Trump is essentially telling people to jump off a bridge and they're doing it

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How are people supposed to survive if they don't work?

Government should print out more Trumpbux and cover people's bills for the time being.


Good less Trump voters getting him elected for a second term to send more shit to Israel.

Yes. Burns you up, doesn't it?

checked and redpilled

Based. Biden will rek israHELL

absolutely terrible idea. Dumb. More money in circulation doesn't solve anything you halfwit kike.

That is what your country is doing and it seems to be working out.

and they are also gonna go vote for him in Nov
enjoy the landslide.

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>Nooo! You can't just go outside! Millions dead! Two more weeks!

The Feds intentionally lowered the value of the dollar to address the increase in international demand.

He told his base long time ago:
"I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"
And his tard base approved this message.

Name a non essential service that is needed to survive.

UBI until rona vaccine

.14% death rate
Most people don't have symptoms
Kills boomers who were already dying
Youngest death I've seen was an obese 34 year old
NYC is buffing their numbers with "presumed" covid deaths
It's a nothingburger that the establishment is using to flex their powers to make up for letting it in the country

The people who are selling the service need to earn money to service.

to survive*

dummies on the gurney

and it STILL triggers you so hard

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Didn’t a bunch of governors fight him this week because he said we weren’t ready to open? California going as far as calling themselves a nation state. Now that he’s caved in to them, it’s his fault when people start dying?

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By relying on the government, except there’s a tyrannical cheeto making that as hard as possible. He wants corporations to do the governing for him.

Money can come from other places.

seethe shareblue faggot. Imprisoning and impoverishing millions of American is the ultimate losing issue politically and you're all gonna get fucked yet again.

Are people ignoring that it was niggers and kikes who were most upset about the lockdown? But now that white people are on board suddenly it's the worst thing ever. This board claims to be above kike propaganda but they fall for it almost every time

The dirty little secret is that it doesn't really matter if they phase the quarantine out now or in a month. The moment people are mingling again SARS-CoV-2 is going to grow exponentially. Two weeks after the liberation hospitals will once again see a sudden uptick in admissions for ILI symptoms and warn that at the current rate of growth they'll be overwhelmed in x weeks, leading to another local or widespread shutdown.
There's only one demonstrably effective model in preventing a highly contagious disease for which the country has no immunity, vaccine, or prophylactics for yet: massive testing combined with aggressive and privacy-invading contact tracing.

Not everyone is ok renting out their asshole like (You)

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>not a single soul
>no one at all
>You: But what about California!



It's not that bad

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Didn't I say non essential services? Are you implying that selling your anus is an essential service? Wow, what a faggot.

No, orange man good

People are starving.
The lockdowns are about to end. That much is obvious. Either the lockdowns will be ended voluntarily, or they will be opened at gunpoint.
Remaining under lockdown is no longer an option for you to pick.


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>Trump is essentially telling people to jump off a bridge and they're doing it
And the bridge is all of 2 inches tall. Far shorter than the average roadside curb.

How are people starving if 25% of food was wasted before the lockdown, and food production hasn't changed?

die on a ventilator

Didn't see cunts like you this concerned in February when we really could have slowed this thing down.

Why do chink comebacks never make any sense?

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And nothing of value is lost, since only Trump supporters will be affected

2 weeks? How are they all going to get infected on the first day of relieving restrictions?


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>Kike propaganda
Dude i have been keeping an eye on the MSM channels and they are non stop pushing this doom and gloom. If the kikes wanted us to go to work then why are they using their propaganda machine to make me think i shouldnt go back to work or ill die?

It's not sustainable at all

Why is it that Europe, East Asia, SEA can all survive lockdowns but America "can't"?

At least they will get to vote for their candidate. That Berns you up, doesn't it bro?

Why do Russian bots always blame the chinks?

no social safety net

NOOo you cant just make choices or have personal liberty!!!

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Not everyone is a little pussy like you OP

Do you two presumed-faggots even know why two more weeks is a meme? Pic related

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>Russian bots
kek. chink confirmed. keep seething ricecel

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That will generate inflation you dumb homosexual. Let me put it simple for you, so your cum filled piece of shit brain understands:

>every household has 10 dollars
>the shop sells chicken for 2 dollars.
>the max a family can buy is 5 chickens

>gov gibs mony

>everyhousehold now has 100 dollars
>the max a family can buy now is 50 chickens
>the shop owner thinks "holy shit I'm selling too low! I have to mark up my prices"
>the shop sets the new price to 20 dollars
>the max a family can buy now is, again, 5 chickens

>outcome: you have more paper to buy exactly the same.

Why would they all get infected on the first day of relieving restrictions? The mean incubation period is 3 days, with most people who become symptomatic doing so after 7. Once exponential growth starts 14 days is enough for a few generations of growth to manifest itself.

ahahsah im a fuckin retaaaaaard that must make you guys so fuckin maaaaaaaaaad

The countries that dealt with it the best did not have lockdowns. But then, they were the ones who said "Fuck You" to the WHO and China too. Like Taiwan and South Korea.

Now that mutts can't shart in the mart, they bemoan about their liberty

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>exponential growth
ok nigger. Zerohedge has been predicting a massive recession since 2009. It's always right about to happen and I guess at some point it will and they will feel 100% vindicated, but it's all just sad cope.

What we've learn in the past week:
1. There are people whose interests are vested in keeping the lockdown going for as long as possible. You can identify them here because they always insist on double blind peer reviewed studies conducted over multiple years for anything that reduces the justification for lockdowns but accept without proof anything that makes the virus appear worse.
2. The virus is already in 50 to 100 times more people than previously thought. Most people never even notice they're infected and their bodies fight off the virus with little trouble.
3. The virus is much more infectious than previously believed. Everyone will get it.
4. It's nearly impossible to get it from surface contact. It's nearly impossible to avoid if you're near someone who already has it and is in the shedding phase.
5. It's 17 times more difficult to catch it outdoors, especially in windy or humid environments.
6. It kills mostly old and fat people. Almost every case of a "young healthy" person dying from it ends up turning out to be a complication from a health condition that wasn't previously announced.
7. Ventilators are a meme in 99% of the cases. Nowhere near as many are needed as projected (yes, the "everyone social distances" projections, not the "ignore it" projections) and those who are put on one have worse outcomes than those who are not, even after adjusting for their current medical condition.
Bottom line is social distancing and lockdowns have been ineffective due to the highly infectious nature of the virus. The scare mongering has been very effective but it now turns out to be 50 to 100 times less deadly than projected.
As much as we hate to admit it, Sweden was correct this time. They've frontloaded their deaths and are getting them quickly out of the way. While the rest of the world drags out for the rest of the year, they're going to quickly go back to normal. "Flattening the curve" has been an ineffective strategy.

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Nobody will die... your lie will be fucked in the ass
Best president ever.

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That is the most likely thing to happen if you get put into a ventilator. You'll die from lung complications caused by the ventilator.

they were able to contain it with procedures learned from dealing with SARS, while the west ignored it because they either thought they were invulnerable or that talking about it would hurt their reelection chances

Looks like the bot has chosen the blame China path as I predicted. Must have been incorrectly trained. No surprise considering it was making by an alcoholic.

>Zerohedge has been predicting a massive recession since 2009. It's always right about to happen and I guess at some point it will and they will feel 100% vindicated, but it's all just sad cope.
What the fuck are you talking about?

If you’re that afraid just don’t go outside fag

Funcking authoritarian

damn I guess they shouldn't be such poor faggots, what were all those tax cuts for?

Agreed, Trump is a Russian agent rescuing kids from the satanic US elite

>That is the most likely thing to happen if you get put into a ventilator.
It's about 50% live or die if you're in serious enough condition w/ COVID-19 to need a ventilator, not 50% dying from VALI, VAP, or similar.

>7 out 10 posts claims its a nothingburguer
>Claims nurses and doctors slacking off on tik tok videos shows its just a flu bro
>Trump says we should reopen

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You missed the point, but a greater question will be what's going to happen to businesses now that people have seen which ones are essential?

Grandma said for you to get off the laptop and go feed your turtle.

>Rooks rike the bot has chosen the brame China path as I predicted. Must have been incorrectly trained. No surprise considering it was making by an arcohoric.

Attached: a_chink_says.jpg (95x125, 2.3K)

inflation doesn't happen overnight you moron

take a fuckin economics course

I'm sitting here laughing so hard I can't catch my breath...

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What's the difference to walk on a beach or to walk on the street ? You can clearly see on this picture people are walking 6 feet away from each other. I don't even ask for a friend.

With Covid you have a 80-90% chance of dying on a ventilator

Good bot. Blame China for all your problems.

People are dying! Like how can uhhhh how can you be so obtuse #flattenthecurve

>it’s just an illusion guise
>trump sends planes of supplies to Israel
Which is it doorknobs licker?