The best part about quarantine is driving around without faggot cyclists.
The best part about quarantine is driving around without faggot cyclists
nobody in your backward flyover hell hole uses a bicycle after 15yo. The spandex gang is all over the cities because they aren't at the office.
Use the fucking sidewalk
Nobody even walks anyway
Cyclists who ride on the open road are complete fucking scum. If weren't any consequences from running cyclists off the road, I would do it all the time. Bastards.
this, flying down a bike path at 35 dodging grannies and dumbass kids is fun
where the fuck do you live that you think people arent out riding bikes? or even that you think they are not allowed to?
I see cyclists nonstop, I live in a semi-rural area
well deserved
I can't speak for you, but I've seen more cyclists in the last month than in the last 2 years. whole families riding in the middle of the street going about 7mph.
If anything I have to factor in an extra 10 minutes to my commute if i plan on using any road other than the highway.
Fucking based, wish I owned a turbo diesel to roll coal on those fags but I'm enjoying the $1.65/gal right now
Think I’m seeing more cyclefags since quarantines have begun.
>mr noseberg can i please get a raise so i can buy a new turbo deisel to drive the 5 miles to work. It helps me contribute to the jewconomy
Kek. Based and /thread
I guess that stop sign is only for other people.
You didn't know? cyclists always have the right of way everywhere.
Don't you need to get on foot when crossing zebra?
I been riding because theres been less faggot cars
There have been more cyclists out than ever ever since quarantine started.
T. Denver
Yes. But laws are for cuckbox vermin, not for neon spandex ubermensch.
Fuckers have taken over the rural country road to my house!
Any more like that?
The carfag seethe is perfection
kek I'm gonna need a sauce and backstory on that
What a shame he never had a dad to teach him the correct way to steal a car.
I know this is a cyclist hate thread but I want to say one thing. CHAIN UP YOUR FUCKING DOG. I am tired of dogs chasing me when I'm on my bike. Next time a dog chases me I'm going to shoot it.
Signed, Cyclists everywhere.
fucking based. passing unpredictable noobs at unsafe speeds is my favourite thing to do.