Are all zoomers like this

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Yeah, based s fuck

Not politics

eiffel towered?

Just the ugly one's

my sweet summer child

One dick in mouth, another in pussy

Middle schoolers love adult cock.

It means they take a nice trip to france and take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower
Suggest it to your friends and family, it's quite fun

All females are like this and always have been.

god i hate women

>When the subversion hits

Attached: white women are fucked up.webm (842x474, 2.99M)

The internet did this.

A guy standing on either end, chick laying down. While fucking her they put their hands together up in the air forming an "Eiffel Tower"

its because you arent having sex

Those are not women , those are whores , degenerates etc.
Real women died out, and so did real men, we live in a truly dark age .
This is why i am an advocate of total genocide of the degenrate persons family

Holding another man’s hands while tag teaming a bitch—sounds kind of faggy

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Not all, but like 95% of zoomer females and 99% of zoomer females who went to public school are like this. The biggest problem is that their dumb parents give them phones when they are 10 and turn them into braindead thots. Phones do to women what porn does to men

Kek! So true.

>Holding another man’s hands while tag teaming a bitch
>—sounds kind of faggy
It's only gay if the balls touch

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It's a high-five, faggot

Fuck I hope so. I want all zoomer girls to be as "slutty" as possible because that makes it a lot easier to get laid



>incel confirmation bias on the incel forum
You all need to have sex

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it's called cum-araderie

Girl's on all four. Dude behind, dude in front, they both lean forward and touch hands, doing a pyramid. The girl behind the base creates an Eiffel-tower.

Politically incorrect != politics negro

I think everyone had sexual fantasies about their teachers, social media just encourages them to share every detail of their lives to the world

underrated post


We were hoping you could tell us

Here, did a drawing for you.

Attached: eiffel.png (668x588, 12.27K)

All are Whores of Babylon Now

Attached: 137593505136.jpg (600x800, 63.85K)


I banged this high school chick who was exclusively into eiffel towers but I was almost a foot taller than her boyfriend so it was more of a leaning tower

u manage whore language nigga


>he who is without sin may cast the first stone
Christcucks gave sluts a free pass

Damn fine work, leaf. You could become an artist.

Now make them kiss

so running a train but gayer

Proof that all degenerates are fags and should be culled

make no mistake, these girls only have these fantasies about chad, not about some average looking guy.......

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White zoomer women are the most degenerate human beings on the planet.

can't fuck under 18s btw :)

I think it has to do with being fucked long & hard by a German guy while her French boyfriend watches waving a white flag.
> what say you toothpaste

spit roasted but the dudes are holding hands

>touch hands
Absolute peak Canacuck

Any man can become a Chad just by being himself

lol, keep believing that.....

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W*men have always been like this. They’re just allowed to be open about it now. Your crush daydreams about Chad throat fucking her then stretch her cooch with his rock hard nine incher.

I would happily rape all her holes.

>Holding a man hands
I always knew threesome were fucking gay

Attached: 1580595091938s.jpg (125x103, 2.04K)

>I was almost a foot taller than her boyfriend

>A cuck and a bi fucks a whore while holding hands
>flag checks out

Attached: efw.jpg (339x333, 45.78K)

china did this

A threesome is 2 girls 1 guy. A train is 2 guys 1 girl.

there was an autistic girl in my class and I overheard something about her wanting to run her fingers through a teacher's grey chest hair
she was 13 or 14 at the time
all girls probably think shit like that but it takes autism to actually verbalize it without shame
I guess her parents never had her diagnosed, she really shouldn't have been in a normal class

It’s purely genetics. Your genes predetermine what your life experience is gonna be like.

It talks about the degeneracy spreading in future generations. Have you seen the other threads on pol right now? Half of them aren't political one bit, yet mods are doing nothing to take them down. In fact one of the threads was "Is it ok to have sex with your stepdaughter?". Why are you not in that blatantly non-political thread trying to shut that one down?

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Idk. I'm a teacher. I've seen some shit They all have daddy issues. It's why there's laws. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Imagine the smell. It's why young men can't learn

Yea right.

This was going on overdrive for the last 10 years, since 2010.

>always knew threesome were fucking gay
They are. I dont share anything that i put my dick in or mouth on
I dont even like the cat watching

Based, just seeing the drawing (top art btw) makes me mad.

thx, i didnt know

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Sorryy guys but i cant deal with modern women

When I was in high school ten years ago one male student (Chad) regularly fucked one of the married teachers. There was also a male substitute who fucked one of the senior girls. Many more rumors about various teachers fucking students.

Tik Tok is chink data collection app


All non-monogamy relationships is degenerate trash. The dude is a cuck, the chick a whore - nothing more.

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The fuck
Both those look satanic
>Just stab and chain hearts o m g
Like the fucks the point of this religion really?