My ancestor

my ancestor

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why does he look white

great game great story

Conor Mcgregor looks like THAT?

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my ancestor

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my ancestors are smiling at me finngolian can you say the same?

He looks celtic. Which are a mix of nordic and brit.


Not mongoloid enough.

NPC detected

>shirtless and gay looking
Historical accuracy = 0

He's so powerful he can survive the winter in bare chest and feet

The tattoos are more Celtic than Finn... Not accurate.

Is this from god of war? Why did they turn him soi in the final version?

Those tattoos make him look like a NASCAR stamp collector.

Tfw you and the boys eat all the magic mushrooms but forgot you had a battle later that day

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>onions beard

I'm awaiting a greek to show up with the appropriate image

No they're definitely not smiling at you

Type of dude to show up to a lockdown protest in full battle rattle and a no step flag

Look at what has transpired in your country, they're not smiling

>my ancestor

He woud have killed you after having his fun.

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your kid

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Leave it to the mutt to consider this build malnourished.


How do I get a body like that? minus the tattoos

he is compared to the other gods

I disagree, he doesn't really seem crazed or irrational. You could probably reason with him easily. All he ever wanted was just to talk for a bit, but triple chin bald man wanted to play tough to get.

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it's probably pre mongol era he's talking about

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almost as Wim Hof

Have like 1 % body fat

They are crying in Valhalla.


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impossible: incredibly gay

mine with yours

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We all have our ancestors

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What's with the faggot lips?

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im going to need some backstory on that pic

I always thought that the final battle would be with Odin and not with this faggot

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Why doesn't he have nipples?

Is that what ancient Chinese looked like?

In the next game the final boss would be thor and the third will be against Odin.

>Pagan larpers get their spirituality from God of War and Skyrim
that's actually really sad. It's like edgy kids who idolize Shadow the Hedgehog.

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Tattoos are the pic related of skin

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>dual wielding curved swords against Roman armor and shield
>edgy look against his own men. Probably tried to scare the Romans or inspire his own men by killing livestock
>Roman enemies are closing in while in disciplined formation ready for a fight
>A lot of his own men already dead by roman arrows
2/10 wouldn't follow

I always thought vikings were NIGGER-tier degenerate pagans who raped, pillaged and murdered peaceful societies. There are other European groups with more dignified and respectable histories. See: Italy, France, England, and many others.