Are Koreans genetically degraded?
>What do you mean user?
Look at Native Americans, South East Asians, Australian Aborigines, South Americans, and Indigenous Africans. They're in a subtier of humanity. Their genetics degraded because of extremely harsh environments/climate/geography and didn't allow their genetics to flourish like they did for white Europeans and Japanese.
Korea has an extremely harsh environment. For those who don't know, the Korean peninsula is rocky, mountainous, dry, and extremely cold in winter. It's not a friendly landscape for human habitation.
Isn't it possible that because of their harsh geography, Koreans have slight genetic degradation compared with Northern Chinese and Japanese? Maybe they really do have the most inferior genes in North East Asia. If South East Asians suffered a tremendous amount of degradation in their genetics, maybe Koreans have suffered just a small amount but definitely *some* amount.
After all, it's a known fact that they have Mongol and Tibetan DNA, which are basically eskimo-type hill people.
>harsh geography “degrades” people genetically
[citation needed]
>Harsh geography genetically degrades people
Literally the exact opposite chang nigger
Citations aren't needed for common knowledge
>Australian Aborigines
>South Americans
>Native Americans in North America
>South East Asians
>Are Koreans genetically degraded?
Rest: tl;dr
>harsh climate 'degrades' a race as opposed to making it stronger and more resilient out of evolutionary necessity
lurk moar redart
>the Alps and Norway
I don't understand the logic behind your theory. You are saying a harsh environment leads to genetic degradation but how can that be?
A harsh environment will select more for better genes, as you need to have more foresight and be more intelligent and have a stronger body to survive in a harsher environment, the weak would be weeded out far more frequently.
It's a fact that Anglos come from the comfiest land in the world. Rainy, temperate, not too hot, not too cold, perfect for agriculture and civilisation hence why Britain conquered the whole world and founded USA, Australia, and NZ. Vietnamese were never destined to do that.
t. Indigenous Aussie Master Race
Would literally every Korean roastie get plastic surgery if their genetics were any good?
>Isn't it possible that because of their harsh geography, Koreans have slight genetic degradation compared with Northern Chinese and Japanese?
No, their genetics are fucked up because they're inbred Chinks denying to be Chinks, while Japanese are chad mix between Yayoi and Jomons. Even Chinks are better than K*reans because they at least have some Mongol blood.
More diverse the genepool, more chad the people.
>Australian Aborigines
>live on isolated sparsely populated continent with little to no competition for resources
>everyone is chillin' and getting high every day racing on emus
>"hard life"
>South Americans
>furthest possible away geographically from birthplace of homosapiens
>as such start civilization much later than europe
>hardcore life where everyone is fighting and killing each other
>in the process of becoming advanced civilization
>get their civilization aborted by head-started yuropoors
>Native Americans in North America
>see australia
>South East Asians
>beat the shit out of france then beat the shit out of USA
Only on Weab Yas Forums do people say Koreans are Chinese
I bought plane tickets to visit Korea in August. Will the borders be open or am I fucked?
>Using quora as a credible source
Are you retarded, gogi?
>Would literally every Korean roastie get plastic surgery if their genetics were any good?
I guess Greece and Italy's nearly identical rates are because they have bad weather?
>Even Chinks are better than K*reans because they at least have some Mongol blood.
Oh no, it's retarded.
Yes I am, volodya.
Thanks for the statistics. Now I will start hating on Gr**ce and Shitaly as well.
... Guess Mongols didn't use enough Korean women.
A while ago, niggers on here were claiming Korea had "degraded" DNA because they were invaded by the Mongols. But I guess now we like the Mongols.
Also apparently we don't know that Mongol territory is some of the harshest and most barren land on Earth.
Remind me again how Koreans are degraded when you guys are this consistently and relentlessly retarded.
You gooks are too easy to bait.
Yes. I could tell you are trolling.
It is as much like pic related as it possibly could be.
yes, really need to lie online to keep good image.
define "genetic degradation"
>yes, really need to lie online to keep good image.
I can't tell you're actually developmentally disabled, or just Eastern European.
Everyone is on a scale from top level human (Japanese, European, Nigerian [YES Nigerian, you may call all Africans niggers but that's not the reality]) to sub tier e.g. Indigenous Australians.
S'poreans are SEA monkeys sorry but I'm being serious. There's a time to consider feelings and there's a time to be Yas Forumsitically incorrect.
I'm still not sure whether Koreans are the South East Asians of North East Asia or not. Tbh I think they have a very small amount of genetic degradation.
shut the fuck up gook nobody gave you permission to speak.
ok, then define genetic degradation
Georgia isn't Europe, so I'm just developmentally disabled.
It's difficult to define or quantify. But SEAs are just different from N Chinese and Japanese, they are inferior genetically in general. N Chinese and Japanese are like super human in comparison, stronger, smarter, faster, better. Compare Nigerians to Khoisan. Nigerians are superior in every way.
Come on children I know this discussion is disgusting but I'm persevering as some abhorent racist subhuman until I get my fucking answer. I was the truth, the politically incorrect truth. If you can't handle it get fuck off.