How can you know if an asian girls is Chinese, Japanese or Korean?

Is this even possible?

Attached: Chinese-vs-Japanese-vs-Korean-people.png (500x483, 96.36K)

How do you know if a memeflag is a kike

>Koreans have giant heads and tiny faces.
>Ch*nks have softer/rounder features
>Japanese have sharper features, kind of like Shibas or foxes, some of them have this particular nose shape that other Asians don't get, thank you based Jomons

Attached: Know the difference, it could save your life.png (1984x997, 2.53M)

Koreans have flat faces and slightly upturned noses

Japanese have angular chins and the vertical equator of their face is lowered compared to the sides

Chinese are not possible to identify because China is too big and has too many different genetic types.

Nice try chink, but they're all japanese

My clit only gets hard for Jap girls

How are you a communist when you can't even tell the people apart of the largest communist government?

Pick your waifu, Yas Forums

Attached: Jomon or Yayoi.jpg (624x470, 72.69K)

Count the number of gill slits.

>le 1 post by this id
what do you care, you're still gonna end up incel

At least post what they look like before plastic surgery memeflaggot.

They're all chinese. Not many differences between a chinese from korea vs one from japan imho.

But to answer OPs question,

Koreans all look like effeminate little girls
Chinks look like insects with Korean features
Japanese look like people

arr rook same

Usually only by the way they dress.

You can actually. if they are acting(giggling and doing stupid children stuff) like retarded ass anime characters they are koreans. If they look ugly and dress stupid expensive tasteless stuff they are chinese. If they look asian and acting like proper human being they are japanese

Takeshi Kaneshiro is so fucking hot, just had to write that.

What I can tell you that's just based on the tourists we got here (+merchants).
Chinese : smaller, ball head soft traits, loud
Korean : small, egg head, always with stupid hat
Japanese : closer to the normal size, cubic head, always empty smile on the face

One things for sure, Asian girls are often cute and beautiful.

1st and last should be Japanese.

Attached: 132456754321456532.png (640x960, 1.04M)

this is chinese

Attached: _20180814_131058.jpg (720x552, 76.36K)

All Chinese are mongols, pure Han Chinese are dead

Koreans are mongols and some are mongol x jap mix.

Japs are yayoi Chinese x jomon mix


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guess race

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Japan. Or Plastic surgery Korean

True. Cute, child-like things are highly valued in Japan (which is good I think). I once got a business card from a grown Japanese man with sesame street characters on it. No lie.


Attached: 86464a1169e54660caa3411b848d045a.jpg (960x960, 88.92K)

looks 100% japanese

You found the only Chinese with blue eyes whose dressing up like a korean huh?

first be a weeb. shouldn’t be hard for anyone here. then watch kung fu movies. then listen to kpop. after that you will be able to easily distinguish the strains of insect, including substrains like viet, flip, and mongolnigger.


Attached: 950full-li-bing-bing.jpg (950x1214, 158.87K)



I could recognize a chinese girl. They have weird eyes, like they're inbred or something

Chink with fake colored hair, eyelid tape that gooks and chunks use to give themselves double lids, color contacts and lots and lots of plastic surgery with the photoshop scalpel

Attached: Not Japanese.webm (600x338, 1.31M)

All you race traitors should be rounded up and shot. After the nogs and Jews, the chinks are next, and it won't matter if they're chinks, japchinks or koreachinks.

Koreans and Japanese are relatively recent descendants of Northeast Chinese, so if it somewhat difficult to tell them apart. Koreans tend to be paler though. Historically, the Japanese were shorter but that probably was caused by inferior diet more than anything else, as they are almost exactly the same height as the Chinese now.

My wife is nip and can't even tell, and neither can most Asians from what I've gathered. It mostly boils down to differences in fashion/style and, obviously, language

Attached: mariya_takeuchi.jpg (1924x1293, 297.02K)

Ask them what their ethnicity is.

because they are all chinx retard


Nah. She's had work done bro. You can't be serious if your gonna tell me her mom and dad (pic related) produced those eyes

Attached: chinese-actress-li-bingbing-center-poses-with-her-parents-before-the-premiere-for-the-new-movie-the-sea-of-trees-during-the-68th-cannes-film-festi-W8EGKN.jpg (1300x956, 153.41K)

Based leaf knows what's up

if you can't tell which is which in that picture without looking at the words, you're an idiot

>be me
>weeb out in secret for 5 years
>speak not one word of insect runes, korean, and very little Japanese

Wake up one day to discover I can hear any Asian surname and tell you if it's Japanese korean or insect

Nice try Moishe
