Was bill gates always been ourguy?

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>using "vaccinations" as a cover for depopulating africa
>using "vaccinations" as a cover to depopulate/blacken/genocide US citizens

I don't think he's going to genocide the US. It'll just be sterilants in the vaccines so most will stop reproducing. Good idea honestly. The country will be a lot comfier with a 90% reduction in population.

Fuck him, he wants to depopulate everyone.
Only reason he went for Africa first is because it's a low hanging fruit.

No, but the globalist replacement of whites and have a global population of people who have a natural disposition of chimping out and criminality has never made sense to me....So I think may be, just may be, everything is just not what it seems...

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90% reduction in non whites sure. You should be able to opt out of vaccines if you can see it for what it is.


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Jews get their 1000 goyim slaves each according to the talmud, and they know that shitskins are much easier to enslave than whites are.

Then they start flooding the USA with 3rd world foreigners and all will be right in the world :)

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I'm for sterilize anyone who have IQ below 100, Jews included.

What did Microsoft mean by this?


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>iq below 100
choose one.

We've exceeded the carrying capacity of the earth. It's either we voluntarily depopulate, or famine, war and disease will do it for us.

YES...go illuminati go!

it's a delicious bio-financial weapon, better than max security debtors prisons... youtu.be/5QNdJuHZv5E youtu.be/WVW_ojMziNY youtu.be/3JS8CW6dq1I youtu.be/s_UNtWPS8dc

Plot twist: Deep State are good guys?



>Was bill gates always been
Stick to producing chocolate and showing off wealth man

God that sentence hurt my brain

Not even kidding, a part of me does think so. I also think Aleksandr Dugin plays a much larger role in the NWO than we are lead to think.

Microsoft patent WO2020060606
World Order 2020 666
Certificate Of Vaccination ID1984
Wuhan lab 4 street address 666

They can't keep getting away with it!

His daughter is getting focked by an Arab so no.Also he isn't depopulating anything.He normalizes birth rates so that more blacks and shitskins can immigrate to Europe and America legally.

CIA thread

Technically as long as you don't get vaccinated you'll be in the top 98-99 percentile, so I'm kind of thankful he's giving me this opportunity to be better than everyone around me. The dumbing/ sterilization of whoever falls for vaccines will only make me stand out amongst the competition, so I guess I welcome it. Yes vaccines are murder, but it's natural selection. Only the intelligent will survive. That must be the world the NWO desires

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I'm not too sure how much I want to save the lady wearing a biohazard suit to shop at walmart. Maybe we're better off without them

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If his intention was to simply genocide the negros and indians nobody would have done anything, these people are too retarded to even notice they are being killed and most whites wouldn't even care
But he decided to also genocide Europeans.

We are now ascending the iceberg, boys

Do you kill yourself?
It didn't even develop DOS itself.
Get dissolved CIA.

If you add ID2020 to the equation, you will have a global cryptocurrency (financial system) closely related to the human body. No chip = no money and no identity.

>>using "vaccinations" as a cover for depopulating africa
>>using "vaccinations" as a cover to depopulate/blacken/genocide US citizens

Fixed that for ya ;)

Lmao do glowies really think they can get away with it making low gain bait threads like this? Full of 1-post-by-id buzzphrases? Fucking step it up you bunch of moronic faggots.

If yourguy wants to kill a billion brown people and control the rest like robots then yes

I see other options

Same, it doesn't make sense to replace your obedient citizens who are most capable of building great things with gorilla-tier humans who rarely use their brain and chimp out over the smallest things making them incredibly hard to control.

You an entire population of niggers is going to want to listen to a president if it doesn't suit them?

I know a few..