Spain Sprays cities, they are even hiding chem trails anymore

Blue Pill or schizo meds...

Attached: EV7Wt2KUwAE_3up.png (680x453, 337.87K)

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this is stupid. Ultraviolet rays would kill the virus in a matter of hours irregardless. It is particularly useless due to most people staying inside their residences

Perhaps the goal is to damage the native micro-biological ecology to make things easier for foreign microbes?


Let's punish the environment as a whole. What could go wrong in killing all microbes?

Those chorizoniggers must know something we don't, the chinks are doing this and now the spaniards. There's something going on with this plague. The symptoms and what we know of this disease make it seem like an ELE but the statistics are all fucked, even in the """free""" west.

Things are too complicated now for average humans, (and those below average too). Even highly intelligent people need specialists to guide them through certain issues. Who is to say what the effects of what they are spraying will even be? whos to say what they are even spraying? What if some malicious party like another government got control of the company that wanted to spray you with poison to weaken your immune system, who would voice concern over it? You could have some specialists on their side and some key government officials corrupted as well, just enough so that the malicious ideas would not generate public outcry, especially easy when the country being targeted doesn't even control their own media.

Yes it is paranoid schizo hour in here, whats up?

I needs a job. Maybe this will be the next big thing.
‘Spraying’ anything with a CL-415 firebomber seems pretty fucking stupid.

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>Ultraviolet rays would kill the virus in a matter of hours irregardless.

No they wouldn't you retard. The germicidal UV is a short wavelength UV that doesn't make it through or atmosphere.

Hidden Yas Forums server discord gg CpqQw7b

Get in here FAST! we're closing invites soon.

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they're spraying strain s

Get rekt faggot
I’d gladly spray cities down.
Clean up some of the filth, get paid.
Really a win win scenario.

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I swear they are spraying shit here OTQ.
Low flying planes at night circling around, stink of chems in the air in the day.

Keep sucking black dick your northern barbarian degenerate

Don’t worry user.
It’s just 2-4D mixed with DDT and Diesel.

Are you a pilot?

Oh ok no problem then.

It actually smells like Dettol in the air some days.

There will be no unforeseen faults to this plan whatsoever
Screencap this

Attached: accordian.jpg (600x991, 39.89K)

what part of the cunt are you in mate?

close to north london.

Surrey boi here

have you smelled them there?
like a dettol smell

can some confirm is usa has stopped chemtrails in their skies as this source claims

covid is global patriot act, a free pass for everything you can imagine

Hysterical freaks. If a drone tried to spray me with chems I would blast it out of the sky.

No mate, all I can smell round here is BBQ and quiet desperation

Nope. Good for you.

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What about a CL-415, or in your case an AT-802 or C-130 Herc

It won't last much longer now.
people have had enough being at home , I'd had enough 2 weeks and am always ahead of the game lol.

Fake article

I think most people have said fuck it now anyway. I may or may not have ignored the lockdown the whole time anyway, leaving my car full of tools for an 'emergency callout'.

>planes are grounded goy, that's why there aren't chemtrails anymore

Attached: planes_are_grounded_USA_20200419_1847.jpg (1244x884, 673.13K)

>I think most people have said fuck it now anyway.

yeah mate, millions didn't die..people say wtf was that about?
we are screwed if a real pandemic ever occurs here, talk about unprepared.