Looks like some leftist Zionists have edited this version, does anyone have the original?
New Zyklon Ben cartoon
>Liquour store
needed to stop withdrawal
Medical care
Some building where adults go to listen to fairy tales
Gee, I wonder why one is closed but not the others
Liquor stores are unironically essential. Keeping the populace from panicking, which people will do if not self-sedated, is necessary. Sure it doesn't help at all with the pandemic, but human nature is far worse. The abortion clinic should of course be closed like all other non-essential medical and the church can stay closed because god is with you at all times, modern churches are almost fucking idol worship with your priest/pasture subverting god in his own house of worship.
Literally too afraid to draw a mosque and a synagogue.
>fairy tales
Those fairy tales are your civilization. The reason it's going to shit is not because of it, it's because you got rid of them.
Cool... now go enforce that on the 23rd smart guy.
Have an "In-the-Car" Protest in front of the Abortion Clinic's front and rear doors.
that's the edit, Ben "ten ton terror of Tel Aviv" Garrison will have definitely included a synagogue in the original
Not quite nigger.
Maybe that's why Trump is so nervous and wants things opened up now. He's afraid to look racist
Cripplechan down again or does it just suck to much now?
Ben actually isnt that based. He is a libertarian and has stated numerous times that he wants to be distanced from us. The merchants on his work are photo shops from Yas Forumstards
subversive commie filth at it again. working overtime? gotta pump that alcohol and kill those babies but God forbid you listen to a lecture about good, family, tradition and morals
To be fair, you can do social distancing in the first two, but not the third. Unless you only want 20 people in the church.
yeah heres the original
hes a massive cuck
yeah, look at america how those fairy tales are serving you
yeah, we need lectures from corrupt pastors that are usualy massive hypocrites
That's what Ben wants people to think.
the guy who anti jewdited his pictures was a jew himself trying to smear ben garrison. he even got sentenced if I'm not mistaken
>Those fairy tales are your civilization.
Which part of civilization was invented by christcucks? Which inventions? Are you not aware that the earth stood still during the period you see as your golden age, the period everyone sane rightly calls The Dark Ages?
its not only about fairy tales also molesting children
Liquor stores are actually essential if you wanna keep fuckloads of drunks out of the hospital.
You ever seen a 20 year alcoholic going through withdrawal? It isnt a pretty sight.
No that's fake news, Ben is far more redpilled than anyone on this board could comprehend. That's just a ZOG coverup story.
Listen to stories about God spoken by someone who just wants the money and a young ass here and there
>medical care: slice up babies and sell their stem cells
Liberals are monsters and deserve lead.
the pastors don't lecture you hell spawn, they only read the word of God. but the mere pronunciation of the holy words make your kind squirm so i guess throwing as much shit as you can is part of your daily job. aren't all catholics pedos? thought that was the norm, hypocrites and corrupt are kind of tame, did you run out of your daily quota?
>medical care
ah, ok i see now
>Some building where adults go to listen to fairy tales
>Too much of a retarded amerimutt to understand the social and moral obligations of religious community and fables
LoL fetus goes *plump* when you squish its head
You leftist dickbags need to realize that the religious institutions and the liquor store are the same thing in this scenario. Your bigotry blinds you to the obvious.
which of those actually has congregations of people? two are individual activities while the other is a group activity. gun shops are closed, what's up with that? the church should be a gun shop.
Your nose is showing, Chaim.
imagine being so triggered at the sight of a comic with a fetus fighting back against being killed that you have to reddit tier meme some joke in order to be able to function for the rest of the day and to stop the hyperventilation
yeah, both sell poison
Stop lying
keep at it maggot, say the lines, check the paragraphs you need to say. orders from your masters
good goy, go grab a 12 pack and take your daughter to get her abortion
You are right, sir. I shall abort all further jokes.
eat ass beach lass
>liquor store
+easy to distance +provides comfort -contributes to disease and alcoholism
>abortion clinic
+easy to distance +provides choice -angers conservatives
>place of worship
+provides comfort -hard to distance -can still worship deity at home
Simple numbers, has nothing to do with red/blue dichotomy anyone that thinks otherwise is deluded.
>yeah, we need lectures from corrupt pastors that are usualy massive hypocrites
says the meme flag! there’s plenty of good and sincere pastors and priests out there!
I'm doing just my part of Dog's plan.
the bans aren't based on beliefs or morality but simply by how many people get together in groups to do it. so why are gun shops closed?
wait, I'm arguing against myself somewhat.
Good god, he even labeled the doors? Political cartoonists need to stop. Everyone knows what a door is.
c'mom meme flag, stop stalling for time, what's the next copy paste response you have? some more baby killings? a little bit of interacial? maybe a pack of feel bad for african engineers rescued from the seas?
filthy maggot
>The reason it's going to shit is not because of it, it's because you got rid of them.
The last time I checked the reason the southwest is getting BEANed and the midwest has fucking somalians in it now is because of retarded christcucks like you.
If god exists I shall die this very second.
>The left can't meme
Rip your chances of an afterlife
Hooe the shit posts were worth it user.
>Testing God
He explicitly said he doesn't like you faggots doing that
kind of a slow response time today. does the automatic selection not work anymore? discord down?
c'mon you retarded animal, show me your level of indoctrination. show me that burning passion you have in killing fetuses.
We don't have to meme, we hold the western culture by its balls. We keep shifting things our way while you screech, bitch and moan.
Not a Christian but all scientific and mathematical advancements from 1500-1800 were developed by Christians. Just about everything you learn past 8th grade geometry is the work of Christians. Science as a philosophy and way of understanding the universe sprung from Christendom. It's ridiculous to downplay the work of Christian scientists and that just kind of shows how historically illiterate you are.
and I still live, this yahwe is kind of a cuck if you ask me
you hold it by the balls yet you shill in force every waking moment of your god forsaken existence.
but i can;t ask for logic from a kike like you
How dare they keep abortion clinics open. COVID is killing too many poor African Americans as is. We can't let them have abortions. We need more based blacks to convert to Christianity!
>shilling for killing fetuses
>i live
far fetched faggot
FPBP and under fucking rated!
You are right, I will be a good christcucks from today, I will just pray everyday and work on bringing to Europe the most African BASED Christian refugees I can. We must stop this filthy atheists from taking over!
top tier bait
20 years of cultural control and the entire civilization is about to collapse because you guys couldn't be racist to the Chinese.
>place where they scoop unformed niggers from from roasties so degenerates can do it more.
you played yourself
that's it? that's the only copy paste you could have given? God, your kind truly is the bottom of the barrel.
the west from feudal times was christian, woopdee fucking doo, dipshit, of course they are christians. Nominaly.
I like to you know, torture stupid christcucks from time to time
>Why didnt we start a war with china already
Deus Vult!
God takes pleasure in the death if no man.
The Canaanites had 400 + 40 years to repent. You get to suffer with the rest of us.
You shall not die but will live until an old age.
Blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Fuck off tigan
here we have a prime example of a discord kike who came to shill with the same old copy paste responses - christcucks, dead fetus is okay, fuck God etc.
same suit, random faggotry. see how much time they dedicate trying to preach their shit but somehow they control the world
go back to the shithole you crawled out of autists. your ways have no power here
You sound like an actual cuck.
All Americans are obsessed with niggers by the way.
You know planned parenthood does more than just abortions, right?
ah he called his friends eh? the discord login took some time i see
Another reason for liquor stores are all of the alcoholics going into withdrawals that would further strain the medical system.