What was his legacy? In 8 years of presidency, what did he do that leaves a mark?
Obama Legacy
He brought cultural enrichment to rural white communities across the country. That's his lasting legacy.
Pushed the LGBT movement.
Pushed underground pedophila.
Made ISIS.
Brought Satan into the white house.
Broke every rule in the book.
first tranny first """""lady"""""
also first mixed race president to larp as black
He almost started the race war.
What rules did he break? Need redpills
left a shit stain on the flag
the mark of the beast
He made my insurance premiums skyrocket because I'm not poor or a minority.
Those numbers reflect data recorded two years after Obama left?
And you don't see a problem with this?
Damn he did pretty good.
Picking up during the emergency situation bush left in was pretty impressive, ill give it to him.
And unlike trump, he "knew things" and "read words" and gathered information"
Crazy stuff i know
#1-Obama's Years the Great Indian Invasion of America!
There's tons of info going around. Stop waiting to be spoonfeed and take action by yourself.
Nothing. He won't be remembered for anything except the memes.
this. also made the niggers even more aggro. fuck king nigger
Holy shit. Is Tom Hanks really in that picture? I’ve never noticed that before. What is with those two?
Economic recovery and trying to socialize health care. You can argue about Syria, warcrimes, Snowden, etc etc but normies will fondly remember him as the guy who brought back the economy from Bush and that if Obamacare succeeded, we wouldn't be in the Corona-crisis right now
Sucked hollyjew cock and was our actual first reality show president.
He bombed doctors without borders and oversaw the implementation of common core to turn children into slaves incapable of critical though.
I don't even know why people bother collecting this data, nobody has ever been intellectually honest about it. If it was the guy you vote for in office, It was all his doing. If it was the other guy, it's just a coincidence, or the delayed result of the last time your guy was in office.
Fuck politics is a depressing waste of time.
What did Ellen Degenerate receive a medal for?
Those are the Federal Reserve's numbers son.
And they were achieved in a completely unsustainable way by printing trillions of dollars.
The same Federal Reserve that began aggressively tightening monetary conditions as soon as Trump won.
Wow great specifics
Obama's Legacy for me:
- No matter what wedge/social issue popped up in Society, from Transgendered Bathroom situations, men walking into Women's bathroom at "Target", Black professor stopped by Harvard police, Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin issue...... every issue always had the same outcome by Obama. Obama would automatically get himself involved in the situation and he would always fall on the side of the perversion or the SJW/sicko side to the equation. You could never count on Obama standing up for what was truly correct or normal.
Being on the right side of history, bigot!
Biggest war criminal in US history. Dropped more bombs and started more wars than Bush, killed countless civilians via drone attacks/air strikes. Armed extremists like ISIS in an effort to topple Assad for the geostrategic ambitions by his kike overlords. Toppled Gadafi and rendered Libya into a slave state and hub through which the worst migrant crisis since WW2 could take place. Therefore, he is also responsible for those who drowned in the mediterranean. He made those people flee in the first place with the help of his dear friend Hillary.
Feel free to add more to this list.
Obama was an absolute fucking scumbag who deserves to hang but low IQ, vapid normies love him. FUCK this clown world.
Shitty economy, record unemployment, new racial tensions, turned Dem party into "America sucks!" party, out-neoconned even Bush, lied about healthcare, lied about everything else, seen as weak pansy by world leaders, mostly just golfed.
Media defend his legacy because it's also their legacy, he's a non-factor. He endorsed Warren weeks ago and nobody even noticed.
Enough about Trump this thread is about Obama