 'support' anything until you risk your ass. Up to that point, typing is just typing.

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Europe is stronger now, but the problem is that due to technological innovations, the rest of the world also got stronger, especially the USA. This is in part because autocrats lait Europe to waste twice over through two pointless wars.

Holy fuck your brain matter must be as flimsy as your mother's vagina.
>Europe is stronger now
Yes, but how?

Stronger than it would be under dictators of course

The leaf speaks the truth

>europe is stronger

>how ???????

>europe is stronger!! :)

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>Comes in with genuine arguments that all flounder
>Say something as dumb as this so he can say: "It was just a troll bro, got you." Just so he could win.
Kek, hope you got that dopamine you've been craving.

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There's no European worlds Empires now. Those only existed in the days of the autocrats. I think a Republic is a more growth oriented and vigorous type of organization but the opprobrium thrown at autocracies is not justified by the historical record of their achievements.