The world would be such a better place if it were only inhabited by the whites and East Asians, prove me wrong.
The Chinese are BASED LAD
How could we?
>diseased, lying, blame-shifting, arrogant gooks
Pick one
You have a Korean flag tho ?
English teacher
I can't.
Surprise surprise, the whole world (save for jews and their mindslaves) hates niggers.
Look Chen, we know how hard you and the other Communist party faggots are shilling lately. And that shit might work wellbwith the normies on plebbit. But no matter how hard you try here, you'll always be the bug people, scourge of the planet, lowest of the low. Literally a cross between jews and niggers
I’m white English you moron
Be honest, do you get mas puss in gookland?
Listen you dumb fucking idiot, NOBODY likes niggers, NOBODY- not the Right Wing, not the kikes, not the Globalists, not the Commies, not the chinks. Those who are in charge know niggers are nothing more than tools and weapons to be used in soft warfare, nothing more, nothing less. Niggers are used by nations to destablize enemy and rival countries socially and economically. They are not people, they are weapons and they are tools, and when contained pose no geopolitical threat to anybody.
You dont get mad at niggers for doing nigger shit the same reason you dont get mad at a dog when it unknowingly shits in your yard, or get mad at a hammer when you accidentally slam it down on your thumb. You get mad at the owner of the dog, and you get mad at whoever is handling the hammer.
Chinks are the ones, along with the kikes, who have been aligned with Left Wing, Fifth Column Elements in the West, like the Democrats, the Clintons, (((Michael Bloomberg))), Reddit, (((Hollywood))), (((The Washington Post))), etc that promote Globalism and open borders.
You dont get mad at the niggers- they are just clueless pawns and tools of the Globalists- you simply round them up and send them home. You get mad at the Chinks, you get mad at the kikes, and you focus your energy on them. Even better than sending the niggers back home is to round them up and ship them off to China and other enemy states.
The sooner dumb fucks like you understand this, the sooner the West can get back to winning again.
South Korea is litterly a utopia, imagine if white nations had kept out nation ethnicity homogenous
>amerimutts and shit eating currynigges trying to d&c China and niggers
The shilling was already pathetic, but you shills are really getting desperate now.
Repeat after me,
Hvala, Brate Si!
Course you are Chen
South Korea is a fucking degenerate, Sweden/California-tier, mentally ill shithole. They took the worst elements from the US, like feminism, rap music, SJW bullshit and victim identity politics and expanded upon them even more than us with their bugmen programmable robotic hivemind gook mentality. I go there regularly for work, fuck Korea and fuck China.
Ok then crusader if you know so much why don’t you do something about it and go wrangle some niggers rather than be a keyboard warrior, mate don’t say I don’t know nothing I actually volunteer at nationalist movements in real life, not some faggot keyboard warrior.
>South Korea is litterly a utopia
Sounds like somebody’s jellous. Mwahhh
Chinamen are the worst people on earth
Worse than niggers
Never met a nasty China man so don’t believe you man
I hate how you fuckers will immediately start loving a subhuman race just because they hate niggers. If a fucking Jew just said “Black people are lazy” you fuckers would begin squawking BASED BASED BASED BASED BASED
"White Nationalist" chink and gook loving apologists are even worse and more cancerous than "White Nationalist" Muslim converts at this point. So chinks and gooks hate niggers, woopdie fucking doo, everybody hates niggers, the problem is chinks and gooks pose a massive geopolitical threat to white and western societies.
How exactly are East Asians sub human dude ? They have a higher average IQ. Than us and are better at controlling thefe borders flans media from the Jew.
>ching hurr chang durr chong brack men bed china numba uan dragon century we strong dead to amerika we big burr fuk european piggu
>chinks are based because, like every other race, they hate niggers
Nah, there’s nothing special here
Hey i never spoke about geo politics Yeha they are our competitors but not an enemy ? Also the last time I remembered that you spattics gave your industry to them, what exactly do you expect. Mate you are a fake nationalist anyway just cry on Yas Forums and don’t even help the cause.
>they have the evil eyes
Nigger with Ebola eyes is pretty scary dude