When will we rise against the evil satanist Bill Gates?
Anonymous attack Bill Gates
Suddenly I'm thinking Bill Gates isn't such a bad guy after all
so some dude made a video then
>Nazis are evil
This guy isn't Anonymous
>says "attack"
>movie doesn't go brratatatat
more kike propaganda as always. Keep believing the "news", an age of portmanteau of the Jews. Basic wordplay and you fucks are convinced that the children of the devil are now the fucking vessels of truth upon this world. If you fucks just knew cockney rhyming slang you wouldn't have this issue. By the lexicological standards of cockney rhyming slang, the Jews are actually telling the truth when they call themselves "the News". Enjoy this "resistance" that consists of nothing but the play-fighting with their controlled resistances.
>Remember the holocaust?
>Remember how it just go the Jews a free country and put them above the law?
When that's the power of "real resistance" where people march in the streets against the Jews, it's fucking laughable that you fucks think there's any hope for your dickless subhuman post-white race that has proven they no longer have the biological capacity to fight or defend themselves and instead tries to win fights with tears. Niggers
pretty gay desu
>glowniggers """attack""" a glownigger
Why should we care?
>Globalist attacks globalist
Yeah sure let's listen to what you got to say...
>When will we rise against the evil satanist Bill Gates?
I started my personal revolt against BillG in the early days of personal home computers, when I saw how all of the peecee software was ugly, less functional, and always $10 more than the same programs for other computers.
Unlike the normalfags pretending to be super sekrit haxorz, Bill Gates can actually code. Legionfags are so fucking pathetic lmfao.
>Little Anni goes all Jedi on Darth Gateus.
Man Anonymous has fallen on hard times.
nothing but 12yo fags behind the mask
stop threatening an do something hack his accounts dump his emails
when you make a threats you give them a little taste first of whats to come
but nope you wont
>HURR DURR we are anonymous we are Legion expect us
>We are legion
>Jesus then asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion,” for many demons had entered him.
They're not technically supposed to hide it, so they aren't even hiding it.
Why are there so many fucking baseless conspiracy theories about Bill Gates?
Are kikes trying to divert the attention away from them towards some rich White guy?
>corona hoax is real
>i-it's true that people need to be vaccined and chipped
>b-but bill gates is a bad CEO
how low can these retards sink?
I’m not even Christian and I didn’t trust anonymous from the beginning because of this story.
Never spaghetti, never surrounder, never froglet, expecto petroleum
okay which board is behind this one?
extremely low
ffs couple of years ago you had a couple of them that wanted to install a one world gov... yes really, claim to be this abonobongus and want to create the NWO...
>We abonobongous
>We legionas
>expecting the icecream man soon
>don't forget to call grandma
Bill gates will not go down so easily. These nerds better have nothing loses if they are truly going to take down Bill.
What's this? 2010?
Anonymous mights be a false prophet.
I also have doubts this is the true anonymous
kek anonymoose, you really expecto patronum the losers left claiming to be anoneeeemoose can do anything beyond social media harassment and maybe a mild ddos attack? old anonymous doesn't exist anymore it was fully comped and half the fuckers sold out when faced with .gov man
because anonymous isnt sjw at all
Not sure if serious but they helped start the Occupy movement which helped bring faggot shit into the main stream. You can almost blame them for the media we have today.
>Attempt to control Yas Forums number 3047