Dumbfuck cattle fell for the usury lie. Eternal debt to the Jew. If anything people should be chimping out on the banking system and burning all these financial institutions to the ground!
Dumbfuck cattle fell for the usury lie. Eternal debt to the Jew...
we know
Don't get a loan if you can't pay it back.
Loans are slavery
stupid uk
>Being ruled by numbers in an account
Slavery is forced. Loans are not forced.
We should stil topple the banks because kikes own most of them.
So you don't have a problem with loans. You just don't want Jews being the ones giving them.
Anyone who controls the flow of finance for 'massive' and irresponsible personal gain deserves the rope. There are trillions being held in high interest accounts in places like Switzerland not being used for the good of anyone but those who hold the accounts.
Because it is wasted money and only invests in the future of the select few and their relatives. There should be a limit to how much a person should be able to acrue before it should be shared with everyone else. You don't fucking need that new mansion or jet plane if you already have one. That's just pure greed.
I'm fucking sick of your kind. Unwitting, normal people get backed into corners financially, and are forced to take out whatever loans they can find. Are they gonna find alleviation from the Libertarian? Of course not! People like us, which haven't taken out loans, are not subject to the same livelihoods as those that have. Most are just unlucky, and among those are many whites. "Don't get a loan you can't pay back" is just an absurd statement to make to anyone that understands modern economics at all. Our model could never thrive without them, and the most readily available assistance always comes with harmful stipulations.
A person wanting to keep one's own money is greed but wanting to steal from others isn't?
Fucking bootlicking boomer faggot.
Who said anything about theft? But leeching off of others misery is socio/psychopathic.
You did.
No I did not. I said that nobody deserves more than their fair share. It's not communism. It's still capitalism but without CORPORATE KIKERY.
there's always ways around rules, and the richest have the most ways. anything you impose on them will be a further detriment to the country as they'll hide their wealth along with hoarding it
They are not going to be relevant for much longer, once the "social media" takes over...
its a more personalized way of controlling people, vs money...
They already do though.
Well now the dumbfucks willingly gave up their income so kikes can pocket trillions of dollars. All it took was a sensationalized flu.
Which means anyone who does have more than whatever arbitrary amount you determine as fair deserves to have any excess money stolen
You conflate wealth distribution with theft. What a greedy boomer you are.
Yes, taking money from people without their consent is theft.
So let's just allow everyone who had a rich dad piss on the poor continually because being rich puts you above everyone else.
What and where is this building?
Ask Bezos, Soros, Bogdanmutants and Bezos.
If "piss on the poor" means "keep one's own money", yes. I of course wouldn't advocate allowing the rich to perform immoral acts against the poor (or anyone else).
>Bazos second time meant Gates
Gas yourself meme flag