How come you cant find anything about the US nuclear missile submarine USS Tennessee on the net anymore?
American Nuclear Submarine Infected By Corona
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Probably D-noticed, wouldn't want the chinks to get ideas.
They already noticed.
How do people on an underwater boat catch corona. this makes no sense.
Weird... I didn't think nuke subs made ports of call internationally.
Typically nuke subs have some high level officers on board. Maybe one of them was exposed during the initial training operation before the US military brought coronavirus to the Wuhan world military games in october.
>before the US military brought coronavirus to the Wuhan world
kys yellow-jew
>why can’t I find information online about the movements of the most secretive naval assets in the world
Just one nuclear submarine (of many) which are collectively just one third of America's nuclear triad, would be enough to plunge China back into the dark ages where they belong.
>"Big black fish"
5G nano thermite activated the mk ultra Monsanto tomatoes saturating the pineal gland with the tainted adrenochrome meant for Oprah Winfrey.
I don’t get the US navy. Just isolate the sailors 14 days in advance individually and do a PCR test before sending them on board. If you do have an IQ above 110 you should easily come up with this strategy.
Unfortunately, USN bows to the pentagon, which is controlled by the same globalist jews that unleashed the coronavirus. look at what happened with crozier
Are you retarded ? If Trump had authorized that someone would have leaked it.
Didn't say the cheeto authorized it
Its pretty obvious the Chinese empire found a novel way to eliminate the crews of US superweapons.
Prove your bullshit without your jew NWO boogeyman. Name names and post proof of said conspiracies or fuck off.
Prove that it's not the case.
It's a ghost ship now
How so?
How can a single submarine take such drastic action that it wipes out all of a nation's technological develops over the last several thousand years?
Now who's the retard? These things go far deeper than the public figures you think are making decisions.
In other words you are just spewing shit out of your ass and have no basis for believing that bullshit?
Nuclear annihilation!
Nuclear annihilation!
You'd know all about those phantom subs.
Because everyone would be fucking dead. That's how.
>American Nuclear Submarine Infected By Corona
ewwwww, filthy Amerimutts.
>1 post by this id
lol yea just a leafblower and your finished, dipshit
Thats not how America works. Innocent until proven guilty. Prove his guilt or fuck off.
>Prove his guilt
lol, work on your script, shareblue
Burden of proof is on you, kike. You made the claim, you back it up. If you can't, your opinion is disregarded.
>Weird... I didn't think nuke subs made ports of call internationally.
They don't.