What are real argument against 5g?
What are real argument against 5g?
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People can spy on us faster.
None, just some cringey Luddites chimping out
huawei equipment
I can't afford it.
Show flag kike shill; oh you already have.
There are none, literally a bunch of unfounded lies propagated by schizos who've watched too many David Icke videos. David Icke is a charlatan and a nasty individual, he's dangerous.
Can you just show me a single group of working class American citizens that ASKED for 5G?
None. Just dumbass LARPers LARPing. These are the same people who believe the world is controlled by reptiles. Shows how much credibility they have.
No one makes the purple quadrant argument
Kill yourself you filthy mangy kike faggot
Check out the schnozz on this kike.
Literally this
>they're gonna use it to project Earth's nonexistent curvature via augmented reality!
>the chips they are going make mandatory are the mark of the beast!
People are fucking retarded, and if you dont think someone is going to invent a VPN equivalent for the privacy argument then you are naive and out of touch
Tedfags are unironically absolute spastics who would all be dead within a fortnight living in an anprim society
Nobody is asking for it. Seriously I don't know a single person who is like "boy I just can't wait for 5G". Literally nobody. Yet they are still ramming it down our throats. Makes me suspicious.
The quantity of shills alone should convince you it's real.
What this user said I don’t know a single soul who wants it .
it's radioactive
the problem is the chinese government stealing all of your information
imagine letting an enemy state construct you internet network
that's literally what 5G is
it is being pushed hard because of the ISPs that don't give a fuck who invades privacy and have the power to force this to happen, and world government are technologically retarded and out of touch
I think the retarded conspiracies are made up to distract from this fact. If you're any kind of STEM person you'll probably be able to see how ridiculous they are but to normal people who don't know anything it seems plausible cell towers can give you bat AIDS
>tracks you within a square meter
>needs 10's of thousands of transmitters to cover a city
>huawei is playing a major role
It's a non-essential luxury.
The masses don't need it, they're happy with 4G.
Its existence is purely to expand the data bandwidth for services such as automated driving (which uses LIDAR for location awareness, not car-to-car wireless communication) and mobile phone apps.
Entertainment and security services could use the bandwidth for higher quality video, even if you can't tell the difference between 1080p and 2160p on a 6" smartphone.
The latency improvements inherent to a tighter data package should make it possible for the corporate dream of using smartphones as the portable office to become reality. Wireless display, keyboard, mouse, should all be possible, even if it doesn't solve the problem of charging. There are other techs for that fortunately.
Ignoring the malicious potential, it's strictly iterative upon the tech we already have, and that makes it frankly useless to the end user.
Even the mobile office concept is an iteration on a 35-year old trend of making computers portable. From luggable boxes like the Osbourne, now to a phone. Same principle.
The only thing holding it back is software. I know guys who put Linux on their HTCs back in 2009, full desktop environment, even if using it was uncomfortable.
You don't need 5G for this necessarily.
An argument specific to the current situation is that people are already forced to accept a lockdown which they hate and get annoyed by. Pushing a technology of which the risks are factually unknown at a time of great psychological duress is asking for trouble. Nobody wants it now. It's bad timing.
The dozens of burned down cellular transmitters wouldn't have been set on fire (internally and externally) if they weren't pushing 5G now of all times.
It's spyware.
Post nose w/ timestamp
Chinese spy technology
>connecting cars to the internet
absolutely suicidal
It also helps to note that the brain does transmit signals in the body, and any strong frequency sent through the air has potential to do this. Why do you think people say to not stay on the obone to long or you can get cancer?? Not to use the laptop too long on your lap, or you risk too mich radiation? A microwave is powerful enough that it’s heat the food and destroys the nutrients in the food.
Knowing this people still don’t think something is up with 5G. There’s also the fact that no one wants 5G for any actual technological reasons(common people that is.) And then theres the fact (we can call it an observation for the skeptics) that everytime there’s been a mass enhancement in technology in regards to radio waves, soon followed some sort of disease, like the Spanish flu. The PATTERNS are all there and THAT ALONE should raise an intense amount of skepticism for 5G, which is much much more powerful than 4G and it’s predecessors. Look at the history and you will see what you need to know.
The truth only seeks to liberate you.
Well there's plenty of research into non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Nothing like as much as there should be, but it's out there. Rarely discussed or noticed by the media though for some reason. Can't imagine why.
>State of knowledge on biological effects at 40–60 GHz
>The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?
Search for title and then search for doi on scihub. System won't let me post. Fucking captcha.
thank you for this post user!!
The towers interfere with each other and have very limited range
Enough legitimate reasons
We don’t necessarily need it. From a non-sperg point of view it’s just a means of having people run through data faster forcing them to buy more gigabytes. There’s also the issue of speed vs accessibility. We focus on cranking broadband speed but ignore the fact that most Americans have shitty internet. The resources that go into developing 5g could be used to expand internet accessibility to rural areas
Tbh the problem with our political system is there's way too much centre and not enough fringe. We need a pan-fringist party to come in and restore some balance.
We could call it the Based Party.