Coronavirus is all about nanobots and 5G towers

>Here for about an hour. So make it quick.

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why are americans the worst scitzo posters?

>nanobots smartdust chem trails

please tell us all you know

What is the general nature of the nanobots? Like protein based, how they effect the cells, etc

Post proof faggot

Break it down for me please. So somehow there's a factory somewhere capable of mass-producing this itty-bitty tiny robots which react to 5G frequencies in our bodies and make us sick? And how do they make us sick, precisely? How are those tiny bots powered? How do you construct a micro-transmitter? How would you program them to work? How come no-one working in that factory/research spilled the beans yet?

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Why would they need to shut down the country?
Doesn't make sense pal

Cabon based - so organic. Controlled by resonant frequencies.
Yes, I'm dying to go to jail.
>And how do they make us sick, precisely?
RBC destruction.
Implement socialism and social medicine. Trump's base is the only problem. If you compromise their finances, implementing social medicine is going get a lot easier. No one is going to implant you with a chip, but the vaccine for coronavirus? Well, you do the math.

What about countries that don't have 5G towers?

Why are countries that aren't friendly all playing along? Why isn't swedistan?

>Why would they need to shut down the country?

Not OP, but someone who knew this was coming since 2008's crash was paper'd over with bullshit Quantitative Easing policies, last year's 10 year bond yield inverting, and this October's flood of the repo market by the fed to keep banks liquid. Based Austrian economic wins again over stupid keynesian bullshit "economics".

Part of the reason for the shut down beyond the general infection spread of the virus, is that the US went bankrupt in Feb 16th, 2020. The Chinese who hold US bonds aren't accepting just FRN petro-dollars for payment. They want actual assets as payment instead (gold/silver/land/etc). The petro-dollar is essentially dead now as a result and the world is going to feel it and is transitioning out of it now.

Because of this, the US is also forcing it's economy to restructure to essential work and work that will produce things that nations want to buy. So yes, certain things are being shut down temporarily because of infection/sick workers, but they also are going to force the economy to start re-manufacturing away from China and overseas so we can actually produce things again you see in the stores instead of relying on a globalized supply chain that is going to basically go bye bye.

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Not OP here's my best shot at cracking this kerfufle;

>sun blocking, cloud seeding chemtrails irritate your respiratory system (hard constant allergies) making it easier to get the flu
>the worst type of chemtrails is the sparkly ones that don't leave a trail, those actually dry out your respiratory and you don't have protective mucous to help you stave off viral infections
>flu and corona become easier to catch
>now everybody has it, time to panic (c) (tm)
>oh no corona it's corona season again, we have to shut down the economy unless we chip you
>meanwhile corporations make a killing by not only reselling glorified proprietary wifi rebranded as 5G but they also get to make bank thanks to selling all your biometric data to governments together with your smartphone social data

solved in 5 minutes or less, but I've been doing conspiracy oriented critical thinking for a while

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Why do they want social medicine so badly? Because of vaccine? They could just make it mandatory or use "soft" power (vaccination needed to enter events, job...).

>Cabon based - so organic. Controlled by resonant frequencies.

And how does it attack the body/cells?

In China, the payload was supposedly deployed the week after the initial infection.

it's 100% a pajeet with a proxy

"Smartdust" is a fucking distraction meme btw. Chemtrails are based on classic/stupid materials that are spread out or contracted to max/min cloud coverage using ground HAARPs, they don't need smart anything for that,.

Corona Virus is nanobots, isnt it?

>Cabon based - so organic. Controlled by resonant frequencies.
so standing infront of a microwave destroys them gottcha you fucking schizo

>RBC destruction
My bad, didn't see this.

>RBC destruction
based retard

What is the importance of this time of year. Waco, oklahoma city, fertilizer plant, boston, columbine...

Okay how would you describe the technology? What resonance? 5G as in the emissiom from the towers and satellites sent up by Musk? How does it work?

Stop this disinfo larping you fucking retard, you are way out of league. Nanomachines my ass, nanotech will not even commence in 50 years, IF we are able to overcome dysgenic and race mixing tendencies.


Fucking retards.

>What about countries that don't have 5G towers?
5G towers operate a high frequencies - so you need them to be close. Takes time to install 5G towers.
>And how does it attack the body/cells?
Nanobots have protein receptors that enable them to attach to RBCs. Current operation wait for the bots to attach themselves to RBCs (pretty harmless). 5G tower then transmits a frequency. Bots respond to the resonant frequency and tear the RBC membrane entirely - making the RBC unable to absorb vital nutrients (each vaccine vial will have a unique resonant frequency to ensure only the target is compromised)

How to access nanobot network?
And obviously how to turn them off

TY user

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How would you limit this effect? Just get the fuck away from 5G countries/zones? Is there compound that would dissolve them, considering you say they are organic?

Reminder that Trump ordered 5g built to cause covid

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Yup. I'm wondering if this was an attempt at getting US controlled 5g towers instead of Chinese owned 5g towers with that company that was trying to build them fast that Trump arrested that chink chick corporate head over.

Warfare has indeed changed.

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>How would you limit this effect? Just get the fuck away from 5G countries/zones?
Get away? It's the future of surveillance. No one is getting away. Best for you to accept it now. Nanobot technology will only evolve. Eventually, it will evolve to carry virus strains as payload. So it will be used to both aid good citizens in curing cances and cull dissidents without bloodshed.

Wait, it's fucking nanomachines son? I thought the 5G signal itself was disrupting our systems and causing flu like symptoms resulting in death? When did nanomachines come into this?

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This is in the public domain. Private is far more advanced.

Time's up. Gotta split.

fuck you

Since deep state niggers have been working on them for fucking decades. If you compartmentalize the weapons, it becomes harder for people to put two and two together how they are waging war on your ass.

Normies are going to look at the cell damage, they won't be looking for microscopic shit that doesn't fit the description of viruses and bacteria because they weren't trained for it in medical schools.

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just tell me the safe zones to move to, fag

Don't think there are any safe zones. Recall seeing a google map posted here of corona-chan area of attack. It was across the entire continent. You'd probably have to be in the Caribbean to avoid the chem/nanobot spray.

>Eventually, it will evolve to carry virus strains as payload.
It already is.
Morgellons disease spread by chem trail nano bots triggered by 5-G.
But no-one will listen or believe it.
> GROWING out of an IPhone, made in China.
Video link @ 9:41
Its being triggered earlier than expected

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