2020 Demographics Estimate - What's left to save?

I think the best bet for preserving white demographic majority is in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Wyoming, West Virginia, West Penn, and then the far Northeast Region. Kansas's southwest corner percentages don't look good, but upon further investigation, many of those counties have a population below 1,000... not beyond saving, even 50 white families moving to those counties changes them from below 40% white to 90% white. Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska actually had several counties that saw an INCREASE in white population, as well as West Virginia.

The worst offenders, the states who saw a significant decrease in its white population, was Texas, Virginia, New Mexico, Arizona, parts of California, and Mississippi.

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shameless self bump

Without deportations all our white countries are done

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Dems tend to be clustered in populous
Viruses tend to devastate those areas.

Let corona do it's thing.

Shitskins are a scab that should be ripped off with radioactive nuclear bombs

Those blue counties in North Dakota are native americans, right?

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Here user let me give you the map where the only niggers in Missouri are located.

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Arizona, Texas, and Mississippi should be bumped up 1. Georgia 2.

As a Missourian, can confirm. Although, you forgot Columbia.

Most of the infection is south of the river in KC. Strangely that's where all the violent crime is, too. Nobody seems to be calling for diversity there despite the 95% black presence.

Its not fair, Shit Louis should belong to Illinois so Missouri can be even more white demographic wise

Move all white people out of the south, southwest and east coast, and into the Midwest, Great Plains and PNW. The south is lost and thousands of blacks are flowing out of the midwest to the south every year.

I have yet to meet anyone from St Louis who had something positive to say about it. It's a containment zone at this point.

They will follow you anywhere.The solution canĀ“t be run forever

I had to take a train through it once, I could not wait to leave.

Let the virus kill all the spics in niggers in our southwest and southeast. All cities will be affected anyways.

Save Texas, or you will not save America. The rest is cucked beyond repair.

Reminder that the USA is less than 50% white as north Africans are considered whites.
Burgers do something.

I wish I were not born here.

More of a regrouping then running away. Ethnostate has to start somewhere; at this point turning one section of the country 95% white and eventually breaking off is better than becoming 40% white every where. Those who stay and refuse to leave end up in a situation like Walt from Gran Torino; outmanned and out gunned.

Don't forget the roughly 40million+ illegal immigrants

It can all turn in a year if white would drive out or kill all the niggers and spics and moslems and chinks

white passing castizo hispanics are the main issue, white women mixing with browns & blacks is a meme

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simple anti miscegination laws would fix everything

you can't bump that soon, newfag

springfield is

There's no way to save white ethnic majority in the US and to attempt it would be insanity. The US needs to break up.