/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3316 - CCP Virus Editions

► Detected: 2,358,351 (+27,585) ► Died: 161,904 (+1,857) ► Day: 101 (-12:03:19)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 8.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,451 strains have been sequenced —


Vaccine would be first vaccine against coronaviruses

Very high excess mortality in Spain, France, Italy, UK

Novel coronavirus can survive high temperatures

Virus might cause micro blood clots, dangerous even post-infection

Very high excess mortality in Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

Italy warns that cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

Under 2 year old baby dies in Morocco

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

Infection might cause male infertility

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

H1N1 only had 18,500 confirmed deaths, rest is estimated

21 million fewer cellphone users in China

China burning bodies without testing or registration

402 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
1,047 new cases and 25 new deaths in India
256 new cases and 17 new deaths in Japan
117 new cases and 50 new deaths in Italy
683 new cases and 25 new deaths in Washington state
149 new cases and 4 new deaths in Nebraska


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Other urls found in this thread:


> be me
> maybe clinically obese (5'5") (210+ lbs.)
> maybe have diabetes too
> lost my voice from the common cold in mid-december
> recovered from pneumonia in mid-february
> sneezing, coofing and have chest tightenings this month

> just spat out clear phelgm but with bits of blood

i'm fucking ready for you, demonic Corona-chan.
but just not ready for being poor as shit in the next few years :-\

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You're dead, kiddo. :(

Big Jay coming in with the pump

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good luck

What's the current status of reactivation/reinfection? Any more useful speculations re immunity (duration, coverage)?

Putangina mo, bakit?

better odds of survivng the demoness than getting murdered by my fellow flipoids

Is your country on the Hall of Shame?

two words
> community spread

Why don't we copper plate everything and use copper based packaging?

Coronachan is so stable because her viral capsid is akin to an angel's AT field
All environments are perfect for her

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“I think they are preparing people for 'chipization' [chip implants],"

“Back in 2015, Bill Gates said we’ll have a pandemic, that the next enemy is a virus, not a nuclear war.

“They did a simulation at the Davos [economic] forum of what it would be like. I don’t think Bill Gates is a predictor, he just knew.

“I think with this virus the situation isn’t like what we’re being told, but people believe it all, the horror stories on TV.

“Some people believe civilization will end, I don’t believe that. We’ll just be going around with chips soon,"

“They’ve put the whole world [in lockdown] at home, so everything works,"

“I think there are guys even bigger than world leaders who are the real masters of money, the masters of the world, they can turn things around easily.

“Call it a shadow government, call it whatever you like. I think we don't even know they exist.

“The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are well-known names, but someone else is behind them.”



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Thank you for putting that in terms I could understand user.
How long until we all become tang?

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Man, that's sounds terrible. Best of luck, fellow user.

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#1 United States 739,502 (39,040) #2 Spain 195,944 (20,453) #3 Italy 175,925 (23,227) #4 France 151,793 (19,323) #5 Germany 144,033 (4,545) #6 United Kingdom 120,067 (16,060) #7 China 82,735 (4,632) #8 Turkey 82,329 (1,890) #9 Iran 82,211 (5,118) #10 Russia 42,853 (361) #11 Belgium 38,496 (5,683) #12 Brazil 36,925 (2,372) #13 Canada 33,383 (1,470) #14 Netherlands 32,655 (3,684) #15 Switzerland 27,740 (1,368) #16 Portugal 20,206 (714) #17 India 16,365 (521) #18 Ireland 14,758 (571) #19 Austria 14,696 (443) #20 Peru 14,420 (348) #21 Sweden 14,385 (1,540) #22 Israel 13,362 (171) #23 South Korea 10,661 (234) #24 Japan 10,296 (222) #25 Chile 9,730 (126) #26 Saudi Arabia 9,362 (97) #27 Poland 9,082 (350) #28 Ecuador 9,022 (456) #29 Romania 8,746 (434) #30 Pakistan 7,993 (159) #31 Mexico 7,497 (650) #32 Denmark 7,384 (355) #33 Norway 7,069 (165) #34 United Arab Emirates 6,781 (41) #35 Czech Republic 6,657 (181)…

#1 Russia +6,060 (+48) #2 United Kingdom +5,850 (+596) #3 Spain +1,528 (+410) #4 Iran +1,343 (+87) #5 Belgium +1,313 (+230) #6 Saudi Arabia +1,088 (+5) #7 Netherlands +1,066 (+83) #8 United States +710 (+26) #9 Mexico +622 (+104) #10 Sweden +563 (+29) #11 Portugal +521 (+27) #12 United Arab Emirates +479 (+4) #13 Pakistan +355 (+16) #14 Ukraine +343 (+8) #15 Poland +340 (+3) #16 Romania +328 (+13) #17 Indonesia +327 (+47) #18 Serbia +324 (+5) #19 Bangladesh +312 (+7) #20 Germany +309 (+7) #21 Brazil +203 (+11) #22 Philippines +172 (+12) #23 Kuwait +164 (+1) #24 Denmark +142 (+9) #25 Morocco +135 (+1) #26 Finland +102 (+4) #27 Israel +97 (+7) #28 Malaysia +84 (+1) #29 Hungary +82 (+17) #30 Slovakia +72 (+1) #31 Panama +63 (+4) #32 Afghanistan +60 (+2) #33 Lithuania +59 (+2) #34 Croatia +39 (+8) #35 Macedonia +37 (+2)…

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>nothingburger!!! it only affects people with underlying conditions!!!

You in Manila or what? Or in that Cebu barangay? God damn man, ingat.

Yes, but that would only help coronachan wouldn't it

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First time I bothered reading through one of these threads. Are you all actually serious?

wow, what a sickly population


sta. rosa, laguna
i evac'd my fatass from my homecity manila since march01, and have leech off to my moderately wealthy grandma ever since.

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>Takes wikipedia as the best source for medical knowledge and copy-pastes entire lists from it pretending he makes an argument with them
>reads pop-psychology entries from Wikipedia as "normalcy bias" and acts all smug
>gets butthurt when outplayed and filters you

I got some giggles out of the last thread

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

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The ones who can't take it will Tang
Coronachan is still figuring out the mitochondria

Attached: Rage Quitter - Parasite Eve - Victim.jpg (320x240, 8.72K)

Fuck. The only surface that kills her also weakens us to her. Neat trade-off.

Did you read the red dawn email leaks user? These threads are that but with more shitposting and smug anime girls.
So to answer your question the answer is yes

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wot, he destroyed your ass, your own sources debunked your ass

>Destruction of EU and NA will create Seele
>Glorious 日本 will transfer all factories to the motherland in preparation for the second impact as we experience the first one
>The dead sea scrolls are already inside the seed bunker in Norway
Tumbling down

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reminder being fat and being kiked with anti-hypertensive medication is considered an underlying condition

It's autism containment thread, we should be thankful they exist

Safin has been always know as an itelligent and rational person, unironically.

>sta. rosa, laguna
>i evac'd my fatass from my homecity manila since march01, and have leech off to my moderately wealthy grandma ever since.
I don't think it's that dangerous in Laguna? Have the cases boomed there? I'm so near Sampaloc and I get a bit anxious sometimes but have hope, kabayan, it'll get better. Lucky you to escape Manila before the lockdown.

Looks like it will be a record low day in terms of deaths.

seething covetous normies

It's too late. Countries should have shut down their borders in early February but they proved to be dominated by globalist shills. Now not only borders are shut, people are sick, but the economy is on the brink of collapse. People are already not paying their electric bills so they can eat.


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What's bill doing these days?

> now estimate this by either ×3 or ×15

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Based Eva

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Reminder that as the lockdowns continue, you'll have more and more retards such as these protesting and demanding to return to their daily wageslaving and mindless grind.
It isn't just the US that's doing it.

You're undoubtedly a good sophist (tfw this autocorrect to Zionist)
But like all such, your love of argument overrides an honest look at the facts
Arguing on minutia doesn't change the reality desu

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Serious about what?

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Beaches are now open in Florida, but he didn't go. He's a coward.

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>now estimate this by either ×3 or ×15
God fucking damn. Take care lad.

So how is India holding up?

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San Diego groups are protesting the government's stay-at-home orders with a walk in downtown


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R0 < 1
>nothingburger as expected

A good sophist wouldn't post sources that contradict them. Like he acted all smug about influenza causing cardiac injuries, but his own source said it was super rare (and reversible). While the sources for corona cardiac injury that the Slovenian/Slovak provided said it's common and often cause death.

so im being recalled to work may 5th and basically everything in Michigan thats not Detroit is most likely opening may 1st. are we pretty much fucked and guaranteed a second wave? these normies couldnt handle being NEETs for a month

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Just stop wasting your time replying to that retarded shitposter and he'll eventually fuck off as nobody's paying attention to him.

If countries shut their borders they would never be able to open them later until vaccine is here

I don't even have to click the link to know, because my country's in every hall of shame

>Bro just stop testing to lower the R0 from 4 to

Is this one of those totally organic protests not at all funded by Tea party , deVos and Koch money?

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Burgers are so dumb. We never stood a chance.

he said influenza does not cause cardiac injury by copypasting some wikipedia entry
I proved him wrong
the rest is useless details

most likely your usual posters here are neets with too much time and too little brain

Any social distancing measures in place or at least fact masks available for the general population?

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Actually they are testing way more and r0 dropped from 3 to under 1

Latest cdc numbers put it at 5.7 with a 3.8 - 8.9 variance

they should all be rounded up and locked behind bars with no access to healthcare.

>I need a haircut

And I thought it was just memes

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Where? Some countries legitely are testing less people

Let epic faggot

>Shutdown borders until vaccine is found
>Shutdown everything (potentially on and off for a few years) until vaccine is found

Gee, I wonder which one sounds like a more sane choice.

I hope you like the cops searching you for everything on the streets because of some little cough

>the rest is useless details
It's so rare and mild so as to be statistically zero, that's why you won't find it in any list. You're a shitty shophist and shouldn't use sources that BTFO your argument.

and how is that a bad thing? how is that any better than the current situation where people can't get out and work?

source is your ass

Latest study from cdc says 5.7

no one here is following the distance guidelines anyway. meijer and Walmart are at max capacity daily. i live in 231 area code and everything thats open is still packed. no masks just homemade and scarfs and a handful of people who prepared and have n95s and respirators

Who in the fuck still has open borders?

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These protests frighten the Jew. And they are happening all over America. And they are going to get much, much bigger.

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Today, in Belgium, a new infected person infects about 0.8 people, that is to say less than one person,” said spokesperson Emmanuel André at the daily press briefing of the Crisis Centre and the FPS Public Health on Friday.

Things we learned today:
Spain says: "Only 20% develop Anti-bodies"
Italy says: "It attacks the hemoglobins ability to carry oxygen"
SK says: "179 people have come back reinfected"
Chinese Lung Aids

This is the mentally deranged nothingburger Kraut from the last thread I bet kek

When do you guys learn?

what about open everything because vaccine is a pipe dream?

truckeranon here

literally every walmart I drive past for the last couple weeks has a packed lot




whether it is bumfuck kentucky or indiana or whatever, I used to shop in walmart all the time, now I cant anymore because all these normies are packing the place and they will inevitably be coofchambers

are they using walmart as a mall replacement? social club? gym? all of the above?

must be because I dont think they are buying rice and deenz, which arent in stock anyway

Great to hear

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>these protests frighten the jew
What the hell are you talking about? They were probably funded by fucking jews, what would please the jew more than people going back to work? Out of any community not taking this seriously its the fucking kikes, they have continually been defiant to all requests to prevent spread around the world, even moreso than niggers

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good, the bigger the better, and make sure to stand really close to one another and to breath and coof in eachothers mouths

>just homemade and scarfs
How widespread are those?

In my place it looks like less people, after the first shock, are wearing those. At least I see them less than 1-2 weeks before.

All not good it seems.

>#1 Russia +6,060

>thread count is higher than daily death count

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>Trump calls Duterte for bilateral cooperation in dealing with COVID-19
What is happening

Everyone will in the next few months

NOOOOO it's R0 of 50 guys !!!!

everyone who doesn't agree must be a NOTHINGBURGER

>god, how i hate human hive mind
>i-it doesn't support my ideas and even have logic and reasons

i'm out

believe waht you want to believe

god how i hope corona wipes mankind out
this would be so delicious

/cvg/ used to be good and informative.
now it's hive mind retards

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truly an awful cringe video

Why samefag reply?
Also these protests are arranged and organised by "special interest" groups

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It has already been proven that those protests were funded and instigated by jews. The jews WANT status quo. Anything that shakes up their carefully planned dystopia scares them. More than anything else, they want normies to go back to work and back to consuming.

Youll only be able to celebrate that for less than 4.5 hours.

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