The one and ONLY """developed""" country without universal healthcare or subsidized college

>The one and ONLY """developed""" country without universal healthcare or subsidized college

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Yet europoors are getting slaughtered by corona because everyone has the same shitty healthcare.

I like them, they seem fun to be around. Always happy to bomb the shit out of living organisms.

White Americans don't want to pay for niggers, which is fair enough. At least the military stuff looks cool.

Obamacare ?

Imagine the last thing you see before you die is lol'ing deathbird.
Fucking humiliated.

you realize you have posted the Boeing X-32, which lost to the F35? Like, the actual plane we did NOT spend trillions on? You fucking dumbass.

>Italy is "Europe"
>We lead the world in cases and deaths
>Theyre supposed to magically cure a brand new disease withh the snap of their fingers

When they outnumber us, they inherit those weapons. That is infinitely worse

It was for the reaction image

per capita the US is behind italy dumbass

It’s the TR3B that cost trillions.

The Boeing X-32 was a prototype.

However just because it has wings doesn’t necessarily mean it uses them.

This is a sexy bird, not for sale outside of the USA

the purpose of obamacare was to give insurance to all the fucking poor, the only ones who cannot have insurance in the united states are illegal immigrants, you are an idiot.

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>When they outnumber us, they inherit those weapons
For the typical 80 IQ negroid these devices might as well be the 2001 big black monolith

We're trying to dump the F-35s on every NATO and SETO country to recoup costs. Fuck, we're trying to get Finland -a non-NATO country- to take some just so we can get rid of them.

>When your stealth plane is so shitty, you declassify it to potential enemies and offer them a discount.

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We didn't spend trillions on Boeing's X-32. It lost the JSF contract to Lockheed's X-35, which became the F-35.

Top kek

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>muh shitty jet larp
>i have no proof but it's bad guys

If we're willing to sell it to a potential enemy, it's not all that great.


t. Lockheed (((stockholder)))

Check deaths per million

Have you seen the death rates from the virus in yurop?
You picked the worst possible time to shill this.
You can watch it fail real time right now.

The F-35 is the best multirole fighter in the world.

Daily reminder that according to their own experts mutts don't have a real 5th gen fighter.

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When the state owns your healthcare they own you. They can deny you treatment for wrongthink. In the U.S. if you need care you can get it even if you’re broke and homeless.

Until another BAE Systems fluke is discovered next week and the aerogel costs $68 billion to replace on the current fleet. BAE Systems can suck my dick.

more like employee :)))

I dont want to pay for spics and niggers to use my countrys hospitals, shit out kids and go to college for free so they can steal white collar jobs too. Theyre not my countrymen which is what europoors cant understand

great meme idea: do that printer go brrrrr meme except with an a-10c. wa la


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F-35 is an amazing Joint Strike Fighter and Coordinator Fighter.
But whichever Pentagon moron thought that it should also be required to be usable in an infantry fighting attack role was smoking something.

Did this bird kill anybody but american pilots?

I don't think the X-32 had any life threatening failures so no, it has killed 0 people.

hive mind

>the purpose of obamacare was to give insurance to all the fucking poor
But that's not what it does in practice or on paper.

Found it, didn't make it.

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>I don't think the X-32 had any life threatening failures
Nope, it has not abandoned the honored mutt tradition of strangling their own pilots.

Half the country is browns, why do you give a shit? Post hand.