How much should the chinks pay?

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Enough for free BBC for every man woman and child.

lol, what a world we are living in, are these people so stupid their going to set up a major trade conflict, I predict we will be seeing a major war somewhere in the world before the end of the year.

China must pay three fold all economic damages and renounce communism or they will never regain face.

>it was a newspaper's gimmick

Let's just cut all contact with them forever and size all their foreign assets.
That should screw them over completely .


Source? Or is it from Epoch Times and you just afraid to post it?

I smell fake news. No one in Germany's leadership would have the balls to do this.

Literal fake and gay news

This disinfo war is getting stale

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0. they should receive reparations

30 dollar

The longer this drags on and the less apologetic the gooks are about it, the more dumb innocent gook heads will get curbstomped around the world just for being Chinese. Has anyone else noticed an immediate (greater than usual) revulsion when seeing Chinks in tv shows now ?

Yeah. Merkel would never have the spine and balls to do such a thing.

That's a good thing, dumbass.

The chinks are ruthless, diabolical and expansionist sub-humans that must be stopped now.

Good luck collecting on that

>forgiveness of all debts owed to china, effective immediately or else...

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>newspaper put together rhetorical invoice
I know you mutts are retarded but come on

>ror, what a worrd we are riving in, are these people so stupid their going to set up a major trade confrict, I predict we will be seeing a major war somewhere in the worrd before the end of the year.

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Start selectively sinking their merchant fleet in all oceans...they'll quickly come around...

With the extermination of their worthless race.

It was a shitty article by the fucking Bild Zeitung (a tabloid).

seethe chink. The Chinese century ended in 2019. Now the entire world is gonna quarantine your diseased hive like the global menace it is.

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Fake and gay.

>talks about being afraid
>hides behind meme flag
Absolute room temperature iq


Go figure. Krauts are too cucked to do something based.

>Germany has sparked outrage in China after a major newspaper put together a £130bn invoice that Beijing "owes" Berlin following the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

>major newspaper

Fake news

Wow, even Germany is giving China the finger? And they're the most cucked country in Europe.

bruh at least be creative
ccp sucks

We want to be paid in refugees

>How much should the chinks pay
1.4 billion lives

In blood

>"spine and balls"
>serving glowniggers

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The USA. the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture,

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