Essential workers only

grocery stores are still depleted. why the fuck do you guys need to go through giant fucking pallets of flour and sugar everyday? no one gives a fuck about your stupid bread posts on ig.

so many people are ordering online now so they hired a ton of personal shoppers who are hot girls so that's cool.

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Lots of new cute girls at my work. I hope the virus never ends.

Shut up nigger

yeah, our flour, sugar & canned vegetables pallets reserves are now empty and we're missing a bunch of other products, shit is crazy. we've been working 80+ hours since the start of this crisis and there's no end in sight.

t. distribution center workslave

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I just had some Indian come to work sick at my office. Fucker had a fever, cough, and shit. He works security. Pissed at the security company we told them we are not paying for two weeks. Keep all your fucks home for two weeks.

one day our truck was like 8000 units (boxes of product for the unaware) another day it was only 500...

yeah, suppliers are starting to struggle... we're not at SHTF point yet but it's getting worrisome.

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lots of ex waitresses at my store now. seems like they hate it so theyll probably leave once this ends.

>implying it will end

I'm a garbage man, do I get to post here too?

Bruce there looks like he's at the end of his rope.
Hang in there buddy.

Where the fuck are all the supplies going?
I keep seeing stories about how TP and cleaners are being manufactured in greater quantities than ever before, yet almost none of it is arriving at grocery stores.
Where is all this shit going??

Janitor chiming in. It's hilarious to watch the white collar workers and zoomers at the buildings I clean whine like babies that they are considered essential. This virus really proved what thin skinned faggots Americans have become.

post away

I think it's getting to you guys too. The other day I was walking down the street and saw a Garbage truck pull up to a house. Guy gets out and starts screaming "PARK IN YOUR FUCKING DRIVEWAY" and empties their bin and tosses it back in the middle of their yard. Was bretty funny to witness.

Anyone with half a brain and some money would buy walmart stocks before the first quarter earnings are released.

(((Americans))) are fiction, never have existed.
These ((("Americans"))) you whine about have always been snivelling scum.


those news stories are unironically lies and propoganda to make it seem like everything is fine
all these big production companies working like normal hoping a worker "catches" covid so they can get a nice payout from the feds and get a three month vacation

At the risk of doxxing myself I work nights in the DTES of Vancouver. Walking around all the junkies, picking up the shit (most of the time literal) that they leave in the back alleys. Since the lockdown things have been getting pretty quiet down there. There are still the mentally ill who are wandering about, completely incoherent, but the volume of garbage that is being left behind has reduced by an order of magnitude.
Lots of people saying thank you though, which always feels nice.

The products are reaching stores, but people are still overbuying them. Also, businesses that are still allowed to operate are buying directly from manufacturers/distributors.

My work is an absolute joke right now. For the past three weeks, I have worked a total of 10, 15, and 10 hours. I've spent the other 85 hours just browsing the internet and watching anime. I typically spend about 25 hours each week doing work. I asked my manager if there was any reason for me to come to work for 8 hours each day. He said no but that I would have to spend vacation hours if I wanted to stay home or leave early. Even ignoring how shitty that is, the company is bleeding money from paying employees to do nothing.

Yep. Cute new online shoppers come to the meat counter and ask for items on their list. I guess you could say I give them my meat

kek don't worry, I don't do it for free.

I understand mate, I'm essential and work outside too. I have plenty of contact with the street people, sometimes they are just out of it, sometimes they just yell and scream.

What kind of magic is wagecuckery? You can actually get the same amount of money in unemployment now as you would working one of these 'essential' jobs. it's nonsensical to work these jobs under those conditions, as they present a legitimate risk of actual bodily injury.

Says the Brit.
The only thing you have to be proud of is the corpse empire your ancestors once owned which is now lost to you.

Brits are absolutely pathetic

My store didn't receive a single grocery pallet yesterday. Only produce and meat departments got shipments. Funny thing is that the supply chain has already caught up with the panic buyers but the pussy ass truckers don't want to drive because they're scared of the virus.

Why have you failed so bad at life that you work retail? No one here feels sorry for you.

you lazy assholes need to step it up, I am tired of buying the off-brand pepperoni because of your incompetence

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You should pay the truckers more. The free market has spoken.

I work in a warehouse that sells oil seals and cylinders to oil and farming equipment and lately our MIM guys have making things to specifications for ventilators and such. Still have my essential job

Honestly though I prefer the junkies to the drunks. The ones shooting up just want to be left alone, they want nothing to do with you and you want nothing to do with them. The drunks on the other hand are loud, often angry, wildly unpredictable, and can turn violent in a heart beat. At least I'm with a minimum of three other guys all the time, each with a shovel, but still...

probably paying down debts to china with product, they don't advertise it becasue the jew needs to earn his sheckles

>no Carlos picture
Son I am disappoint.

Did you know that your ability to buy food rests on the shoulders of 4 completely different, completely private industries that can shut down at any time because their employees are feeling a bit skittish?

Americans don't care until HFCS runs out then there will be blood sugar shed

Grocery store employees are hoarding it. They take what they need first.
Then they let old people shop early so they are grabbing up most of it.

Once it runs out we're coming for yours leaf.

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Grocery worker on my break using store Wi-Fi. OP is full of shit.

You're right about the drunks. They've been the most verbally aggressive towards me. The tweakers are actually rather respectful and keep their distance because they know I'm bringing what they need usually.

There's no disinfectant sprays or wipes in stock online in my area and there hasn't been for a month now. Guess I have to go to a CVS now despite having COVID-19 a week ago.

At any rate it's never boring down there, and I just got off my last shift for the week so I'm gonna go crash. Good luck buddy, hope you stay safe out there.

You too, fren

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Only if you have useful shit to say.

some of it is retail vs restaurant supply, but some fuckers are buying ludicrous amounts of things like meat.

Any of you guys hear about the essential worker bill making any more progress through the bill making process? I wouldn't mind making some more bank while the opportunity is knocking

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Okay, so pay them in accordance with the service they provide. Nothing you've said changes my argument.

It seems to vary by location, my store is mostly depleted but it is easily accessible by city folk and even before the virus we had customers from three different towns.