Whitmer is allowing exceptions for BIG BUSINESS

whitmer is allowing exceptions for BIG BUSINESS.
she shutter down all the small business and wont let people legally see their own mother. But for some reason she is allowing a solar panel farm that is in the beginning stages, continue.


there is nothing dependant, infrastructure wise, since this is a new project that is just setting up with not one panel yet installed.
heres more information on the project: mlive.com/news/flint/2020/01/shiawassee-solar-farm-project-still-has-250-job-openings-starting-at-15-an-hour.html

again, this is a brand new construction, that is not connected to anything and has barely started. the only thing essential is maybe money involved as it is a "250 million dollar project"

could she have been paid one of those "250 millions" a little hush money, maybe? smells fishy

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>women in politicts

>jan 9th

Solar produces power, Trumptards produce nothing. Cope harder Cletus.

Please use proper grammar and spelling while insulting female intelligence. You are dragging the rest of us down, dude.

>you are still allowed to own a private business under National Socialism

It’s lots of jobs and the construction workers are generally pretty far apart. What’s the problem?

its not shut down, i live near there. its moving along just there are no news reports.

so are landscapers. thats the point. special rules for "special circumstances"

i just dont see the essential part of it.

When do we think her family anglicized her name?

trumptards trying to make everything political. get fucked losers. you are going to the gulag.

>construction workers are generally pretty far apart

We are usually both close together, and far apart.
Generally we work in clusters, i.e. a small group (3-5) of us will literally be working well within the 6' cone. But the jobsite usually has 50-60 guys at it at a time. And the clusters get changed depending on that days project

I'm not going to tell Michigan residents they should break the law or start burning down the cancerous state control systems that are killing them and their children. But holy shit this has me getting angry to the point where I'm going to give myself a headache from the elevated blood pressure.
>people working with fossil fuels can't have jobs teehee, and let's subsidize and promote your replacements just for good measure!

the fact is, in this area recently the state police have pulled up on landscapers and gave them all $500 dollar tickets for working in Davison Mi, about 10 miles from this solar farm. That was a small business that makes maybe 100,000 a year tops.

This 250 million dollar job, the state police drive right by and dont say shit.

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slowly type this hags name in your favorite search engine
she's more infamous than Greta

How far does Betsy DeVos have her hand up your ass? I have a feeling when you start to get huge numbers of cases in bumfuck Michigan and Nebraska and a decaying unprepared infrastructure to deal with it, this will come back to bite them in the ass.

the biggest part of construction is shitting in porta potty. with no way to wash your hands and the virus in in highest counts in SHIT meaning its more dealy in shit that respiration droplets. those workers are being sacrificed, which would be fine, if you could tell me why it is essential.

Have the workers wear masks then. I’m down in Florida and we didn’t shut down construction. It’s going along fine with a few extra safety precautions.

>When do we think her family anglicized her name?

Both her parents were Jew lawyers

those are all small business owners arent they? theres no way somebody would be primal screaming to wage cuck. they want their cucks back to work making them tendies. the workers are all happy in michigan, they got a raise.

>Both her parents were Jew lawyers
They both also were involved in politics

>smells fishy
they all do

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We have several on site and they all actually have a sink in them. We generally only shit in just one

Actually I would encourage these “people” to go out and protest, but then I know most of them have awful hygiene and touch fruit and things at the grocery store with their grubby fingers and spread the illness to reasonable human beings

It’s easy enough to twist it into being essential. Something about creating clean energy and renewable power bullshit. Green New Deal!

It sucks for the lawn workers, but if the state starts trying to reintroduce the workforce back into the broader economy, then it’s not going to be a binary switch. Restart is going to be incremental and dependent on how fast China virus spreads.

some do, some don't

Who's this? She looks not nice.

thing is whitmer deemed construction NON ESSENTIAL and made all the normal construction shut down.


thats my point. what makes this essential. its like a new company trying to break into the energy and get a piece of the pie. nothing is dependant on it. you have to ask why workers are being sacrificed?


Sorry bud, that outlook doesn't work at all. I do industrial field service; been in multiple locations since the lockdown here that are still producing things like steel tanks under the 'oil and gas infrastructure' umbrella, as well as gas pipeline facilities.

No, they’re not. They’re constantly holding things up for each other, passing things to each other, in closed confines of tiny rooms together, sharing equipment and protective gear, and turning up to work sick because they can’t afford to call in

>what makes this essential.

What ever (((she))) deems essential!
There's a reason the FAQ for the shutdown is 49 pages long. Her nepotism is off the charts

We outnumber the police.

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the biggest thing is shitting in portapotties. drive by you will see them, with no sink nearby and you can smell the shit particles for 20 feet away.

now look up viral load in shit. its worse than a sneeze.

im not taking a position being for or against the lockdown in Michigan by the way. Just pointing out the hypocrisy

Day by day this is just looking like a classic shakeout of the middle class. All the essential workers are min wageslaves or involved in jewish industry.

imagine following orders from other people. I go out all the time, visit people, hang out in big groups and go to parties, and you faggots sit in your homes and let faggot women in office tell you what to do. you're all pathetic

Haha yeah imagine being that pathetic, getting your marching orders so that they can buy a bigger yacht next quarter

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>Female intelligence
Tits or GTFO, roastie.