British police threatens to make up charges

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has anyone cracked those TETRA radios yet?

There is a difference between saying and doing. He wouldn't actually lie to a court, it is just a compliance technique to make to perp cooperate. Better than being shot by an American officer

>it is just a compliance technique
Not if you're a police officer.

Oh so police can threaten to commit a crime.... yeah sounds ok to me, never heard of anyone getting arrested for threats.

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Yes he would, cops do that shit on america all the time. Kys faggot

you should kill that guy you faggots

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Years Ago
>NWO is coming
>You know that officers and military would never turn on their own people

Just steal one lol.

>He wouldn't actually lie to a court,

No he would never lie or cheat, they are so honest they would never fit up someone.
Unless it was Barry George...

Fucking bootlicking faggot

Cops are cancer. If you think the politicians are bad the cops enforcing the politicians cancerous laws are worse

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KYS and your family

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who am I gonna believe, him or you?

He sounds like a school prefect running off to tell teacher. Ironic given the oft held belief that a lot of cops in the UK joined the force because they were always the kids that everyone hated at school.
Sad how shitheads like this have swellled the ranks of what was once a half decent police force

"we're were only obeying orders." is no defense.

Cops rape kids

I’ve personally watched cops lie on the stand they have no moral standards here

looks like this needs to be blown up so that faggot can enjoy his welfare
fuck this nigger-tier cop

fucking kek

they will hold an internal investigation, held by themselves, in which he will be exonerated.

>Faggots en force

The type of people who become police officers in the uk are usually weak little goons who think a uniform will grant them instant respect I despise their arrogance none of them know what it means to serve your country

remember kids, they all think like this. this little pig just slipped up and said it out loud

I can't stand when public servants showcase their narcissism. No one likes you. No one cares about you. Stop pretending you're god. Be humble.

Fucking idiots.

cops are nessecary. But so is occasionally dragging them out to the street and beating them

what level of cope is this called?

In our globohomo order it's the "better him than me on the end of a tazer/stick/etc" sort of nonce who never questions who really runs things and has a lot of schadenfreud and boot-licking in him.

imagine the beheading of this faggot in his fuckin gay egg custome

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He will actually lose his job over this, his statement of ' who are they going to believe, me or you' will be used in courts.

>He will actually lose his job over this
something something Rotherham

It is when the people who try them are from the same country