Why do people ostensibly from Western countries defend the Chinese government?

Why do people ostensibly from Western countries defend the Chinese government?
Are they paid shills? Agents of the Chinese government, pretending to be Western? Do they hate their own people and the West so much that they'd rather be Chinese?
Or are they just dumb people who actually believe the lies that come out of Bejing?
Seriously I don't get it. The Chinese government is expansionist and wants to destroy democracy and freedom of speech all over the world, turn it into a larger version of their hive culture, with them in charge. Why would anyone in the West be so dumb as to believe their way is better? Explain!

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>Sprays Raid first
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>OK, carry on, gentlemen, discuss OP's question freely.

I would love to visit the Forbidden City someday, but I refuse to do so until that picture is gone.

>Are they paid shills?

China is the cornerstone of the globalist agenda. Profiteers, shills, useful idiots ... go pick one. However, recently we've seen the beginning of full information warfare here.

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Oh, likely you'll get your chance, fren ... ;)

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Is me not wanting china nuked a deep message about support to the ccp now? kek

> The Chinese government is expansionist and wants to destroy democracy and freedom of speech all over the world
What's there to destroy? It's defacto illegal to have incorrect opinions online except in this one image board and even here, we're flooded with shills.
It's defacto illegal to have incorrect opinions offline as well. If you try to use your right to protest illegal policies, then the government shuts down your protest, sends state backed Antifa goons to disrupt and attack you, then uses them as an excuse to crack down on the protesters or when one fights back, he's locked up for 50 years.
And after all this is done, hundred million dollar hate organizations like the ALD & SPLC spend millions tracking you down and ruining your life.

No, you're just what they call a useful idiot. Which you can read about here, I didn't make that up.

Your naivete and refusal to apply critical thinking are what makes you ideal to them, and made you what their side actually does call you in internal discussions and paperwork. But no shame in that. Do you.

Let me make myself perfectly clear, here: I do NOT have a problem with CHINESE CITIZENS, I have a problem with the CHINESE GOVERNMENT AND IT'S MILITARY. I'll give the average Chinese citizen the benefit of the doubt that they, like average citizens of any country, just want to fucking live and be left in peace.

Adhoms are not arguments.

You need psychological help

Rightwingers don't have a solution for the ccp problem.

.you're just a useful idiot
>a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders
>The Chinese government is expansionist and wants to destroy democracy and freedom of speech all over the world
>Muh democracy
Seems like you are the useful idiot here.
user doesn't want to nuke China. You're out here being a useful idiot for the corrupt plutocracy that wants to see you humiliated, impoverished, displaced, and murdered. They want to chop the dicks off little boys and rape little girls.
And they do it all in the name of Democracy and Equality.
Chinks in China never called me a racist for wanting to exist on planet earth.
Jews did that. Jews, neocons, and liberals.
Nuke Washington DC instead of China.


And should we defend Western degeneracy instead?

'Useful idiot' is not an Ad Hominen argument, it's a Real Thing. There are fools in the world who will promote and even fight for evil and rotten regimes because in their foolishness they actually believe they're better somehow, and in many ways there's nothing more dangerous than the True Believer.
That being said I think all that guy is saying is: don't wipe China entirely off the map, just wipe it's *government* off the map. That's all I want, by the way.

Oh so somehow you think Chinese governance would be better? Are you really that naive? Or do you really think that everything you hear in Western news about China is a lie, and that everything coming out of state-controlled Chinese media is 100% true? Are you really that dumb? Or are you one of the shills and/or a Chinese national working for Bejing?

Chinas interests as an independent nation no matter their government will never align entirely with the west. Rightwingers will never be able to solve the Chinese problem.

>And should we defend Western degeneracy instead?
Yes. At least people can do and say what they want here, not be locked up for daring to speak their minds or being who they are.
Under Chinese rule do you think this place (Yas Forums) would be allowed to exist? Fuck no, it'd be shut down long ago and everyone who ever posted on it would be detained and probably sent to 're-education camps', meaning likely pumped full of drugs and brainwashed until they don't even know who they were anymore.
Some people (you) don't appreciate what you have right now.

I'm not a 'rightwinger' I'm a registered Democrat but I don't """align""" 100% with the Democratic party or any other politcal party (for instance: didn't vote for Hillary, wouldn't vote for her ever) for that matter I have my own set of values.

>Why would anyone in the West be so dumb as to believe their way is better?
Unlike America, China does not their ways of Homosexuality and Golobalist Neoliberalism upon the world.
Democracy is a lie.
>freedom of speech
Freedom of speech is a lie.
>Why do people ostensibly from Western countries defend the Chinese government?
Self-interest. I believe that I personally would benefit if America is humbled, and China is empowered.

>does not their ways
*Does not enforce their ways

Democrat in name only and I don't align myself 100% with ANY political party, but I sure as fuck don't want to live under the heel of Beijing or anything like it. (You) on the other hand need to calm the fuck down, you're overreacting.

>posts from Russian Federation
>sometimes ally of China
Get the fuck out of my thread, China shill.

If you are on this board it's pretty probable that your values would never align with a solution to the CCP problem lel

>Get the fuck out of my thread, China shill.
>Reeee Russian Bots!!!! Stop hacking our democracy!!!!

I don't come to Yas Forums anymore. The only reason I broke with that today is because I can post a subject like this and get quick discussion and maybe some answers. There are posters here from all the fuck over the world and while it's right-wing biased heavily there's a chance I can get a wider perspective than some other places. I don't expect 'solutions' from here just data.

>At least people can do and say what they want here
They can't. Fuck off with your americanist bullshit. Nowhere people can do/say what they want. Your great America is transforming into giga degeneracy while China has developed 5G Internet.

>Russian Bots
Oh sure you're right. You're probably a Chinese government employee piggybacking off a Russian internet connection. xD
Please fuck off now, you can't hide who you are.

If anything, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore present a better alternative to America and China.

>while China has developed 5G Internet
What the actual fuck does that have to do with anything? No one even NEEDS 5G, it's useless and stupid!
Go away, China shill. You don't belong in this thread. Tell your masters you failed yet again.

Also bullshit.

They Chinese government tailors talking points that are ideologically in line with the western left. Since they are brain dead morons they will repeat and defend them in order to be politically correct. There is the money and intelligence agencies also, the CCP has spent a lot of time and effort to subvert key structures and individuals in the west to promote their agenda. So a combination of idiocy, bribery, and blackmail most likely.

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Anyways independent nations can never peacefully co-exist they are either at war, preparing for war, competing etc. As long as China is separate there will be friction. The only way to end this would be to annex and integrate China into the west or vice versa. Something the nationalistic mindset on here would never allow.

Now that any useful input has already dried up and only the China Shills/foreign nationals are spamming and trolling, I'm back out. Buh-bye.

>No one even NEEDS 5G, it's useless and stupid!

The world always wanted to push boundaries, increase interconnectivity and technological breakthrough. This is some great coping from you. Am sure another useless app from Apple is more important than 5G.

They use VPNs and praise China. They secretly fear Assad though, like all chinks do. Assad will go into the chinks country and claim their land and Syria will be a super power too.

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That's pretty much what I've been thinking but I can't wrap my head around how/why anyone ostensibly intelligent can be so fucking DUMB.

An overthrow of the Chinese government and it's 'emperor' would be in order and it wouldn't be the first time in Chinese history there was a revolution but how can it happen in the 21st century without it up-ending the rest of the world in the process?

Apropos of nothing, Assad needs to be assassinated in the worst sort of way, he's worse than evil.

How would it be worse? If China destroyed it's enemies and enslaved everyone who fought them. Do you think they are just going to oppress random neutral people for fun? Do you think they will mandate everyone accepts gays, and trannies? No China would simply make itself the most powerful nation and at most demand tribute from the rest of the world. The rest of the world can have it's own culture, government, laws, religions, etc. You can let gays marry in fagtopia or kill them Sharia style the Chinese don't care, but western degenerates do care.

You think a democratic china wouldn't still have different interests than the west? lol what.

CCP are not perfect but they are better than the USA.

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You're really fucking naive, m8. You've swallowed their carefully-tailored propaganda 100% haven't you? Wise up.

They wouldn't be fighting against us and the rest of the world for dominance.

Bullshit. Wise up.

Eh. No.

People in the USA cry at the government owned corporations in China.

Yet in the USA, your corporations own the government.

And you think you are 'free'. Hilarious.

As long as you don't get heady ideas to cause political trouble, you are more free in China than you are in the USA.

Plus there is much less degeneracy.

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No, it's just that dictatorships like China are smarter than idiot cocksucking democrats. You people are like a disease wanting to spread and infect everyone to be like you. You want everyone to stop being religious, be a democracy, be secular, grant "rights", etc. The Chinese claim to be communist, but they aren't really. Do you think they care about Islamic theocracies like Iran? No as long as Iran did not fight against China they wouldn't do passive aggressive bullshit.

>CCP better then the USA
Go to your reeducation camps your social credit is below the criteria to have human rights

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