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wtf why?

round virus bad

Lmao at the right wing retards freaking out about this when their only skateboarding experience was playing Tony Hawk games

Californians stand up when? Thats right. Never.


>wtf why?

As a demonstration that if you defy state power, the state will incur vast expenses to show you that you can't, even if those expenses are insanely out of proportion to the actual issue.

The fake flu can infect you through doing ollies

This is LA were talking about. They take it up their ass.

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isnt that full of nigger and spic, selling durgs, anyway?

Skaters died at the emerging millennium.

I hate leafs so much


Nigger shut up

90s skater white bois are all old with kids and drug addictions these days so this is actually pretty based. No more lazy white kids hanging around niggers all day.

>Lmao at the right wing retards freaking out about this when their only skateboarding experience was playing Tony Hawk game

I'm angry at the expense - and the future expense of removing the sand.

Those expenses were incurred for absolutely no valid reason. That money was spent entirely for the SYMBOLIC purpose of demonstrating that the state is all and nothing will be permitted outside the state.

seems like a waste of taxpayer money to buy, transport, and lay several dumptrucks worth of sand into a skatepark. Just have some traffic cop drive by once and hour.

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To show you how the big government dick can fuck you all it wants and you'll sit there and take it.

Oh shit dog, you crushed him!

You really opened his mind with your views and brief sharing of your humanity, thanks for the effort friend

That sand isn't going anywhere.
That park is memory holed whether you like it or not.

Anything the government gives you can be taken away!

i an a skateboard

Just say it's racist and they'll clean it right up

Yeah, seems like there would be a hell of a lot cheaper way to close the park down. It's bullshit optics.

>lol Florida is opening their beaches, what retards
>wtf California is filling their beach skate park with sand! this is war on skaters and homeless people!

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I wanna try out that skateboard.

California's pyramid sight.

the sand is free, it's venice beach
operating a couple of dozers for a morning costs very little
you sir, are retarded

time to go and visit "the state" and teach them a good lesson

Those are trash

>state is alll
it definitely shows that the state is all... all full of bullshit!

Replying with "phoneposting " post to a phonepost...


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