Medical School Debt

I'm not a #berniebro but he does have a point.

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Fuck niggers

Leftists are so retarded they never once stop to question why the price of tuition is so high and keeps rising. All they know how to do is cry and beg.

He dropped out, fuck off.

student loans were a mistake

putting the loan decision back on the bank would end all these useless degrees in liberal arts, no bank in their right mind would give a loan to someone who wanted a degree in all these retarded black history studies nonsense

This pisses me off the most about loans. The banks are essentially getting all of the reward without taking any of the risk.

1. Go through years of college to get into medical school. Borrow money the entire time, knowing that debt is getting higher.
2. Get into medical school, soon to realize your dream of being a doctor taking care of poor people
3. Get close to graduating with a career that will pay a quarter of a million dollars or more each year... and drop out knowing that debt is still owed.

>300 fucking thousand dollars for a medical degree
How? I pay 1000 euros per year to attend university. Where is all that money going, mutts?

1. If she is a doctor, 300k over the course of the next 20 years isn't an outrageous debt.
2. If she really is working in areas that are healthare deprived, there are numerous programs to forgive student loans as part of a public service. I'm from Mississippi, you can be a doctor in the delta for 5 years and get rid of your student loans. There is a reason most opt to go make ~250k a year instead.
3. Fuck off

Pretty sure you can declare bankruptcy on private student loans. It's the public government loans that you can no longer do that and who will go through the IRS to garnish wages and take tax refunds.
If you mean regular loans, how do banks not bear the risk of people defaulting?

i wanna do jack shit and become a billionair and throw a couple of cents towards plebbians
where do i sign up?

She shouldn’t be paid $300,000/yr then either

Americans are brain washed to the point where they think kikes are based for stealing all of their money. Nothing says FREEDOM like predatory loans and usury.

Every medical school in the US is propping up a large, state of the art hospital, normally in the capital of whatever state. Ole Miss has UMCC in Jackson, Arkansas has UAMS in Little Rock.

Yes lets give free money to some of the highest paid people around in an industry basically run by rip off artists. Have some compassion for doctors, they are saving lives while you are probably just some chump. They deserve your money so give it to them.

fuck in Italy I pay 4k to get an arguably worse education

And with that, they are also propping up the multi million dollar salaries of all those hospital admins. Defending privatized education and healthcare is the most JEWISH thing in the fucking world.

>~2% subsidized interest loans from the federal government are predatory
Bases retard. Every loan is bad. Only buy what you have cash for. Stay poor and asset-less for life.

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That bitch made some bad decisions.

I don't know how it works in the USA, but you are only eligible for fed aid here if you make under a certain amount. Parents make 100k and aren't giving anything to you? Better go take a Student Line of Credit! Ohh, our federal loans are also 6 to 8 percent. Most certainly predatory my friend. Especially in today's world where a degree is required for almost all work.

>Go into a career that can make six figures easily
>Have a high school cost but want for nothing due to your salary
>Still bitch

Those hospitals and universities are public though, they receive state money and have quotas/discounts for in state students to insure the families paying that state tax get the first chance for their children to be doctors. You haven't the faintest clue as to what I was actually getting at with that comment, you fucking moron.

it's rising cuz everyone thinks college is neccesary and employers are falling for it. It's becoming more of a requirement in society to do anything so that's why the prices are so high, so they can reel you in with debt and take whatever you do have. They can do whatever the fuck you want cuz you need this degree to get anywhere bro

Telling a kid their entire life they need to go to college or their life is ruined and then getting them to sign their name on the dotted line for a hundred thousand dollar loan they'll never be able to pay off is predatory. Completely taking advantage of youthful ignorance.
Keep defending your kike masters and putting their wealth over your national health though.

>I entered into a contract for $300,000 debt in return for something of value and now that I can't afford to pay it back the debt should be forgiven. mortgage will be erased too, right?

>Pretty sure you can declare bankruptcy on private student loans.
Not since 2006. There is a very minor clause that states you can default if the loan is causing undue hardship but that's very rare.
>If you mean regular loans, how do banks not bear the risk of people defaulting?
Bailouts and loan transfer to the private sector. They may lose some of their initial investment but it's nowhere near the level of risk you or I would take lending someone cash.

So... why are the costs so high? We are talking about why medical school tuition is high, and you said that's because each school is propping up a hospital. It sounds like you are insinuating that tuition is high because the university is responsible for maintaining the "state of the art" hospital.

Now you say they are kept because of taxes, so why is tuition so high?

Imagine going to school if you can't pay for it. Imagine getting absolutely no scholarships and grants because your academic performance is so shit.
I didn't pay a single cent, all the way through getting my MBA. I would dedicate two hours a day, just for applying for more scholarships/writing essays for scholarships etc. I was a dirt poor hillbilly with trailer trash crackhead parents, and I managed to go to school for free while working as a night auditor for six years, four undergrad, two grad school. Why should I pay for Stacy to give niggers Band-Aids? If she never figured out how to get money for school after eight years minimum, how is that my problem? It's even easier for non whites to get free money. Imagine being a doctor and still poor.

I'm fine forgiving student loans of doctors, nurses and engineers - actual hard sciences. Then we need to stop tax payer funding and government backed loans to social "sciences"; i.e. bullshit majors.

>I had it hard so others have to have it hard too
ok boomer

Oh man, I missed the part where she just "left medical school".
Imagine taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans, not even finishing school and working at Wendy's for the rest of your life.

The overall problem would be fixed if we could throw (((them))) all down a well. Usury loans on things like education and primary housing is evil only a jew would think of.

>ribbit spacing

>paid off by the time she is 30
>millionaire by the time she is 35
>we should help this person

Anyone who takes out a loan, for anything they can't afford, should have to deal with the consequences. They need to bring back debtor's prisons. If you don't have money for school, and you're not smart or Chad enough with extracurriculars to get scholarships, then don't go to school. I don't want people who can't understand the concept of paying loans, to be designing bridges I drive across, or doing surgery on me. There's no shame in not going to school, you can do something else, get an apprenticeship somewhere or learn to code and get a desk monkey gig. Even if you can't do anything but fast food, if you're not completely retarded you move up to management fast and make a middle class salary. My friend is a taco bell district manager, and he makes almost as much as I do and he's at least half retarded.

I'm 28, leaf. If you can't afford school or you're not willing to take the free money that's out there, you shouldn't go to school.

Hey Americans, you could start by NOT fucking kicking your children out of the house as soon as they leave highschool.
You're sending them to the Jew boomer wolves who basically syphon out their whole income with rent and they never manage to build up any decent cash for a living.
...and THEN they have to pay tuition on top of that, how do you expect a 18 y.o to survive in today's world with such a huge handicap?

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>Having to pay back what you voluntarily agreed to is punishment
Just nuke us already pls, China. We're ready to die now.

Why restrict education based on finances? Why restrict healthcare based on finances? Your taxes can fund both 100 times over. Removing costs associated with healthcare and education has shown time and time again to only improve quality of life for ALL. I don't understand why the American is so opposed to a healthy, educated population. Unless the (((American))) doesn't want a healthy, educated population...