European women leave their lockdown countries to party in Sweden


Imma try translate the article but long story short, European women see through this sham and come to Sweden for freedom.

>The rumor of Swedish freedom has spread and attracts rich European women to our capital. A hair cutter is tells of Danish and Swiss women coming to eat in resturants, party, and get their hair cut
>Many countries in Europe is tackling Corona with lockdowns but Sweden has opted to do the opposite. Sweden has a good reputation in corona times for allowing freedoms and living normally.
>But freedom costs, and plane tickets are expensive. A group of Swiss tourists paid 1800 Euros to visit. Therefor only rich women are able to do this
>Many Danish women are going to Malmö aswell. The hair cutter says she understand why Sweden is the only European country without a lockdown, as she explains Swedes follow the recommendations from authorities
>Many companies are forced to close down their internet bookings because the demand is too big. She suspects more and more women will come over as the rumor spreads

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women will literally die rather than not attention seek and gossip

>Going to Malmö

> half of Sweden infected
You always were suicidal.

isn't malmo full of mudslims?

Built for Nordic cock

>Many Danish women are going to Malmö
To get blacked

built for BBC

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Women were a mistake.

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They are also retarded when it comes to best practices.

All the more reason to find yourself a trad trap gf

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We will all cut our own hair in the ethnostate

It's true anons. You know it is.

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> Many Danish women are going to Malmö aswell.
They will be raped for sure

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Have fun with that, ladies. Sweden is the most aggressively boring country in the world. The IKEA cafeteria is about as lively as it gets.

WTF is that shit? Is that an actual trend? It's like the final phase of white people's degradation.

>That’s misogynist
>the patriarchy is just trying to keep women in homes like the 50s
I can see it now lads

they probably heard that black men are immune to corona

It's like Weimar on roids and aids. All that's left is severe economic depression to make the pendulum crash in the other direction.

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And it looks like we're getting that depression..?

>Aftonbladet says

Do you honestly believe that will happen? I sure hope so, but I don't think it's feasable. You have too much to fight against.

>The District Court does. It find the explanation quite convincing, though not entirely unlikely either
There is a lot of different conclusions that could be made of that and none of them speak well for Sweden.

>they probably heard that black men are immune to corona

I've actually seen people spreading the rumor black men's semen contains antibodies that protect and cure from coronavirus due to their genetic evolution in Africa against so many deadly diseases and I've seen women buy that and say shit like "Interesting..." and "Good to know..."

Here in Brazil a man was sent to jail last night after throwing a clandestine party for 70 people.
Some guys I know are going to secret parties on the weekends already.
The social distancing thing will never really catch with people and interesting alternatives will arise the same way they did when the USA tried to ban alcohol.
I'm all for those post-apocalyptic underground parties myself, let 'em come.

if they are Nordic white then it's OK


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ridiculous notion...
but hey women are suckers for fairy (cock)tails

Freedom is based

Ok Ivan. Good luck with coronavirus.

like 80% of the posts in this thread are about black cock state of america

At least I will die stabbing niggers, kikes and mudslimes in the eye and make a feast of flesh out of them, putting them in exquisite torture machinery.
That's fine by me.