Why do liberals act like this?

A few zoomers made a racist tik tik, now they’re kicked out of high school, sent thousands of death threats, wrestling career destroyed, threatened with jail time, etc...

Why do liberals feel like they’re on this quest to expose “secret racists” and ruin their lives forever? I get that they made a mistake, but they shouldn’t have their lives destroyed over one stupid thing they did in high school. This type of behavior from liberals is extremely terrifying.

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You should never say nigger, never with a hard r at least. Everybody knows this, and you do it at your peril.

Because not everyone is a rational free-thinking economist like me. Economists don't let their emotions take over their logic.

nigger please

>expelled out of a state's propaganda mill
Good for them. Now they can start to think for themselves and get on with their lives

They would be fully justified if they kidnapped the jew bitch, tortured her to death, and posted that video to tiktok.

Your anger towards the first poster displays your inability to counter-argument his assertion. Must I lecture you on how to present yourself?

They've been trained well by their marxist teachers and professors

I'd watch it and kek.

one of the best things I've ever seen on Yas Forums:
>if you laugh all the way to the bank
>don't cry on your way to the oven

Attached: A11492DA-755C-4297-A4A0-03663F6DC807.jpg (1024x1024, 177.55K)

>wrestling career destroyed
oh boy


Why is no one seeing it for what it is?

This is the official mainstream event that Marks the fall of whites. Saying nigger is a death sentence to your life. Meanwhile drug addicts make millions rapping about the “nigger in da hood”. This obvious double standard is to show Europeans their place in this world.

Live, pay taxes, consume

This sort of thing only creates racists, it doesnt destroy them.


nigger, nigger, nigger.....who the fuck are you to decide what words people can use? a nigger?


Exercising their 1st amendment right = "mistake"?


The unthinking masses always need a witch to hunt so they might vent their inner cruelty.

Meanwhile they have rap blasted in their face constantly where every other word is nigger but, don't you dare say nigger white boy.


go suck off a nigger, you stupid nigger lover

Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences

Someone tried to break into her house shortly after she was doxxed and apologised, nothing will ever be enough for niggers.

(((economist like me)))

>Why do liberals feel like they’re on this quest to expose “secret racists” and ruin their lives forever?
Because they can. They're wrong, they resent it, and they're toxic and vitriolic. Yea they'll attack and try to destroy ANYONE OUTSIDE THEIR BELIEFS. They relish it.
They're societal bullies and they enjoy the high.
They're not moral. A moral person wouldn't go after kids like this but oh yea, they'd go after a 5 year old if they could get away with it. And they have. Little toddlers have been kicked out of school for nothing too.

It comes from self-righteousness
>it's okay for me to ruin someone's life because It's The Right Thing To Do
An ordinary person having naughty opinions is never grounds for organised action against them, that's madness. But what we're seeing here is oppression from fanatics and they crush their enemies when they can. The collectivist's weapon is collective power. The individualist's power is in individual action. Each has their advantages.
Basically what I'm saying is if this occurred in a Minecraft server it would be reasonable for an individual to burn down their house.

Good. More racial realism in the world will only be a good thing.

Correction: "They've been trained by Jews"

Stop blaming liberals, Marxists or whatever. It's not Cultural Marxism, and while Cultural Capitalism is more apt, the true term is Cultural Zionism. nupol needs to get on board the Yas Forums train or go back to plebbit. If you aren't talking about the JQ, you're an alien here.

Pic related, a previous thread where a memeflag was trying to get us to attack the girl rather than send support to both her and her boyfriend. Jews don't want us sending support or reaching out to these victims of a Jewish Struggle Session.

Attached: HERBEW MOON RUNES.png (420x203, 26.63K)

I'd say almost every single time there's kike moonrunes in a filename it's for baiting purposes.

This same bitch retweeted some shit about how it's okay to be mean to white people and a bunch of misandrist shit. I'd post it up but jannies gave me an IP ban from uploading images for some unknown retarded reason. No wonder nobody pays them. Gonna email the superintendent tomorrow about it. Gonna try and sell with the pitch that "hey man, your kids could be targeted by this same hateful rhetoric and the left would see it as justified. Is this the kind of environment you want to provide your students?"

What was the racism they did?

>I get that they made a mistake
No. We made the mistake when we allowed niggers to dictate what we can fucking think. That was the mistake. Now we need to fix it.

fuck off - nz is lost. Go fuck your horse-faced pm up the ass.

It's important to never let lefties claim the moral high ground without contesting them. Whenever they call someone shallow, racist, whatevs, one of us needs to be there critiquing them. Meta level questions are best. They don't actually think inherent morality exists, so the only thing they're doing is trying to manipulate people via emotions. Expose them. This is the main issue. They have hijacked people's understanding of morality, and they will always control us if we let them own this word.

Don't give away your moral framework btw, just attack theirs. If you don't know how to do this you need to learn. Listen to jay dyer, mark passio, e michael Jones, guys like that

hurt nigger's feelings.
Far worse crime than what niggers do every hour of every day apparently.

>Uh oh you said the no no work say goodbye to your life

Because "liberals" are the enemy. This shutdown has been very educational. Used to think the enemy was the elite and the libs just useful idiots. Now it is clear, they are the enemy. They are not being coerced, they are toxic pukes who want this shit more than anything. When boog time comes they need to be dealt with.

Typical kike going onto twitter with this
>lol, like... i know this won't get alot of views... on the platform that is universally known for how it loves to ruin lives for wrongthink

they're nanny state communists. simple as.

Basically this. And they say white people are fragile... look at how many butthurt niggers are going out of their way to ruin their lives all because they said nigger. Also, this further proves how dumb niggers are
Nigga: term of endearment
Nigger: ultimate hate word
You change a couple letters and it goes from 0 to 100 with them. Truly retarded beyond measure

This is just typical leftist "liberal" behavior. Don't know why Yas Forums likes them so much and makes excuses for them. They're worse than kikes. At least jews have some loyalty towards their own people.

They don't give a shit about liberty, so the term isn't appropriate. They're rabid marxists.