
the time has come to

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is coffee good for you?

Lmao I didn’t realize we had that many bases in your country. Fuck you faggot. We’ll occupy your dumbasses forever.

You haven’t started any world wars since they’ve been there. I think they’ll stay

Do something about it pussy

Based fellow burger

It's only a 100 year lease. You'll be expelled back to your spicnigger shithole in 2045.

3 times a day every day with this shit. Did some burger GI fuck your waifu Hans? Or are you a seething roach? I'm just trying to understand.

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>we wuz zog bot mutts

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Gladly, now pay the fuck up.

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Lol make us cuck

Blue pilled as fuck

Lmaooooooo good one


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Retarded mutt, UK France Germany are enough to keep Russia at bay. Your influence is getting lower and lower each year. Not too long now until every country expels you kikes.

Pay up bitch

>Look Mom, I made the thread again!
Impotent, seething faggot.

Make us faggot
Your country is so cucked it's entirely possible that jews aren't responsible for all the cuck shit in the world, but swedes are.

right, give the Pentagon more money so government men in windowless offices can stuff more into their own pockets

We were invited

Europeans are literally too retarded to be trusted not to start another World War, and I'll be damned if I get drafted to go die for some europoors.

roaches in Germany loves the US though.

you make this thread all the time, boring. kys hans

You should stop spamming this until you can actually do something about it gook.

Ok pedro, i just read about ruby ridge. What a horrible nightmare of a country america is in some aspects.

Didn't Nigel leave the Euro and now the European Union is getting destroyed by Corona? How is that going for you guys?

>Germany are enough to keep Russia at bay
We're not without problems by any sense; the Army Ordinance Board infamously BTFO .280 British and the FAL because of their corruption. It doesn't excuse your criminally malnourished whermacht.

Then fight your own wars and stop your psuedo-intellectual taking heads from bitching about us not doing enough to protect Kurds in Syria from funding Turks.

You literally have the most cases and deaths you faggot mutt. Deluded fucking retard. Yankee go home.

The thing is why do you not withdraw your military presence back to your own soil?
Whilst you were fighting in korea, vietnam, me wars.
They were constantly forwarding their power back home.

>criminally malnourished whermacht.
43,2 Billion Euro in 2019, that's $48 Billion or 48000 Million USD, what are you even talking about

Stop making the same thread over and over, you insufferable retard.

We also have a way bigger population than you ass hats which is why per capita we are doing way better than you ass hats but keep spewing whatever bullshit makes you cope.

Maybe we should do something like 50 years of isolation, just to see what happens.
Like we'll only back you up if you speak english. Kinda want to see what would happen.

You need to fight another civil war before starting any more useless wars around the globe.

99 or 100 year leases don’t literally last for 100 years dumbass

The eurofags seethe while keks were had.

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Are you Euros really too retarded to see the complicated clandestine struggles going on in the middle east between world powers are you all just naive bleeding hearts?

how about you fuck off like a good American

Well its not the same productive population, your population has been replaced by beaners and other ethnic scum that have stolen your vote and soon america will be a brown communist dictatorship.
I know i will live to see it, mexico 2.0


But if they leave and go home to their communities, they might be able to stop this trend? So perhaps it would be better if they stayed? Justice for Dresden and all that?

Why risk stopping a good trend when the burger menace is almost gone, for ever?

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Well if you fat cunts would fuck off, he wouldn’t have to.

You do not have a bigger population than Europe kek.

Oh really? How long do they last for then?

Don’t make us spank that cuckold German ass 3x in 120 years you fucking eurojews

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Yeah,but how does that break down? American infantrymen cost about $125 a day in wages, food, and ammo after you spend everything to train and equip them.

okay you going to defend yourself with broomsticks?

Theres always been wars in the middle east, the empires fought over asia long ago and still to this day the meaningless struggle continues.
I dont think europeans should involve ourself in that shithole, just let it stagnate.
With your involvement in ME wars for economic gain and Israel dominion, you have made cause for guilt tripping western societies and trojan horses to travel to our countries.

They should all be relocated to B*varia instead

We should leave Europe tb h

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>m..muh Russia

Do you never get tired of this ridiculous shtick?

Worry about your own piece of shit country, the same shit is literally happening to you guys and your government is literally using your tax money to promote it and race mixing. God damn it, as a half Swiss and half American I really don't get this mega anti sentiment towards America because we never had some sort of historic monothilic culture like Europeans do. In the end, our culture was set up around the individual rights of people and I guess it comes as a surprise to most that if people are given freedom they might make their own mistakes...

Imagine being an American colony and not realizing it.

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What the fuck are we still doing in Germany? Holy fuck.

the US is singlehandedly responsible for ensuring the world's commerce and yet they all bitch about it
good fuck them I want to see what happens

Why would we need america, that ones allied themselves with soviet union?
HAH, we used to have the means but the corrupt world organizations you gave birth to after ww2 have had its effect on our countries.

Make us.

We own you. You are NOTHING as soon as we leave. Your economy is entirely dependant on the gibs you faggots get from us being there.

FYI: Nigger we want to get out of your shithole too.

Countries are fighting over it today because there is literally a power struggle going on that even Europe has stakes in. To sit back and fall into obscurity because you can't grasp what is on the line here is the height of faulty thinking and how people and countries become irrelevant.

>no link
for some reason I expected better from germany

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Pfft hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck!

Oh fuck, you're serious!!! Hahahababababhababababahahahahaha

And a memeflag by an American. This is just too much.

Germany has a smaller military than Iowa and the French, you missed your calling as a comedian.

Oh, I agree, 100%

>US leaves
>gas gets cut off
>why did you do this america

maybe next time don't try and take over the entire continent of Europe. Did you ever think of that? Maybe it was a bad idea for you idiots to create an economy so inefficient that you needed to invade eastern Europe to create some semblance of stability. Don't invade Russia even if you need their oil. Everyone knows that oil in Russia and Azerbaijan belongs to the Rothschild family who own Royal Dutch Shell. Slav nigger and turkic roach oil belong to the Anglo-American Hegemon -- not to the fucking Krauts. Deal with it Hans Al Muhammad bin Selcuk.

What could possibly happen if you left?
Less military spending for american taxpayers CHECK
A bigger focus on american soil and politics CHECK
Less money and power for the jews CHECK
Room for european military to enlarge and be ready for the civil wars to come CHECK

Germany should be allowed to have bases in America.

>I really don't get this mega anti sentiment towards America
Have you ever read a history book? Ever considered countries hate you because you meddle in their internal affairs, set up bases in other countries, fight wars for Israel etc?

We should give them the billions in foreign aid that normally goes to Israel and guarantee them military aid in any event requested.
Then we should invade mexico after arresting ALL freemasons.
Then we should pull our troops back home, form a defensive element that spans from the alaskan Islands, to Hawaii, to Baja California Sur after we ANNEX it.
Then we invade Cuba and destroy the pseudo communist strata that inhabits it and establish a friendly fascist regime. After that, establish dominance over the entire oceanic area around it.

The presence was used as a tripwire for enemies. Not enough troops to stop an invasion, but enough so that you will have attacked America, and so America will respond.

i'm pretty sure the germans had plenty of gas before the americans came

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Stop posting my face on Yas Forums

The struggle is about oil, but you could force these desertdwellers to give it up for almost free because they depend on it, they have no other incomes and it fuels their economies they have no choice, you dont need boots on the ground.
The last thing you want is these desertdwelling fucks and their jew cousins guilt tripping our nations into accepting their bullshit.

OK have Russia dictate their terms to you guys for buying gas, fucking retards.

If i make this thread again, maybe they will fuck off.

civil war is not possible, because there is no us-them territory. It's not like slavery was.

why so that you can invite more refugees into europe?

Well you shouldnt have put your ugly mug in the media then buddy.
