The goalpost keeps getting pushed back

Are you ready for the new normal guys?

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But how does this impact the black community?

Good, easy neet buck's. We also finally get to witness a real war in our own countries.

First class tickets to watch society collapse.

I'm praying for it we could lose 2-3 billion simps and extroverts and actually be better off as a species

We have flu shots and more people died of the flu than the Corona virus. It's just a Jewish scheme as usual.

society will easily collapse if this continues another 2 months.

Marshall's Law will soon be imposed.

Opinion disregarded

Mandatory Greeks aren’t white. I hope you remember you’re not white and now feel ashamed. Good day.

Because it still hasn't spread everywhere yet. It's like 2x as bad as the flu and 2.5-4x as easy to spread.

That being said, it's only 2x as bad as the flu. Healthy people have little to worry about except getting sick for a few days and killing others.

>Are you ready for the new normal guys?
The whole reason we are stuck at home is TO FLATTEN THE CURVE.
So if you live in a country that has flattened the curve, you start releasing more and more people out of their homes.
People will still die. By the millions, maybe.
But each recovered or dead person will have been given the best hospital care.

It's spread everywhere and it's about as bad as the flu. Antibody test results incoming.

This, like it only infected 2 million people in just a few months, killed tens of thousands of people, and made millions of Americans jobless at rates that can trigger a major economic recession and maybe even a depression. Of course this is just what the flu does every year so it's just a nothing burger.

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Dailymail is the most annoying website to read articles off of. There’s a screen worth of ads after every paragraph.

It's definitely not spread everywhere. There's a clearly a reason New York has more deaths per capita than Montana, and it's infection rate.

being a neet will be the new normal

Yeah, the new normal is that old people and fat cunts are going to die!


>and made millions of Americans jobless at rates that can trigger a major economic recession and maybe even a depression.
The flu didn't do that you absolute retard, the lockdown did

>We may NEVER find a vaccine
People are just figuring that out now? We STILL don't have vaccines for the last round of SARS or MERS.

we already have a serum, whats wrong with these people?

>not having an adblocker and refusing to turn it off to the point that you'll read an article through the embedded html code rather than turn off the adblocker
You dont even belong on the internet

Good because if you were an OG of Yas Forums you would have been prepping the only sore cunts out here are boomers, qoomers, religious and cult fags. The rest of us OG redpills/greypills/blackpills are living the dream. Fuck them.

>caught it early
>kinda sick for a week, then recover
>good for several weeks
>now a few symptoms are coming back like shortness of breath

wtf is this shit, you assholes? and who do i shoot for causing it?



We all need to get chipped by Mr.Bill. Watch his talks. He is so intelligent and even more benevolent. He warned us about this virus years ago. But we didn't listen. Now only he knows how to safe us.
#IStandWithBill #ID2020 #GetChippedForTheGreaterGood

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half a billion men : 3 billion women sounds like hell

This virus shit is fake. Get woke.

Iphonefag, I just avoid the site entirely.

People will just get bored of the propoganda and stop complying in mass.

>Marshall's Law will soon be imposed.
Is this some American thing or are you really that illiterate you don't know what Martial law is?

>hasnt spread everywhere yet
Infections have been under estimated by 50-80 times. The death rate is abysmal and the majority of people don't even notice they got it.

Who is Marshall, and who gave him so much power??
Yas Forums demands answers.