I have known about homosexuality and bisexual people who are against the lgbt , according to them the lgbt is full of shit people its not the same as it was before.
I want to know more about this people and their opinions, about why they don't like anymore the lgbtI personally agree for the rights of homosexuals,bisexuals,etc.But some of the stuff that lgbt has done like sabotage weedings i just can't agree with.
I have known about homosexuality and bisexual people who are against the lgbt...
This thread is gay.
Portugal is gay.
OP is gay.
>implyng being gay is bad
OP is a faggot
Okay, groomer.
The best gay people are the ones that don't mince about like total faggots or support pride parades where people dress like giant dildos
It's easy to be gay and still act in public like a normal person. But the ones that don't are insufferable
and they should still be stoned
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Trannies as well as the people defending trannies. Being gay is fine no one gives a shit and fags dont want people to give a shit. They just want to fuck men and for nobody to care.
Trannies and their sjw defenders want to change everyone else which is obnoxious. Plus the fact its a very vocal community. /lgbt/ is basically just /tttt/ at this point.
Thats the issue.
Everyone knows OP is the only gay in this village.
Nice Little Britain reference.
Christkikes at it again.Kek.
There is some truth to it.
But it's mostly the bi's and homos who hate on majority of the LGBTQLMNOP+ what ever it is now. The 'community' used to be a down low sort of thing, and it was infiltrated by degenerate niche sexual preferences, rather than legit sexuality.
well we all learned that most of america's pharmaceutical drugs is made in china so it makes sense about everything the left stands for is to make people depressed so theyre reliant on commie chink drugs so limousine librups can profit off the suffering even if it means undermining their country and enriching the chinks
and how do limousine libruls profit off a depressed populace?
>theyre therapists
>theyre doctors
>they own stocks in drug companies
We need to restore the paradigm of classifying all of these people as "other".
There are people who want to participate in society in the natural and beautiful way, and there are those who do not.
Now, those people who do not might not do so for a variety of reasons, but this should not affect their classification. Whether they were molested, "born this way", or self-inflicted, or sex-addicted, whatever... it doesn't matter.
They are other and they should be treated as such.
I don't think that means we need to hang gay people or anything like that, but it definitely should not be
1) shown in any positive light whatsoever
2) literally paraded through our cities several times a year
seems like a no-brainer to me, but the Jews truly have fucked our society up.
do you understand america at all? why would a high income earning doctor be librul you ask, surely theud rather be republican? because theyre in debt up to their eyeballs from the very system libruls put in place to ensure they have obedient democrat voters. same thinng with nogs and gibs.
having sex with men is disgusting
I'm not attracted to women :^(
But I suspect the lgbtq novement has been harnessed by the people at the top in a multi pronged attack on the concept of family and the ability of people to create families so that population growth can be thrown in reverse globally
once you add T and Q, I, , other A, NB and all the rest it is just a fucking joke. trans women are not women, they are trans women. Genderfluid just means crazy slut, Non Binary just means Bi. or not sexy, or mores likely "attention seeker"
it is all bullshit. Do whatever melts your butter but stop being precious about it.
My pronouns are "fuck you" and "grow the fuck up"
anal sex causes permanent bodily harm with the formation of anal fissures and scar tissue
didnt seem to bother your mom last night
I bet those guys fuck each other in the arse
I made myself gay. I couldnt stand dating women anymore. After switching, it had been almost as bad. I just wanted a partner i could spend the rest of my life with and help each other improve. I had hoped i could find a based gay guy but while they do exist, they are never close enough to date. Wish i had asked the girl in my econ class for her number. She talked openly about putting degenerates into camps. Maybe someday i will find what i am looking for.
99% of fags are the result trauma or hormone imbalances.
sounds kinda gay
It's difficult to explain how bad the trans community is because there's no straight community that even comes close to how downright bad those people are
the dont have anal sex
Feel like this is the same person who ran the polgb discord server.
i dont even use discord
Came here to post this.
Bye before I get virtual AIDS.
It was always full of shit people. It just got shittier.
A lot of gays didn't like the whole "gay marriage" push. Because not all gays are socialists. And "gay marriage" turned marriage into simply the government sanctioning of who can form a couple. Which would be overreach. Government was initially involved to promote stable environment for raising children. Or more exact, a stable environment to raise new tax payers. If it changed to simply being a government blessing on who you can fuck, it's not a role government should be involved in. The counter argument is that marriage doesn't guarantee a stable and healthy environment anyway or result in children. But that's a dumb argument since there never was a goal to guarantee such a thing. Just a goal of promoting human behavior through tax manipulation. But now, what reason is government involved at all? You could just hand out civil unions to everyone that wants one.
nothing wrong with being gay as long as you aren't a flamer and are hygienic good looking and physically fit
those two gay dudes are beautiful
I agree. disgusting
they'll look like that for a short time during their youth. before long they will look like pic related
the faggots are turning our traps gay
That's why you don't marry/have anything long term with femboys.
>Only attractive people are allowed to be gay
nobody is allowed to be gay
>Kevin Bacon
Uhhhhh nice?