Capitalism doesn't need you being successful anymore. It doesn't need you to have children. Or to be happy. Or own a house.
With mass immigration, it can simply bring in new people. It perpetuates itself without you. These replacements don't need to reproduce or own a house either, as they can be replaced too. With Immigration, Capitalism becomes a form of sterilization-cannibalism.
Sure, on a grand scale this is how it works. The elite pray that you never reach the cognitive level necessary to perceive macro economics. They want you to be poor forever.
Camden Sanders
And why do white people need Jewish capitalism?
Luke Brown
Tyler Diaz
and what’s your alternative to capitalism chang?
Capitalism is open borders, outsourcing and cheap labour. Zero concern for people's cultures, traditions and way of life. You get poorer while the rich get richer. Don't worry about it though, it's the (((free market))) at work. You don't want to regulate the (((free market)), do you goy?
Once black Americans are this, they are gonna say, sheeit he was a nigga and we wuz kangz
Evan Cooper
blame capitalism for government interventions.
capitalism is pure an economic method that is only moral one. everything is without force and purely based on the agreement of both parties involved.
Joshua Young
>And why do white people need Jewish capitalism?
This wasn't voted on, or enacted by consent. You have no choice. Other then to remove the people carrying it out, which is to reiterate, since this won't happen, you have no choice.
The best you can hope for is to collectivize and circumvent the system.
Gabriel Rogers
>agreement of both parties Who agreed on outsourcing, Moshe? Who agreed on open borders?
Julian Butler
If you can't prosper because someone else is getting better next to you you're fucking retarded. Why is someone else's gain our loss? Since when is life and a market a zero sum game? It is not. Are we not better off for not producing our clothes here anymore in the old shit textile industry? Do we not benefit from specialization making sure we produce what we are good in in comparative costs and other countries produce what they are good in? Even if we are more productive in everything that's possible to produce, we wouldn't benefit from making everything here locally. Comparative costs is a well established concept for over 200+ years.
Cameron Morris
You denying someone the ability to outsource if he doesn't have any people employed or even if he does means you denying him the freedom to decide what to do with his company and his assets. Denying someone the right to fire people is inflicting on his rights of being able to make independent choices. I hear the same attitude from you now as I did from the miners in the 1980s who deprived people of their right to work while others were protesting.
Jacob Jones
Lmao, on the right it looks like a negro.
Brayden Cruz
>if you make your own stuff, you lose Listen, I'll be gentle with you. Just do yourself a favour and don't repeat capitalist slogans. Capitalism has failed, people are seeing that it only benefits the (((0.1%))).
Outsourcing is not a right. Let them outsource, but they shouldn't complain when their products get tariffs. If you want to outsource, then be prepared to pay tariffs when you import your outsourced products back home.
Alexander Davis
In theory, it should work. In practice, it doesn't work. Recommend you watch these:
The world is moving back to generalization as AI takes over the specialized industries like medicine and law.
Cameron Russell
If that is indeed the case then fuck unrestricted economic freedom. I'd rather collectivize with people of my own race than deal with a flood of shitskinned foreigners.
Christopher Reed
> Capitalism > Not the State
> Minimum wage that makes foreigners more competitive > Welfare state that drains away success into the pockets of the non-working > Miles of red tape that prevents you from starting a company
Kek, we live in socialists hellholes and don't even realize this. Like frogs in slowly boiling water.
Carter Perry
We need an universal basic income to improve things and secure everyone have at least enough money to take care of himself and a children. Otherwise, those who are more vulnerable (unemployable introverted males) will chimp out one day and the results won't be pretty.
Colton Jackson
give me a name and location and I will give a bullet
Surely immigrants cannot replace me, if you can be replaced by immigrants it means they are superior than you, either more productive or can live with less. So why would you blame "Capitalism" it seems to me that is just natural selection.
Charles Hill
Does this confirm god dropped a human at it became a nigger?
Christian Cook
ok ok I'll be a National Socialist. Sheesh. Now can you fuck off with these shit threads
Yeah, instead of resisting global kikery and losing they should have just rolled over and let the kikes dispense with continental Europe as they pleased. Silly Germans, if you fight your enemies they win!!
Austin Ward
>or can live with less. A race to the bottom doens't sound like a good recipe for a nice country. Are you also against things like welfare payments or public healthcare? Or are you just bringing natural selection when it suits your agenda?