What the fuck is happening on this planet?
Americans reporting UFOs the past days
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Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind was #1 on iTunes documentary for a while.
It's about making a 1% transition to awaken global contact
Central Alberta. 2015 hrs April 18 2020. Lights every 5 mins west to east. 2050hrs fast military jet westbound flightpath.
blew beans
CE5 shows that ufos are an almost "hallucigenic" phenomena, not that they are not real, they are spirit. Interdimensional if you will.
Captcha is broken, delete it hiroshima.
The people in charge in the United States want you to focus on UFOs and not on what's going on right now.
I wonder why?
What is going on right now? I see talk of many things that is going on, but what REALLY is going on? I feel like the bill gates id2020 thing is distraction too, it just doesn't make enough sense as an agenda.
I miss old /x/ desu
here, I'll play
the dark backdrop to the past few years of international violence has been that contact was finally made with one alien race
the governments of the world are now scrambling to put up some sort of space-bound defense and find other aliens to talk to, because otherwise we'll get conquista-ed,
meanwhile US, China and Russia are jockeying for position among themselves because each wants to speak for all Earth in the negotiations, even if they are going to only negotiate our surrender, and we're getting closer and closer to a world war because of it
Elon Musk Satellites.
what are the reports? I havent seen one. post links you fagged
minnesota reporting
saw about 50 satellites (I assume) going south west to north east at 9 pm 4/18/2020 they the first thirty or forty were relatively evenly spaced just about 20 seconds of travel time apart. The other 10-20 were more erratically spaced and seemed to move their travel path further north but still parallel to the first set. The others were so continuous that we didn't notice appreciable path deviation.
also they appeared to make QUICK side to side adjustments to their flight path. They were small adjustments but they were abrupt. could have been heat mirage or something.
We heard no jet sounds or anything.
WTF was that shit boys?
Full contact disclosure on July 1. It's been predicted.
How long has your average American been a retard? You suddenly started trusting them?
thanks mate, but I cant see shit over there
What about the debris?
project blue beam
Coronavirus lockdown has led to increased swamp gas emissions due to decreased human activity and pollution, hence the increase in so-called 'UFO sightings'.
also all were above any of the sporadic cloud cover.
>It's been predicted.
Where can I read this prediction?
You literally can't see anything here.
Operation Blue Balls in full swing.
Where dis?
>I can make cgi like that you know.
Are there more sightings happening now than usual? Does anyone got the stats?
1957 called, they want their meme back.
both videos from Norther Norway
>What is going on now?
Underground cave systems are being purged of their feral human farms for the vrill (advanced society of cave dwelling humanoids that split off from us in the last ice age) . God/Good is winning.
>An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids
Fallen ones are preparing themselves for great happenings about to come on earth.
And not just the fallen ones who roam the skies and the desolate areas of earth. God's angels are also preparing to dish out His long-awaited wrath. The payment that has to be made for mankind's many sins, especially against the innocent (to name a few: abortion, propagation of sodomy and genital mutilation amongst kids). It is God's angels who direct storms (they are gigantic ethereal beings,and they ride in the eye of the storm) and on His orders will cause disaster upon the earth.
It will come in 2 packets: one is world war 3, and the other a biblical-tier cataclysm where a good part of mankind will perish, estimates are from 1/3th to 2/3th of the human population. The cataclysm will exist in several events, one will be the impact of a heavenly body, likely an asteroid or the tail of a comet. Gigantic tsunamis will swallow up great coastal cities reknowned for their sin, like NY and LA, and even whole nations overnight. There will be 3 days of darkness in the very literal sense, where the sun will not appear in the sky. During these 72 hours the gates of hell will be opened and demons will roam the earth. The only way to survive this is to cover your windows with black paper, lock the doors and pray continuously. The demons will mimic the voices of your loved ones in order to lure you out and get you to invite them in, upon which they will torture you. He who out of curiosity peeks through the window dies on the spot. The demons cannot be harmed with firearms and whatnot, but they can only harm you if you invite them in.
After this a new golden age will emerge, it will be short but the happiest days of man on earth. God will reconcile Himself with men, and men will believe again. It will be the end of atheism. The cross will appear in the sky and remain. Muslims and hindus will convert en masse, and part of the jews, but not all.