Please explain why this essential service deserves to die?
Please explain why this essential service deserves to die?
Because we pay for it and it loses our money year over year. Privatized mail services are lucrative and managed better and we dont have to prop them up with taxes
because many members of congress are investors and directors for UPS and Fedex and there are no rules against congressional insider trading, conflicts of interest, or nepotism anymore.
It shouldn’t. How else will I get spam in my mailbox?
They're dog shit and inferior to similar services
Trump will lose if voters can vote by mail
They confiscated a pound of weed i already paid for that was vaccuum sealed and in an airtight container. Like get a life faggots.
Kill yourself
aye fake votes
I just don’t like the idea of a government run business, because usps just loses a bunch of tax payer money while it outcompetes other businesses unfairly. Even if USPS made a profit I guarantee u they wouldn’t give us our cut
>reddit response.js
Double kill yourself
Cause (((FedEx))) says so.
Bring back the United States Post Office.
Stop hiring people just because they're negroes, disabled and can't work, and veterans and hire people who are qualified e.g. can read, drive and deliver properly.
The USPS has become a big government welfare program
a lie, but the point of a public service is to do the things that need doing even if its not profitable.
it deserves to die because we need to suck amazons cock, and pay them double to do the same work.
So we can give more money to Israel!
This Is why is retarded
>pay them double to do the same work.
>implying Amazon would fuck up as regularly as usps niggers
You don’t pay for the postal service moron
Before some fag goes on about the post office being required to fund its pension plan decades in advance, that's no longer happening and contributions to the fund are now on a per year basis. It did hurt the post office's profitability years ago but is no longer relevant.
Are you retarded
this. i remember living in santa barbara, where the nig population was like 1%, and every fucking post office you go to is half niggers behind the counter. but of course anti-white discrimination is just fine. if a nigger can tie its shoes, its favored over a mensa-level white. and they still whine relentlessly about being victims.
God I hate this website and the children on it.
Strange, I stopped collecting mail years ago... How is it essential, again?
He probably means the USPS is an independent government corporation that's self funding. Which is true, right up to the moment they get Congress to give them money, which is what they're asking for now.
whats wrong with fedex
What exactly does it do that Amazon can't?
Loses money delivering amazon shit for practically free even on sundays.
USPS is a federal entity and the only entity to never take tax dollars. It exists solely from the sale of postage stamps and postage on bigger packages. It’s cute what fucking morons you are
Hire 80% niggers
from dr oz mouth
2% of americans need to die to make sure the economy wont drop a percent
>you don't pay for it!
>from the sale of postage stamps and postage on bigger packages
>everyone else is dumb!
Lol Jesus. You're a zika baby tier brainlet
God forbid you have to pay for a service
Because private companies that offer comparable services do it better and for less money.
A few months ago I went into the post office in my mostly white town. The two clerks working were both women, one black and one Asian (appeared Japanese). There was a line out into the lobby of people waiting to mail things. A scruffy looking black dude who appeared homeless came in, cut the line and tried to get the Japanese lady to mail an envelope for him. She asked him to wait in line. Dude just kept saying over and over again he needed to mail the letter. Eventually the black lady came over, took the letter and put postage on it that he didn't pay for. Then she berated the Japanese woman for not helping the man and called her a racist. Meanwhile the rest of us are standing there not getting our mail handled.
Read the whole string of posts before responding
>It exists solely
>Art1 8.7 To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
Because literally every private shipping service does it better.
>going to the mailbox every day for a bunch of fucking worthless coupons that go right in the trash
>all my bills are online and nothing important comes in the mail
there was a story about how a mailman was filling a storage container with mail he didnt feel like delivering for months and no one even noticed
>Please explain why this essential service deserves to die?
Because it's not the government's place to deliver mail, you 1 post by this ID faggot shill.
>never take tax dollars.
Incorrect. They are currently self funding but that has not always been the case and the argument now is whether or not Congress should infuse them with a bunch of capital.
How about googling:
>how much tax money does the usps get annually
They should stop delivering junk mail. What percentage of mail is brochures and ads and letters discarded unopened? Cheap mail is not a human right, they are perpetuating a social nuisance. How can you waste 90% of your energy and claim to be necessary?
Department of ed makes a profit, with their guaranteed loans, OFF OF YOU. that's how it works, the cattle don't get a cut.
USPS best prices for letters.
>You don’t pay for the postal service moron
This has to be a troll. USPS is self funded
The Constitution ALLOWS the federal government to establish a postal system. I does not REQUIRE the government to do so.
Postal service should be partially privatized. The retarded Bernie followers are always clamoring to be more like Europe, but they ignore that European mail/delivery services are heavily privatized. Plus USPS workers are some of the biggest govt welfare babies in the country. They get paid very well, get nice benefits, are notoriously difficult to fire for doing a bad job/treating people like shit, and are usually given their position as a result of affirmative action. Fuck the USPS. Their main function is to subsidize junk mail. Privatization is needed
It's fine the way it is
>They should stop delivering junk mail.
That’s not where they lose money. Delivering Amazon crap practically for nothing is the main cause of loss today on top of decades of mismanagement
>He still sends letters
Even boomers use email now for fuck sake.
I don't have to explain shit
>we pay for it
Confirmed NEET. USPS pays for itself via monopoly controls on Mail, in return for being mandated to deliver anyone including hermits living on mountains and rural areas other people think are unprofitable.
Also mail is the official way to reach anyone for anything because it’s reliable. Do you trust the wagies at FedEx to deliver your jury duty forms so you can register and avoid contempt of court?
Possibly so you'll have to get a voter ID thing.
In order for it to survive it has to rely on people shipping goods from businesses that have been deemed "Non essential", and thus it dies from being starved.
It has been ruled non essential because it relies on "Non essential" business. So it'll either be ruled non essential, or all other business will be ruled essentail for every business gives people a livelihood, a paycheck, a good and a service that creates a broad and diverse division of labor that holds up the economy and allows for things like the USPS to exist.
First goes the postal service, then goes your address and social security. Taxes go last if your persistent enough.
>t. brainlet
It exists because of constitutional mandate (). They'd be long dead if they actually floated on their own finances. Also
>implying that taxpayers won't be footing the bill when their finances are so wrecked they'll never recover
OP is literally a retarded faggot
Amazon benefits from the USPS. A big part of why Amazon is able to deliver packages so efficiently in the United States is bc they made a deal with USPS. We are basically subsidizing Amazon deliveries right now
Because they bankrupted themselves subsidizing international shipping from strategic competitors such as China. Why do you think it costs $2.99 to get a package from China but to ship it back cost $49.95?
They ran themselves into bankruptcy and helped destroy the US industrial base while they were at it. Why the fuck should be help these people?
found the article, he stored 5000 pieces of mail he couldn't deliver and 4700 of them were spam.
tell me why we need USPS so badly OP
I bet you also happen to think that govt debt is a good thing
Ever read the Constitution dipshit?
>Overnight delivery
Now show standard 3-5 day shipping rates.