Why are europeans so jealous of America?

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Because they are living in a Socialist hell hole...

They missed the freedom boat so now they live under a pseudo-dictatorship with a muslim mafia.

why would anyone be jealous of that spic and nigger infested shithole

> They missed the freedom boat
> jewish controlled country
oh i'm laffing

an effective way to beat up women is to grab them by the hair and pull her head down to groundlevel then drag her around the house by the hair then keep her head down to the floor until she complies
wont leave no marks and its highly effective

this bitch is fat, ok

not enough freedom

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Because they're inundated with Muslims demanding sharia law in their countries. They're cucked enough to love it. They can't get enough of 3rd world immigrants fucking up their country. INB4 we have niggers too. Our niggers are slightly better than 3rd world Africans. They're slightly domesticated.

lmao incel sweetie have sex ^^^

Why would be jealous of America? American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows and fantasizing about nigger dick. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

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Fat girls have fat brapppss

jealous of a nation that is 56% white and dropping fast? That is controlled by kikes from top to bottom?

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iam russian not europian i like usa

idk europe is faggy i guess

Can't say for the rest of Europe, but I know no norwegian who wants to move to USA and I know many north americans that want to move here.

Lmao screen capped. This is great.

i counted 32 niggers


We are better?

It's human nature to find a cheap and easy was to feel good about something.

For you

We aren't jealous of you, we pity you and your delusions. You're jealous of us and compensate with delusions. You are rootless mutts with no sense of identity that wasn't manufactured by economic interests.

How may Jews?

Americans have to make up stupid to prove Europe is bad, like "socialism" and "muh guns" and "muh rights" . Europeans dont have to say shit because America degrades itself every day rigth in front of our eyes and every intelligent person knows that the US is equivalent to Eastern Europe in living standards, and that's the best case scenario.

because they're cucks to an Orwellian institution.

Literally built for BBC.

lmfao at this cope

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>White girl with a big ass
She has to fuck exclusively black guys.

Imagine having a Muslim mayor and having Muslim hordes in London DEMANDING sharia law. Imagine pitying anyone other than yourself when you consider those things.

Because everything is more expensive in Europe and they have a lower standard of living. The joys of socialism

God, she's built for black cock

Can't say I am.

That’s a salty homo.

Why do women with massive fucking thighs and asses take photos of themselves semi clad? They look disgusting!

do you ever feel depressed living in our shadow?


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America is the only country inventing new technology right now. Europe produces jack shit. Sad but true.

Why/how/what are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Go away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Day of the 'X' when? What did 'X' mean by this? When I say 'X' you say 'X' The eternal 'X' 'X' hate thread Wtf, I'm 'X' now people lied, people died Ok, 'X' Me on the left/right/back/front God I wish that was/were me Based and 'X'pilled Cringe Department Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Species Race Mixing POC What went wrong? He (literally) did nothing wrong t. McDonald's wagecuck arthouse 109 Wh*te genocide Cuck JUST Daily reminder Thot Despite being Dishonest Brainlet Slampig Redpill me on Manlet Tranny Janny Simp *breathes in* Smell Why is this? Who is to blame? What is their problem? What are your thoughts/opinions? I don't get it Say it with me BTFO fpbp ftfy JIDF Being this Butthurt Dilate Rabbi Master race Stunning, brave, powerful And it's beautiful I'm gonna say it Ypipo Negro N-word Why, yes Rent free Mutt Goyim Gentiles Chimp Brap(hog) Ethnostate How could you tell? Shitskin Mudblood Yeah, I'm thinking Umad Pajeet It's over Cope 1488 Wew Seethe Spic Schlomo Christcuck Pagans Clownworld Athiests Roach DUDE WEED LMAO For free Libtard Have sex Happening In minecraft And that's a good thing NothingLeafBurger Literally What do? What to do about 'X'? How do you go from this to this? This, but Ironically/unironically Chang Chink Hanz Neet Wagie Sneed Gibs Can't meme Go back tbQhwy Smoothbrain Reddit BBC BWC SJW Ivan Coalburner Drumpf Autist Sperg Gaslighting (((you))) Chad Stacy __oomer(s) Flags 1 post by this id IDs """""racialoids""""" /ourguy/ Glow Memeflag NPC Schizo Jew Kike Meds Shill Imagine 6,000,000 Incel Built for Pozzed Bot Soi Boi Hot take Tourist Eat bugs Yas queen We wuz kangz IQ No u Oh nonono *tips* fedora REEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO How compete? Name/find a flaw Fag rag _oof(s) Now that the dust has settled Protip kys

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Because they lost all their rights because they are cux

Yeah, we all know America is great and we're all in denial. Don't pay any attention to us, dumb y*ropoors.

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>every intelligent person knows that the US is equivalent to Eastern Europe in living standards
>says Hungary
Why are you attacking yourself

Well said turkish brother.

>he thinks the pope is Italian
Is this the American education I've heard so much about?

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Imagine having a nigger as your president for 8 years, countless nigger mayors, countless nigger governors, congressmen, and senators. Imagine 20 of your cities being majority non-white. Imagine everyone 18 and under beyond majority non-white.

Shut up and quit making half breed dependent niglets that only make your lives more miserable [how Obama Destroyed black wealth by Jacobin]

My Stocks will do good either way because that half breed you put in charge of the country was still controlled by the highly incestuous DNC which is why his secretary of state was Hillary Rodham Clinton, so my Stocks will do good either way.

He's Italian diaspora.

jealous of what, your cut dicks?

You're just scared you cant reach her cervix, a chubby lady is the patrician cockmasters choice.

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That looks like London though

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The pope is Argentinian.
Lots of freedumb with the US alcohol and tobacco laws which are about the worst outside Islamic countries.

Pretty rich coming from a eu*ocuck. Europe is far gone froming saving now and you're looking at us for blame

On many fronts this is true...
Self driving cars, when some guy literally woke up when his car was driving in high traffic.
Glass data storage technology used primarily in the US by primarily US companies like Warner Bros. whenthey stored the first superman. Heck airbus wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for an American airline.

drinking age? tobacco age?

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Europe is just becoming more like the US demographically.

>americans actually believe this
wouldn't want to be found dead in the usa desu

You tell me, shitskin

>actual euronigger
>glad the heat is off of him
good post though

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