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Deep Underground Military Bases

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>muh based twitter post by the clown in chief
god I hate your kind with all my hearth

But how does your mantelpiece feel about it, that's the hidden real question

what has trump ever done other than send mean tweets? he could have done that if he wasn't president.

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fucking boomers

fuck auto-correct and the mantelpiece wanted me to tell you fuck you too

We need democrats to lead us

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Must be weird getting the feeling you give everyone else


too bad it wasn't auto rake.

>sending tweets out
Have you ever seen him? Is there any proof that trump himself tweets?

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well fuck it I'm going back to bed

He was funny at first but now he's getting annoying. Instead of talking shit on twitter and golfing he should be drawing up a plan to save his economy.

Don’t you know some people have difficulty breathing through the mask? That’s why sheboon made one out of beads because she wuz smart n shiiet

Answer me this

Your mantelpiece wants you butt fucked on the Hearth with a hot poker? Jesus, Leaf... you okay?

> If we pretend to be trump supporters and whit talk him, real supporters will stop supporting him.
Jews are so fucking stupid.

And your too bagged milk boy.

Surprise nigger, trump doeant even twatter by himself but Dan Scavino.

Ok now the mantelpiece is mad are you happy??

Nervous Nancy - inherently dumb
B A S E D.

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You mean get his justice department to do anything

Democrats big mistake was to underestimate Trump. His power keeps increasing and increasing, in a few years he will become the dictator of a new formed american empire.

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Recover?! The bitch and all her little cronies committed open treason, she doesn't need to recover they all need to be lined up in front of a firing squad and shot

I wiah Trump would nonchelutley tweet out "witness me". Just to prove he shit posts on Yas Forums

>20 bucks its JR or the giant
>his only tweet was the conveevee one

Send to your Boomer relatives.

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I don’t get it, don’t you guys not believe in the virus? Isn’t she fine then? Or being “rebellious” like the protestors? Hard to keep track of the flip flopping on this site.

I don't understand how people feel comfortable wearing masks, don't they feel suffocated?

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"dumb" because the word means unable to speak, as in animals, and not stupid, as Americans commonly use it.

Shut up, Dummy

Blow off stupid Leaf

man you're on fire today.
really gives me a warm glow.

Shut up, Shapiro