Essential Workers Get In Here!!

Let's talk about our essential work. Maybe it will give us some insight into what really keeps the USA functioning.

I'll start - I drive a forklift for a company that makes wire shelving for warehouses and retail stores. I load trucks with huge stacks of steel mesh.

Turns out this is considered essential because businesses like Amazon, Walmart, and the various grocery chains have to replace their shelves fairly frequently due to breakage and hard use.

Now I'm not complaining or anything, I mean, I'm glad I get to keep working through this shit. But to call me "essential" is a bit of a stretch IMHO. I mean, what's the worst-case scenario if a shelf breaks at a Walmart and they can't get it replaced? Put the merchandise on a table instead?

Maybe there are others who are considered "essential" but don't really think they are?

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I work for The Telephone Company. I monitor a facility that provides television service to our customers. If our customers want to watch the news I have to be at work.

I build critical parts for chemical and oil refineries.

Still going to work everyday.

I inspect food/paperwork at a meat processing facility.

i shitpost on Yas Forums all day

they consider one thing as 'essential' and then anything tangentially related is 'essential' by association

just tryna keep the world running i guess

IT here. Work as a DBA for the state support the mental health/substance abuse web application.

Also work as an incident responder in cyber security for the national guard.

Accountant for a logistics company here. I need to keep going to work so that you retards can keep getting your chinese plastic junk.

Machinery and repairs for essential hospital, manufacturing, and food processing industies. When I figured out what was coming down the pipeline I told our sales and service guys to get into hospitals and see what we can do, scheduel work now before it becomes a shitshow, etc. No one listened. Now we have to send guys into hospitals, and they have to quarentine for 2 weeks after. It's a nightmare. Were running out of service techs, they're taking manufacturing guys out on service now, and they're beginning to dwindle because of the 2 week rotation if they go to a hospital, which aside from Cargill, is our biggest client.

I load raw materials to make paper products. Also I store and move the extra machines that create your toilet paper.

I work outpatient physical therapy. It pisses me off that if I were laid off I'd be making literally more to stay home than I make at my fucking job. Others at my facility that did get furloughed are doing just that. Making close to $1K more a month to stay home and stay safe while the rest of us have to go in every day and touch people off the street non stop til we go home to our families.
Call me a pussy but I fucking hate this so goddamn much.

15+ year walmart associate reporting in. 60+ hour workweeks are the norm, as half of the store is gone because the company is giving a no-questions asked 2 week off period if they're afraid or some shit. Masks are required as of tomorrow. People are still spending thier money on TVs and other frivolities. Oh well. More money to turn into bitcoin so I can buy more painpills.

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How you holding up, WalMartAnon?
I work at shipping parts for dairy farming. Supposed to be working two days a week, actually working five because cows don't give two fucks about a virus.

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Land surveyor. I keep real estate and development rolling on the front end.

>How you holding up, WalMartAnon
Do you have something specific?

I also work at Wal-Mart but in the deli. The only time I do any real work is Friday and Saturday. During the week I just stand around and get paid to do nothing. Pretty sweet gig for $14 an hour

Nah, just wondering how you're doing. You seem pretty morose even when there isn't a killer Chinese death plague.

>food stamp day blocks your path

>chinese death plague
I'm not an immunelet. I already had Coronavirus back in January, it just wasn't as popular.

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Lol true, nigs asking for like 4 pounds of salami, bologna, and turkey each and all of the buffalo flavored flats from the hot case

I do nothing for the Department of Defense, I have no work assigned to me, I am a GS 12 and make 88k a year. My house has been made an essential work location and I have been “working” 40 hours a week this whole time. My lawn, vegetable garden and body look wonderful right now.

Pay your taxes.

TSA user here, no terrorists have come through yet. Maybe they all got the Rona.

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Railroad worker, been working the whole time. Getting pretty light lately though.

I treat drinking water

It takes a special kind of nigger to WANT to be a nigger.
>the state of 'law enforcement' everywhere

Attached: low IQs for cops.jpg (706x738, 160.23K)

>no terrorists have come through
>implying that was ever the goal

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I'm a cyber terrorist and the current system depends on perpetual war.

someone post the
>I am a forklift operator shirt

You’re doing gods work user. Thank you for being the hero that you are.

I work in a trucking company, we move intermodal freight out of the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Let me tell you that the appointment system was a mistake.

I guess we're essential but trying to return empties is bullshit when there are no appointments until Thursday night.

I’m not a cop, I’m a high IQ forensic accountant, there’s never any work for me because the government is transparent and there is never any need for the way they spend money to be investigated.

You see, the government is ultimately run by elected officials, the people you and others, not me I don’t vote ever, elect. Those people run all aspects of the government, no matter how indirectly, so there is no way for anything that the government spends money on to be spent any way expect the way that you specifically vote for it to be spent. There is no work for government forensic accountants because the government is ALWAYS dictated by the will of the people. I even have a job because of the will of the people, you all wanted a bunch of us hired in 2017 for some reason, so we were hired, but there’s nothing for us to do and there never will be. *shrugging emoji*

I run a TV station out of an abandoned building. Havnt missed a day yet.

I make eliquid for a vaping company

I'm a medical assistant for a gynecologist

I work at a corner store like ampm. I mostly sell tobacco and cheap liquor and junk food. I have no idea how we are still open. We are almost out of scratchers. Already staring to see people to wig out from not having their exact brand of smokes.