pic related shows an up to date TOTAL DEATHS FOR ALL CAUSES for europe from Euromomo.eu, weekly updated
note how its below 2016 level for 2020
since they relabel deaths as Covid-19 this year, you can only spot the fraud by noting that total deaths from all causes has not changed
Other urls found in this thread:
The CDC records NO EXCESS PANDEMIC LEVEL OF DEATHS for the end of March and April. the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax, a real pandemic would increase total disease deaths
Even with a two week reporting lag that doesn’t explain the lack of a pandemic level of death for late March AND APRIL
CDC Policy:
“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is
ASSUMED to have caused or contributed to death.”
“Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based
on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory TESTING, etc. "
the testing is positive for asymptomatic carriers
so that is part of Dr. Birx's definition of "with Covid"
with Covid proves nothing, as far as testing is concerned, because asymptomatic carriers test positive "with" it
and assumed with Covid is assumed not proved
niether is proof,
hence the padding of the numbers in two ways
This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS since they can test positive and have no symptoms yet can be considered “With Covid”, and count ASSUMED Carriers which are based on assumptions that prove nothing yet are also counted “With Covid", so they can count deaths ASYMPTOMATIC/ASSUMED WITH Covid19 rather than only deaths proven OF Covid19, the fraud is thus enforced by CDC policy.
Coronahoax Assholes Have the Nerve to Throw a Concert
No social distancing at this huge NHS concert for Covid Medical Staff t! Stay at Home GOYS!
thier favorite song: "your better than all the rest"
They seem to not think Covid19 is big deal, gathering in groups of hundreds with no PPE, jokes on you goys!NHS staff party away in Dudley at Russell Hall Hospital while the world is on lockdown
No social distancing at this huge NHS concert! Stay at Home GOYS!
NHS staff and members of the public were filmed gathering outside Russells Hall Hospital, in Dudley, on Thursday night.
The crowd formed as a live singer performed outside the hospital as part of the Clap for Carers initiative, which has seen people celebrate key workers at 8pm each Thursday.
One video of the celebration, which was deleted and then reposted by Sam Jones, was viewed more than 48,000 in 20 hours and led to numerous people raising concerns.
“I’m so annoyed by this I can hardly catch my breath! We are told there is a pandemic! People are dying! The hospitals can’t cope!! What happened to social distancing?? No visiting family right?? Stay 2 metres apart right? No large gatherings right?? Normal citizens are being arrested and fined for taking a walk in the country or park alone!! Yet here THEY are hugging, dancing, large gatherings! Now they’re really just rubbing our faces in it. This was the NHS (stay at home save lives) tonight at Russell Hall Hospital, Dudley UK. Facebook keep deleting it.”
Today OP wasn't a faggot!
Have a bump.
what are you trying to say. just spit it out.
OP probably suggests we are being 1984'd under the guise of a pandemic
When right wingers protest the lockdown,
the butthurt pandemic believers, laugh and say wait till you get corona!
Yet they completely ignore when medical staff flout thier sacred rules and throw concerts.
thier favorite song: "your better than all the rest"
They seem to not think Covid19 is big deal, gathering in groups of hundreds with no PPE, jokes on you goys!
NHS staff and members of the public were filmed gathering outside Russells Hall Hospital, in Dudley, on Thursday night.
The crowd formed as a live singer performed outside the hospital as part of the Clap for Carers initiative, which has seen people celebrate key workers at 8pm each Thursday.
One video of the celebration, which was deleted and then reposted by Sam Jones, was viewed more than 48,000 in 20 hours and led to numerous people raising concerns
expect to see a lot of these threads
COVID-1984 DANCE OFF [Empty Hospitals Edition]
literally this
WHO EVADES Journalists Very Important Questions
There's nothing wrong with washing your hands.
Honestly the worst thing about that is that people didn't seem to know how to do it until told that it helps with the virus...
according to this stupid bitches definition there were pandemics in 2016 and 2018 as well, since this year is a pandemic to her based on total all cause mortality numbers that are the same or less as those years
germaphobes that wash their hands to much can actually get sicker,
I doubt many virtue signalers who wear sheeple masks, would take a voluntary vaccine, thats why they want laws to enforce covidism(bolshevism)
Did you get the Koshervirus?
Symptoms include:
1)High levels of fear from kike media
2)Kike politicians forcing your employer to go out of business.
3)Government giving you socialistic gibs.
4)High levels of unconstitutional lockdowns by kike politicians.
4)A vaccine already created by kikes ready to go for the goy.
>germaphobes that wash their hands to much can actually get sicker
I guess that depends on if you are actually a germaphobe and how much overwashing you are doing because of it.
The real happening is boomer panic-induced economic depression we will face.
> oh my god I will die! kill the economy!
- economic is dead
> oh my god muh pensions! save it someone!
Stonks must go up at any cost and we need to keep printing money like mad. Younger generations will suffer but it's a price Boomers are willing to take to save their asses. Worst generation ever.
> implement social distancing measures
> close public public spaces
gee I wonder why it isn't spreading...?
>No more death than the previous years
"It's because I stayed at home"
People are stupid.
Would it not work that way to some extent?
Bump for most important thread on the board.
I've been sold that it's a hoax for a month now, but couldn't you argue that the excess death numbers could have doubled or more if European countries hadn't taken the drastic measures?
You could reduce the propagation but you'd still have a significant jump in death from previous years.Especially with an asymptomatic period of two weeks.Also most people aren't really quarantined, a lot are still working, some go out for shopping, jogging or even taking the trash out.Numbers don't add up.
Every time a baby boomer dies they just say its Covid19 to justify the destruction of the lives of young people via lockdown laws/economic sanctions of Covidism which is a (((communist))) attack on the middle class.
Boomers are a huge population, and are nearing the end of life, they will use the boomers die off as the basis for 10 years of coronahoax death tolls. UNLESS WE EXPOSE THEM
Brazil exposes empty hospitals
so true, but the media makes them think the hospitals are overflowing
NY doctor empty hospital tour ”critical care dept. is empty”, javits center field hospital has no activity when media is not there
Fuck you are dumb. Everyone is ordered to go home and STAY home. What effect does that have on deaths? IT LOWERS it. How? No car accidents, no motorbike crashes, nobody drowning, nobody falling off cliffs, nobody getting electrocuted.
OP holy fucking shit you realise that nothing is black & white right? You low IQ American muttlet.
This WHO official only points to the same graph I do, according to her, 2016 was a greater pandemic,
only thing different this year is media and governemnt attacking our small business
Umm, obviously people being QUARANTINED will impact all types of statistics. learn stats retard
Science is based on measurement, the WHO official uses the same arguement I do, but according to her 2016 would be a pandemic, but you wont get sheckels for saying that now
Real fraud comes in 10 years when they tell you to remember how many million lives were saved by staying at home and complying, long long after the fact that it was a fraud's written off as a basement crackpot theory.
You have to admit that is your only arguement that there is no measurable pandemic this year, so we agree
>Hospitals aren’t empty in NY though hurrr
>go to ny,
empty in ny
evidence of fakery keeps stacking up
TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>go inside
empty inside
inside elmhurst
>so who cares if Elmhurst hospital is empty too, social distancing worked and sothere is no measurable pandemic
shows nurses not social distancing in NY
>media claims highest death toll per weeek ever
total weekly death toll for Europe hasn’t changed, its below 2016 levels, see euromomo.eu,
>muh high covid deaths
>muh conspiracy is too hard to keep secret
Its CDC policy, to count asymptomatic carriers as Covid-19 deaths, they just follow orders
How the CDC faked the pandemic:
"If someone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death” This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS or Assumed Carriers with symtpoms generic to other diseases, as Covid deaths, so the fraud is enforced by CDC policy.
at the
Old people stopped dying, pandemic fear made people stop having heart attacks, suiciding, chain smoking and eating junk food too.What a miracle...
All deaths, all causes. Completely different circumstances. Billions of people are staying at home & not working, the first time this has happened ever which has a serious effecto n death rates. Your stupidity makes me sick.