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>We will destroy your outward life goy, now just take as little as needed to live while we pocket the rest of the bailout shekels an-
I'm ambivalent towards homeschooling
On one hand, it can avoid propaganda, which is based
On the other, many people are absolute retards and will fail to teach their children more difficult concepts quickly
The teachers are happy to be home with pay. Next year when government budgets shrink and teachers get laid off they will cry to open the schools.
Almost everyone these days is fucking retarded. I don't see how it can get any worse. Public school is a fucking poisonous cloud that indoctrinates kids with statist propaganda.
I was in a private christian school and was redpilled on the propaganda at a young age.
>no wait we need to brainwash your kids to hate you send them back
Based. Private Christian schools are the ultimate redpill
American (Marxist trained) school systems have trained children to hate their parents for too long. It's time to break the conditioning, once and for all.
>Almost everyone these days is fucking retarded. I don't see how it can get any worse.
I suppose
It should focus on autodidactism for the later stages so the more bright kids can get along by themselves
>On the other, many people are absolute retards and will fail to teach their children more difficult concepts quickly
Why do they fear freedom?
>Yet Elizabeth Bartholet, Wasserstein public interest professor of law and faculty director of the Law School’s Child Advocacy Program, sees risks for children—and society—in homeschooling, and recommends a presumptive ban on the practice. Homeschooling, she says, not only violates children’s right to a “meaningful education” and their right to be protected from potential child abuse, but may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society.
Why. Why is it always jjews?
Are all homeschoolers religious nuts that deserve the bad reputation they have or is that a myth?
About a year ago I came on Yas Forums and explained that homeschooling your children was the way forward.
Ever since then I have seen a major backlash against homeschooling.
Do not let your kids go to public school, you know how much you hated it - why on earth would you allow what you hold most dear to your heart be allowed to be tormented by other non-Christian children?
homeschooling is for superior people that actually benefit from education
most people are niggers that deserve to get locked up as much as possible, starting with school.
>The teachers are happy to be home with pay. Next year when government budgets shrink and teachers get laid off they will cry to open the schools.
They are not staying home, in my area. The schools are closed to the kids. There are many teachers at the schools grading mail-in school work.
>On the other, many people are absolute retards and will fail to teach their children more difficult concepts quickly
there is no such thing as parent-taught homeschooling anymore, it's a fucking dead meme. all of that shit is through online courses now, yes, even the "crazy christian" homeschoolers.
Absolutely a myth. A majority of homeschoolers aren’t even Christian, and homeschoolers on average destroy public schoolers on standardized testing and college readiness.
The expression of the redhead looking out of the window gives me the impression the bars are there to keep all the other kids out.
in my experience, most homeschooling parents i knew growing up are Evangelical conservative/semi-libertarian . Definitely not as "loony" as media yids make them out to be.
The article picture is so fucking retarded, it’s unbelievable. Portraying homeschoolers as the ones locked inside with books while the public schoolers play outside carefree? Obnoxious projecting.
hoomeschooling is extremely red pilled
you only listen to the constitution. you fight shit out with the sheriff state and feds on your private land with your own water and food, its just you guys are far too retarded too care abought your kids. you are obsessed with getting laid and muh job. witch is ok but you really dont care abought your kids honestly
Oof. I just made this.
Thought the same thing.
my sisters homeschooled thier kids. Church was important cause everyone dropped the kids off every afternoon for organized sports and music lessons.
This picture is the exact opposite of reality.
It's nice of them to put the glow in the dark suspiciously hiding behind the house in the picture so you know what's going on.
A good portion of anons don't have children.
They think freedom means free shit.
Sure you can teach your kids most of highschool stuff I suppose but how do you keep them from becoming autists due to lack of social involvement?
Even the public schools shit out enough of these.
This is unfortunately the truth. Home tutours are also common. Modern parents see teaching their children as something evil or sinful.
RACISM detector 1....2....3....
Yup, you're a RACIST.
I can't believe that you would be RACIST! On the INTERNET of all places?! What would you MOTHER say?
It's 2020, user. Time to put away those edgy MEMES and stop being an INCEL.
I stopped being racist, learned to love DIVERSITY and now, frankly, I'm getting AMAZING ammounts of hot pussy.
WISH you could be like ME?
Step one: Be ANTI-RACIST!
I kinda feel the same way. I think it can be done properly but some of the weirdest aspies I've ever met in my life had been homeschooled. Public school isn't that bad if you don't live in a shit area. My highschool was 97% white and most everyone went to college. My state college was liberal as shit but it never affected me or my political views. If you're too stupid to not get thru 4 years of schooling without being brainwashed then you probably deserve it because a sheep was all you were ever meant to be.
blocks your path*
Journalists who push this sort of propaganda ought to be crucified in minecraft
Oh, a sheet of paper you wrote with no citations or sources. Yeah THAT's going to stop me from protecting my kids from apes and jew rapists.
so you're saying that even when retarded rednecks homeschool their kids in a garden shed, those students still test better than kids who went to public school?
Why do we still have public school then?
This entire idea that its either "public school" or "parents have to teach everything" is a problem that statism created
Before public school, towns and villages still had schools where kids went to learn. And there were still elite academies for the especially gifted. It's not like the parents had to teach them everything. But of course in a statist society where small-town schools aren't allowed, then public school will seem the more appealing option
they do know you can just put your homeschooled kid in a sports club or something right
That image proves homeschooling is based user.
exactly how do you protect them by sending them to Sandy Hook every day? they should be with you, at home, since you're so based.
a person who's kept in a bubble from liberal propaganda will fall for it as soon as they're exposed. you need to be innoculated, the way 90's kids were innoculated against neoconservative bullshit
That paper was pro-homeschooling you dumb semen slurping gorilla nigger
Do you even read these things or do you just scan for sources and hit post when you don't find any
What the fuck kind of pioneer prairie shithole do you live in?
Gas these fucking kikes dude I'm so sick of this shit
The fucking nerve to blame parents of exactly what the fuck you beak nosed slimeballs are guilty of. FUCK
“ In addition, several studies have been done to measure homeschoolers’ “self-concept,” which is the key objective indicator for establishing a child’s self-esteem. A child’s degree of self-esteem is one of the best measurements of his ability to successfully interact on a social level. One such study was conducted by John Wesley Taylor, using the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale to evaluate 224 home-schooled children. They study found that 50 percent of the children scored above the 90th percentile, and only 10.3 percent scored below the national average.3
Another researcher compared private school 9-year-olds with homeschool 9-year-olds and found no significant differences in the groups in virtually all psycho-social areas. However, in the area of social adjustment, a significant difference was discovered: “private-school subjects appeared to be more concerned with peers than the home-educated group.”4 This is certainly an advantage for home-schooled children who can avoid negative peer influence.”
>public school turns kids into social retards with no self esteem
>homeschool raises chads