So this is in downtown Nashville and they're protesting to re-open Nashville. You'll notice no one has a mask on and they're not keeping a distance from each other.
Personally, I think they should be tear-gassed and arrested.
So this is in downtown Nashville and they're protesting to re-open Nashville. You'll notice no one has a mask on and they're not keeping a distance from each other.
Personally, I think they should be tear-gassed and arrested.
Mask are useless in the long run.
They're useful but not when you're an idiot!
>Comparing countries with wildly different population densities
Will you never fucking learn? There's 8,9 million people living in London alone, roughly 10 million living in all of Sweden.
There is no consensus on that.
>Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, who is an advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Sweden’s strategy)
>first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO
>lays out Sweden’s thinking
>The flattening of the curve we are seeing now is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
>UK policy on lockdown and in other European countries is not evidence-based
>The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
>This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
>The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
>The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished, non-peer-reviewed paper have so much policy impact
>dismissive of the 510,000 figure that was predicted if mitigation measures were not implemented
>Imperial College paper was much too pessimistic and did not factor in the now much increased ICU capacity
>Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway, taking no account of real world specifics
>The results will eventually be similar for all countries
>Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
>The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 will in all likelihood turn out to be in the region of 0.1%
>At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will likely be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available
If the masks are useful for doctors and nurses, they're useful for the rest of us!
>Trusting a fucking government that is not even slowing down the nigger import while this shit is going on
>Trusting an epidemiologist who is on record stating "there is no evidence that PPE is working in the first place"
>Trusting the fucking government
I think you should be hanged for being a disgusting kike loving statist bootlicker
Tell me, what does boot taste like?
You're an idiot.
I'm for freedom. These people may have good intention but their emotions is overriding good sense. The number of infected isn't going to go down unless people STAY HOME except for essenial travel!
Your freedom STOPS if it infringes upon the freedom of another and if you're spreading a potentially deadly virus, you don't have a right to do as you please!
No (((you))) are and a detriment to human evolution in general
top kek. Most people are wearing their shitty fashion statement masks as a bullet point who they're owned by. They think they are safe because it covers their face so it calms them
Nope. Unless you take all precautions you are just as likely to be infected. The nose is a better filtration system than any mask
If you search on FB for WZTV Fox 17, there's a live stream on their page.
Evolution is a lie you faggot.
>freeze peach bad when maga hats do it
Exactly why we should be excluding New York from the rest of America's stats.
Make a thread when a single one of them under 70 dies of corona or even gets hospitalized for it
>comparing exposing most vulnerable people in hospitals to the most healthy young people who are the only solution to heard immunity.
idiot uprising
retard revolution
moron mutiny
imbecile insurrection
We're fucking low on all stats and still the majority of deaths and infections are in and around Oslo.
Funny how viral infections work, huh?
Darwinism will take care of them. Don't worry about it.
Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.
To faggots like you who champion devolution. You do believe in physical, psychological, and spiritual growth, don’t you bootlicker?
some of them are social distancing
Young people are dying from it too. Try to not be a moron.
>You'll notice no one has a mask on and they're not keeping a distance from each other.
Yes. Be scared of your fellow men, goy.
Several young people have died from it in America and in other countries.
>waaaaah they don’t have a mask
>wahhhhh they’re standing too close
Shut the fuck up you stupid weak fucking faggot. The boomer remover is going to do its job regardless of what hand-wringing pantywaists like you say or do. Corona-Chan has yielded nothing but net positives for society at large, but fear-addicted sheep like OP just bleat louder and louder trying to use shame to make people as afraid and mediocre as they are. For once we have an event with positive eugenic implications and these faggots want to slow it down. Fuck you, fuck social distancing, fuck boomers, fuck the CDC, fuck the WHO, fuck the Feds, fuck niggers, fuck jannies, and fuck YOU, OP.
looks like the police are wearing masks
It's using common sense. None of those idiots care where it really matters. They're the same sheep that would blindly support the President for another illegal war or some other bullshit.
Young people got it and have died from it too. "Boomer remover" is a term used only by dumbass faggots like you. I'd like to cut your fucking head off you fucking nigger.
>I wanna go to Uptown Charlie’s and eat some wangs with muh nascar buddies
Kek. I can smell your sausage fingers rage banging on grandmas keyboard.
>Be Republican
>Vote in leaders who oppose safety nets and welfare programs
>Shut down businesses because Virus
>Lose money because no safety net for just such an emergency
>Literally risk your life unnecessarily to protest to re-open businesses *because* welfare programs don't exist
What the fuck is wrong with white people
Tell me, what "safety nets" did the democrats put in that were removed under Trump.
>It's using common sense. None of those idiots care where it really matters.
No. Common sense is to reduce FDA regulations to quickly accommodate hospitals fast enough so they can manage the uptick in cases, and quarantine until that occurs.
Common sense is recognizing the "essential services" are a select few large businesses (of which are conveniently giant Petri dishes of infestation where we huddle our masses), which, with the help of the government, are growing more and more at the expense of the poor.
>They're the same sheep that would blindly support the President for another illegal war or some other bullshit.
We ARE at war, faggot. You are the sheep getting your rights taken away, all for a false sense of security.
These people want to end it.
nnnnnoooooooo you can't just go outside there's a .01% chance of death if you catch it under the age of 65 nononononononononono you have to let the next great depression happen
These fuckers are making it worse for the rest of us. After the lockdown ends, people who didn’t heed it, like them, are going to be infected and cause a reemergence of this God forsaken disease into the general population.
Lots of faggot country music guys depending on drunk faggots listening to faggy songs about "lovin' my woman like a simp in my pick up truck".
Believe it or not two months ago humans evolved to the point we can not live if we stand less than 6 ft apart unless married or cohabitating
Denver protests live streams from air and ground get in here
Welcome to hell.