Does anyone else here feel like they've been altered in some way? I was ill in January and since then I feel weird...

Does anyone else here feel like they've been altered in some way? I was ill in January and since then I feel weird, like all my emotional dials have been adjusted to full. I am autist, and yes, I have taken my meds. They just don't seem to be working anymore.

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I also feel kind of elevated, like I'm going to float off the earth. Plus hyper - sensitization.

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Brain fog, Difficulty to concentrate, Dullness?
That's 5G.

Spaced out. There's no 5G for over 10 miles from me.

Just looked it up, 33 miles away is the nearest.

I can't seem to focus or remember as well as before. I've got memory blanks.

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On 28th Feb I wrote "walked home in the rain" but cannot recall doing so.

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I'm inordinately happy or sad, never stable. What is going on? Does nobody else feel different this year?

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Also lost half a stone and don't want to eat.

Yes I do feel. I used to feel overwhelmed now it's just calm, also went to church ,

>allowing outside forces to effect you
Mind over matter fren

I feel this deep existential dread like everything I thought I understood about the world is being shown to be false

I've been getting that as well, honestly. A feeling of general happiness that doesn't seem warranted. I've noticed it affecting friends as well, the way the communicate.

I just wanna fuck shit up more than usual

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Calm like dissociation or more like meditative?

That day the world was supposed to end I was in a totally fake CIA front. I was picking up a load at a scrapyard. It was totally clean and everyone was white and well groomed. There were no oil stains on the concrete. They made me wait in the truck and they was an interior dock. I think I might have shifted realities.
Why the glowies or aylmaos wanted to save me is beyond my understanding.

I meditate, but even that is challenging at the moment.

I get the feeling I can't tell which way is up, like the floor isn't there.

Yes. Unwarranted wellbeing!

This too. I've been fantasising about murdering my lover.

I'm gonna go with my gut feeling and say 5G... that could be the 5g giving me the feeling?

sounds like stress due to uncertainty

when you have high stress it messes with your perception and your concept of things

No just you.

Ah. Well.

I need to sip alcoholic beverages most of the day, just to keep me mellowed. Maybe it’s just too much idle time on hand.

Yeah I get that. Thank you. Just feels so strange.

Exactly this. I drink now when I rarely ever did before this year. More in the last 5 weeks than probably 2-3 years.

So unique.

when the feeling creeps up play tetris

they use it to distract ptsd sufferers

OK. Sounds like a plan. Thanks user.

they touched my butthole

MkUltra must be hittin you hard.

Fuck meditation, believe and it shall be so.