It's LESS than a flu, bro!

How will /CVG/ ever recover?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol no

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Diamond princess:
3711 PAX
13 Dead
0.35% mortality

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Enemies would never collaborate.
Pic related.

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>liver damage
>kidney damage
>brain damage
>heart damage
>testicular damage
>lung damage
>2nd kind of lung damage
>low 02 aspyhxiation
>ctyokine cascade
>permanently immuni-compromised
>no cured, no recovery
>keeps coming back until it kills you
>lays dormant like HIV
>asymptomatic transmission ('heathy' people spread it)
>inter-species transmission (live stock can get it)
>blood transmission (mosquitos can spread it)
>SARS-like mutations make vaccine a pipe dream

Attached: bodybags.png (601x665, 435.3K)

Diamond princess had 712 positive cases (and everyone was tested multiple times.) 13 of them have died so far. 644 have recovered. 4 are reported to be in critical condition (still.)

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LOL I had it and most of what you say is bullshit. Kill yourself

Cruises are full of fat retards and old geriatrics

My bad.
Still showing very brad range:
"Adjusting for delay from confirmation-to-death, we estimated case and infection fatality ratios (CFR, IFR) for COVID-19 on the Diamond Princess ship as 2.3% (0.75%–5.3%) and 1.2% (0.38–2.7%)."

Attached: Screenshot_20200419-132629_YouTube.jpg (3040x1440, 1.26M)

2% deaths in an elderly biased population doesn't seem so scary to me.

That's what Dr. Ioannidis said too

Diamond princess is old fat people, drinking and eating too much, like any cruise ship. It’s not representative of the general population.


Were opening up in May, fag.

It makes it even better for the general population

Yep. Had. Nice you can read, americuck.
Back in February/March.

>muh vaccines can’t save us from the nothing flu
How will you ever cope faggot?

>my entire arguement is based on something some guy said on a tibetan tapestry trading forum
/cvg/fags really are schizos hahaha

Cvg and ptg are Mossad run psyops

too bad you can't. rip

>We have to lock you down and shut down small businesses goyim
>The flu will kill you and can never ever be cured

We have 88k recovered. I know other people who had it, and they're fine
Take your meds and dilate, fat cuck.

user 1.8% of people that got the virus died already. A few more might die eventually because they are still in the hospital over it.

Yes, but seriously sick people don't go on long cruises. What happened to "it only kills people that were already in the hospital for stage four cancer" or whatever the cope was? A given cruise might have ONE passenger die over a few weeks. To have a dozen people drop dead, it's obviously not "just a flu".

Everything I've seen points to a death rate about 1%, and the diamond princess was twice as high as average. But not ten times as high as average.

1% isn't that scary, but it's still 10-100 times more than the flu

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Exactly. I saw Ioannidis’s article a month ago and his explanation seemed like the correct one. High spread and low mortality.

May 2022, maybe

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He also stated that Italy is basically a third world shithole with an abysmal Healthcare system.

Jesus look how smug Corona chan is and how much she's flexing on Ebola chan.

coronachan bullying ebolachan is my favorite

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>Listening to loser porn addicts that literally masturbate to a virus

The real issue I see is that everyone is being forced to follow extreme containment measures when the vast majority are not in any real danger. I would understand canceling large events, limiting traveling and staying away from high risk groups but I don't see any reason a healthy person under 60 can't go to the beach if they choose to.

shes a sexy virus and she wants to fuck you

Attached: coronachan you dont have to die a virgin pol mine.jpg (680x594, 73.59K)

>No goy only the (((Essential worker))) min wage slaves making me lots of profits get to make money! Stay inside!

I basically agree, but the retards who say it's a hoax or "less dangerous than the flu" just piss me off.

But yes the whole point of the lockdowns was to "flatten the curve" to keep the hospitals from getting full. Now that has been acheived I don't know what the point is.

Unless the "airborne" theories are correct in which case we are doomed whatever we do

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literally no one has died of this anywhere near where I live.

That's why they open up again.
Also governments know shit we don't.

Der ewige happooner....

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wow what a great dataset to generalize from. What percent of people where you live were infected?

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You go and listen to the right wingers and get yourself infected.

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we know china pays you to post this

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> healthy person under 60 can't go to the beach if they choose to

There seems to be mass hysteria in most U.S. states. It's a good thing to try to contain the epidemic but most states have too harsh regulations. The epidemic is already contained without stay-at-home orders.

>cruises must be full of sickies
Remember all those cruises where everyone got hepatitis?
All the cruises where they got food poisoning?
>cruises full of old farts
I mean, it's usually retirees being served by 3rd worlders.
The food workers don't wash their hands.
The workers stay on board months at a time.

Look at their ages lol. Some 80 year olds die and you call it a pandemic.

The age structure on PD is known and based on that the real CFR is 0.5%. Notice that it was 0.5% when the healthcare system worked perfectly. We don't have any options but to keep the economy shut and once there is almost no cases, open it up and use testing and tracking.

>China pays you
I wish