Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-19 11-29-58.png (501x341, 216.89K)

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>Thanks for the panic profits goyim, no refunds

Hoarders get the rope

capitalism in action

>You don't need to be prepared for disasters, goyim! Prepping is a mental illness!
The jew is out in force

Attached: randall.png (512x512, 216.95K)

>Errrr no goy its good to overbuy these cheap common things! Think of the shekels you can sell this literal wood pulp for!

Prepping is the exact opposite of panic buying all the toilet paper in the store or even worse trying to jew people with it.

It's careful planned preparation over a longer period.


Catalina may as well be an Israel flag at this point, its basically here just for crypto-jew posts.

Most responsible adults will have enough supplies and food to at least cover two to four weeks. That said, I am thrilled the hoarders will be stuck with years supplies of toilet paper, batteries, wipes, flour, etc..

$10k in toilet paper is a little much even for a prepper.

Assuming a years worth of supply you could spend $500 and have enough for a single person for 2 years. There is a long term argument to be made that toilet paper will likely increase in cost over time so you could be investing to beat inflation but it's pretty clear this guy isn't a prepper since he's attempting to return it all.

Actual preppers are good for supply chains because they've already bought their supplies well in advance of a crisis developing.

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Good idea, let's not be prepared and just die...

We have many shortages here on the islands
Fortunately I got TP but... the 2 pounds of flour I bought had bugs so I go to the store and there is absolutely no FLOUR on the shelf
so I go to every grocery, big box target faggot shit and nofucking flour.
Who has all the flour?

Attached: image.jpg (960x720, 282.6K)

flour has-been gone for weeks. Try to find some Tylenol while you're out searching

>punched some holes in the top of a water bottle
>25 cent bidet
>have used a single roll of TP this month

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I will never understand the toilet people. Utterly deranged.

Flour is next to impossible to get here too. Can't even get it from niche restaurant supply stores at the moment.

>food shortage speculators
>foreign workers used to work on farms aren't available for use
>awful wheat harvest forecast across North America

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zero risk bias. people prefer to try to eliminate one type of superficial risk entirely rather than do something that would reduce their total risk by a greater amount

I am now a God!

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Tylenol is still here I went to buy EmergenC but no luck. The Tylenol Advil ibuprofen was stocked
I hope you can find it. Be resourceful and look at small gas stations and larger truck refueling centers
Hoarder is a derogatory term the wisely prepared - leveled by the unprepared and scared

>You laugh at toilet paper hoarders but you don't have enough toilet paper yourself. The average person uses 100 rolls of toilet paper per day, so at $1/roll, $10,000 will sustain you for a little over three months

who toilet paper?
I don't get it

yeah I'm kinda regretting not investing in flour and a bread maker, having fresh baked bread everyday would really make the lock down more enjoyable

I'm sure that faggot was attempting to milk his entire town and eBay by reselling TP at $5 a roll then found out it was illegal and got royally rekt.

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people like the op image hurt their communities, he has literally no use for $10,000 worth of that shit and hundreds of people could have had those basic supplies. thats not prepping.

Ohh please...you make me blush

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i bought two 24 packs back when TP started selling out and a month later i stll have like 40 rolls left.

my cat would go absolutely insane seeing that


Think of the difference between the guy in NY hoarding masks and the family in middle America stocking up for 6 months worth.

Cat stay away!

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oh no, my toilet paper is going to expire!

why would he think he could get a refund

Reminder that a Jew named Baruch Feldheim in Brooklyn hoarded and attempted to resell for a huge markup nearly 1 million pieces of medical equipment including "192,000 N95 respirators, 130,000 surgical masks and nearly 600,000 medical-grade gloves". When the FBI had been alerted that Baruch Feldheim was hoarding and reselling the medical equipment at a huge markup multiple FBI agents were sent to contact Feldheim. When the FBI agents approached Feldheim he said he had tested positive for the coronavirus and coughed in the face of FBI agents. The Jew was arrested for assaulting the FBI agents and his equipment confiscated

Keep in mind that a few weeks ago the FBI had leaked a story to the media in an attempt to spread the narrative that "white supremacist" groups discussed coughing in the face of Jews and cops in the NYC area. Ultimately a Jew in Brooklyn who was hoarding and reselling much needed medical equipment was the one to cough in the face of FBI agents

Fuck Jews and fuck the FBI

"A Hoarder’s Huge Stockpile of Masks and Gloves Will Now Go to Doctors and Nurses, F.B.I. Says"

"Authorities remove almost a million N95 masks and other supplies from alleged hoarder | ABC News"

"White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says"

Attached: 324234.webm (720x720, 2.67M)

>using a Niget
Based hebe.

I never knew how much toilet paper I used until this shortage hit. It turns out I'm using less than one roll per week. Stores have started restocking and there aren't empty shelves as much, so I just bought a 6-pack and that will last me two months in addition to the few rolls I still have left.

You leafs are on fire today with the hilarity. Keep it up kek

honestly if you're talking about that much it might, you're talking an actual lifetime supply there. After like 40 years it might break down or get moldy or something.
Plus having to store it, and obviously being out the $10,000