What if instead of hating on blacks and Jews, we hated on white supremacists and neo nazis to drive them out of this board instead?
What if instead of hating on blacks and Jews...
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How can I make you reconsider?
Lol fuck off mexikike
>What if we were intentionally self-hating?
Then we'd be liberal Democrats?
fpbp and /thread
Once whites become a minority, which is pretty much unavoidable, things will backfire and we will have to kill you or wipe you out entirely for being racist. Please reconsider your racist ways to avoid destruction.
Yas Forums is a Christian board and lives by Jesus's Word, so we already hate them. People who say otherwise are just LARPing to prove the absurdity of white supremacism and any people who "unironically" believe in it are just outsider shills/trolls who are hunting for (You)s. We are all brothers in Christ and children of God.
That's not how mirrors work.
We've always been a minority. At no time in the world's history has white people been the biggest population. Defending ourselves is not racist; defending our countries is not racist.
Do you know why we've gotten this far despite being heavily outnumbered? We're better. We've always been better. We will always be better.
>we're going to systematically wipe out the superior race
You can't even keep a few narconigs from destroying your country
Ok but have you considered not being racist?
It would help if you consumed less drugs, Cletus.
fpbp /thread
The more you attack us, the more racist we'll get. Consider not being criminal garbage.
Whites are already a minority. Now let's see if you can ethnically cleanse the niggers first and you can work up from there. Baby steps Pedro, baby steps.
That would greatly lower the average IQ of this board. Please don't.
But it's how memes do.
or you can make me a taco
What kind of taco?
But then who will pay for your welfare?
What if we hated no one and realized it’s the devil to blame.
well thats not very 'freedom of speechy' now,is it?
Oye pero tu esta loco
I want them to keep posting. I want them to stand as an example to the mental weakness and degeneracy if you choose them as an alternative. I want them screaming for blood and throwing a fit like a child, while smearing shit all over the walls, while declaring, "Ha ha! You replied, therefore I won!" Because more people will hate them.
Excuses excuses, typical
fpbp, you could have been a natsoc too but you had to go and minority it up against da ebil whyte peepo
perfectly executed. fpbp strikes again. Truly poetic how often it happens.
Vast majority of us aren't racist and have no hatred towards nonwhites.We just want our countries for ourselves. Also we are rapidly growing, Nationalism is increasing and so is the topic of Demographics, and it's not just whites waking up but other nonwhites as well and they are also supportive of us. Don't get happy thinking we'll become extinct and lose to globalism, victory is looking more real and real with each year that goes by. We are growing. We will win. We are unstoppable.
First post best post
People like you are why I am racist you retarded fucking nigger. You just ranted about wanting to exterminate me. Why should anyone give a fuck about you people? You are disgusting vindictive twats. Not even your own people like you hence why they all flee North.
Everyone's racist and prefers their own kind and everyone should just accept that and still be gentlemen. It's niggers spics kikes and mudshits who have a problem with anything short of getting their dick sucked for being poop colored.
You're next after we assimilate burgers, you fucking leaf.
>are you feeling lucky, punk?
History says you're wrong.
Even if you have the numbers your culture is crusty and trashy. Even niggers are turned off by it.
ok beaner, go be a retard somewhere else
You cant even assimilate Guatemalans, much less us, Pedro.
You wouldn't know culture anyway, lad. USA has no culture outside of mindless consumption. But don't worry. Our cuisine will be an upgrade.
I'm not one of you fucking spictoid
Shit you're absolutely right. The world would've never thought to put beef, cheese and tomato together without a bunch of rape babies who think they're tougher than they are.