Brit/pol/Sunday Din dins edition

>stay inside or die

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1st for R Taytay

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The Corona Epidemic has been a disaster for tripfags

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>The world will have to live with threat of coronavirus for the 'foreseeable future' because there is no guarantee of a successful vaccine, senior WHO expert warns while Oxford professor says a cure 'was not certain'

Just wanted to judge the peasant sludge you faggots eat. Yep, looks like pig scraps. 1776 was a good thing. Carryon, bad toothers.

first for black pud instead of bread, seeing as its din dins edition

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what do you have against gound beef, gravy, carrot and onion

Lovely. Post the scotch egg one mate.

Literally nothing. Looks good imo

somebody fucked that and made a retarded son lol

For what its worth.

I've put together a dead easy how to filter namefags most of doom mongs posts and memeflags. Here is the pastebin to the how to.

>Why not filter all namefags?
Because I think some of them are alright. I've shown you how to filter them all if ( you ) want.

>REEEE just report them
Often the thread 404s before they are got to.
You do you and I'll do me, OK?

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Was going to make a roast tonight but now I want mince and purdies.

>unironically thinking boris is doing a good job.

do i anger you?

just for you sweetheart

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Your breakfasts fascinate me. Such a random mashup of stuff.

Gasping for a full English but my mum keeps buying those shitty small eggs its doing my head in

Dont put food in the op, it attracts the burgers, also Yas Forums is a dreadful board

Why do you envy tripchads?

Is this considered edible where you're from. Serious question.

Also, I am aware of the petulant garbage my countrymen eat. This isn't a competition

From bottom up.
Sliced Black pud
Sliced Black pud

You're back :)

yeah its fucking bad aint it? /britfeel/ aint much better but it does the job.

Why are you tripping ypu fag? Brit is shite, and too fast.

i guess im just offended that the carrots are bigger than the meat pieces

any of you lads missing spoons?

when will this shit lockdown be over

Why. This is why your teeth are rotten.

what do you have against ground beef, gravy, carrot and onion?

Sweden about to achieve herd immunity.

/cvg/ BTFO

One of the best thing about Yas Forums x filtering is the ability to filter on the go. A few clicks and they're gone. Pic related.

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okay but do i anger you?

Third world food

says the nation with loads of sugar in its fucking bread

what teeth???

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Cheers mate. Next step: Black Pudding World Domination

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Meat and veg lad, whats wrong with that?

Who the fuck puts chilli on a plate?

Its the style, presentation is important when cooking. This is something the French always understood and you brits just can't fathom. You could have decent seasons and spices in what looks like a can of Dinty Moore chili, but it looks awful.

Absolutely not, people who eat like that have no actual life skills and probably relied on mum to make them dinner.

Manhands did turn out to be pube. That or he's on a new LARP of cope for chatting up a tranny kek

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hory shet

Mate, can you not insult third world food? The food their is 100% is better than that (apart from China obviously).

What is this? Diarrhea and chunks of soap?

>herd immunity
>against a virus that you can't gain any immunity to
this virus attacks your immune system and it's mutating far too rapidly.

Nonce edition, delet this now
Can someone post that belly bounce in the pub webm where the fat fuck falls back and trips over the pool table then the pint lands on him for me pls

Most knew Pube and Manhands were the same person, just another of his LARPs, come on mate.

it's not chilli it's mince (ground beef) and gravy
it's bland as fuck, and those tatties are shiiiiite

Guys... I'm an american stuck here for this quarantine shit and I never bought into the memes before, but holy fucking shit, they're all true.
This entire island is like a bunch of inbred cucks/hick faggots, like the worst of our fly-over states all rolled into one disgusting accented pig-in-a-blanket.
It's true that they don't season their food, not even fucking SALT. They eat this disgusting pig slop and gladly ask for seconds... I can't wait to be out of here, holy fucking shit if I had known what a backwoods ass place this island was...

Wrong dip fuck. I cooked in 4 star kitchens for a couple years, and texture, consistency and presentation are important in cuisine. I'm not talking about grabbing a quick bite for lunch.

Dinner is a meal that is shared with family, it is an important time and meal in every culture. Aesthetic is a large part of culture. If your food looks like it was scooped out of a fucking bucket and tossed on a tin plate in a 1800s mining camp, you're doing something wrong m8

what does presentation matter when you're hungry and just want to cook some delicious shepherd's pie filling and eat it with boiled/mashed taters?

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noted, brit is full of deanos, r9k is full of manic depressives.

at your service lad

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fill me up mommy

mate quick question, do i proper make you fuming?

Utter lies. It's a mild cold, faggot.

i like you user, fukken saved!!

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Nobody has this for breakfast kek.

Its just a deconstructed shepherds pie smoothbrain

I wouldn't call his disgusting cooking representative of British food at all.

There's many British meals which I would stack up against any French dish both in terms of presentation and taste. Beef Wellington being my favourite.

>70% of NHS deaths are bame
>33% of all deaths are bame

oh nononono

>black pud
Isn't that just congealed blood?
Tastes like scrapple but you niggas gross. Who comes up with something like that and decides to eat it

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>mild cold
>25% CFR outside of china
>reinfection is common and deadly
>permanent organ damage among "survivors"

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probably because they're a white country

quail egg?

Thankyou mate

Nothing. But din din dude, are we talking dinner? See my above post. Who would want to sit down around a table and eat OP pic together with family?

Its a brekkie sarnie but instead of bread its black pudding. what is wrong with you?

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have a black pud and bacon stack, you deserve it

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