Why does Conor hate Eastern Europeans?

Because he got raped by Khabib?

Attached: Untitled.png (646x669, 266.49K)

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>Makes reasonable call to sanity.
Why is X so racist?

Is there an issue with the point he's raising? or are you exercising your natural response as a dirt man to attack the man's skin color?

Africans and Muslims rape Irish girls
>Conor Sleeps
Ireland fly's in 200 Bulgarian workers
>Conor becomes a Patriot.

Also,i didn't even used the word race or racist.
You did.

You are so utterly broken and under zog control that is pathetic.
The west is broken shell with people like you...no wonder you like to larp as big bad Nazis.

fucking based

I love mcgregor

Nice save for your body there fellow Golem.


he may be a filthy gypsy but he's got a point

Hes right
As usual the british are showing us that the fact they had an Empire at all was some kinda miracle

I'm no gypo but it seems to me westerners think they can act tough towards us...cause we are somewhat civilized.
Until we are not.


>Height advantage
>Reach advantage
>Weight advantage
>Gets destroyed by manlet

It was a 300 million dollar fight, every breath they took was choreographed.

Kek. Floyd literally had to carry this rapist manlet without BTFOoing him too early, because people paid a shitload of money to see this fight.

Also, it's funny how McRapist was raped BOTH by a nigger and a Muslim, ahahaha.

mcgregor didnt have a chance in that 'fight'. mayweather went easy on him early so that the fans got their moneys worth and then he gave him CTE.


If the migrants did a dance and uploaded it to tik tok everyone would applaud them and call them heros.

Attached: 6815210946668039429.webm (576x1024, 1.19M)

>raped by Khabib
Did you even watch that fight? Khabib used the cage to submit Conor, which was never called out. The churka lost, Dana White just wanted to fuck over Putin.

How is Diaz a nigger? Dude's latino bro lmao

>I'm no gypo
I was referring to McGreggor, but yes you are

He has a point
>listening to or caring about what some big mouth retard that gets kicked in the head for a living has to say

Stop drinking soi and pretending you know about sports, twig. That was a boxing match and mayweather can’t even read. Biggest joke of a nigger alive

You know you’re a seriously worthless dumbass nigger when 50 cent teases you for being an illiterate monkey lol

>but yes you are
>Let me tell you about your country or yourself


Who cares, the guy is double digit IQ

You are confusing England with Ireland retard and something tells me that Conner doesn’t mind England getting raped at all.

Thanks for reminding me. Canor was raped by:
1. A nigger
2. A Muslim
3. A spic

Can't make this shit up.

Attached: mcgreggor.jpg (1100x619, 286.17K)

They could literally go into dublin city, pick up 900 homeless men off of the streets and put them to work. They would want to do it, its honest money and keeps them from extreme boredom, crime and drugs.

except they would turn up for work at 11am, take a 2 hour lunch and head home at 3.

theres a reason they are unemployed and homeless to begin with

nobody mentioned england bro
why do the irish always start talking about their anglo neighbours when nobody asks?