Marina Abramovic is a child molester and her art is MK Ultra trauma.
Marina Abramovic is a child molester and her art is MK Ultra trauma
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its art bro relax
Forgot your VPN?
so was the hollardhoax. 6 gorillas died bro relax.
>6 gorillas died
Made me laugh more than it should have
maybe she is just edgy childless bitch who was smart enough to sell her shit to rich retards
I'm an evil sick freak for saying this, but I love straight shota bro. Sue me.
I edited the picture but you can find it here (titled Vladkka)
sounds bout right
Such powerful artistic art. Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough and not sophisticated enough to understand and appreciate it.
I wish I hadn't found that, fuck.
This is why everyone hate you people.
>shill forgot to use his memeflag
What would you know? Jewish art is low end tacky shit
She was at Ayers Rock in Australia when the maybe a dingo ate your baby baby was disappeared. She was less than a mile away from there “camping”
the painting is "Satan summoning his legions" btw
My friends who say that violence is for the fight for Israel fags dont understand that these people need to be tortured. In a wet basement, for a few years, and to be brutally dismembered. There have always been folks like this whore and no device is barbaric enough for them. If i go to hell for murdering pedos so be it.
Just another normal fag 60s flower power chick who dropped too much lsd acid weed and God knows what else over the years
That Microsoft hololens 2 video is max cringe tho
She's pretty cute
I believe the correct term would be "unnatural behavior to build an ego, that can mask your lack of beauty as value"
All this shit out in the fiucking open and those fucking Q idiots saying it's being taken care of.
Bullshit, these people still walking around free is outright proof that "the plan" is an outright lie.
Just fucking pick them up and shoot them already ffs. Shoot their supporters too. They wouldn't think twice about killing us. Evil never gives second chances.
>Marina Abramovic is a child molester
prove it...oh wait, you can't
>her art is MK Ultra trauma
imagine being traumatized by a to be (((you)))
>w-why are you defending her ??
>y-you're a shill
i hate schizos more than artists
What the fuck is wrong with you
Ty user i wouldnt have thought of this. If i ever make music it will be me smoking a bong and taking a shit on my local masonic lodge.
That’s actually pretty interesting
Look at those man hands! Gross, no wonder she hates herself
How fitting.
You are actually defending this person.
You must see yourself in her.
You disgusting bastard.
Fwd: Dinner
From:[email protected]
Date: 2015-06-28 01:48
Subject: Fwd: Dinner
Are you in NYC Thursday July 9
Marina wants you to come to dinner
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Marina Abramovic
Date: June 28, 2015 at 2:35:08 AM GMT+2
To: Tony Podesta
Subject: Dinner
Dear Tony,
I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?
All my love, Marina
fuckin a man
>its art bro relax
Two can play that
She’s honestly one of my favorite artists, pretty funny to see her blow up on Yas Forums
There’s a really good documentary about her and the man in the photo on YouTube
>arrive in america
>do menial jobs n shit
>one night while returning to work see rich faggots fawning at some cringe performance art
>people pay to watch this garbage?
She ated the babby?
>I'm an evil sick freak for saying this, but I love straight shota bro. Sue me.
Ss for the purpose of love and care absolutely
But this shit she does is literally satanic illuminati
I wunna fuck my mom but she only let's me get to play her tits
>I edited the picture but you can find it here (titled Vladkka)
Wtf she mean by this? Rip baby
>What the fuck is wrong with you
She's got a good figure is all I'm saying
She's completely drug fucked mental case skating by criminal shit on connections under the guise of art and femenism
Still find her hot and wunna bang her
is that the martyrdom of Saint Simon of Trent?
This guy again
Lol she's like 80 but she looks young from all the baby blood she drinks
She's just a jewish priestess. There's been many of her like in the past. Jews flock to women like her, and put her up on a pedestal while she guides their childish fantasies and delusions.
She works a lot for NPCs to worship her like you do.
>mentioned in Podesta emails
>pictures of her cannibalist dinners
>satanic imagery everywhere
>only artist to be admitted in elite circles, such as the Clintons or Rothschilds
>Spirit Cooking
Obviously nothing to see here, no schizo.
Ngl I'd smash satanic mommy so hard
+ she's rich
Win win
is actually interesting. what if she just lets go and falls back? what are the physics on that? would she get away clean or would it stilll cause the arrow to come out of the guys hands
Nice country.
welcome back
I'm ready for war.
Nothing worse as a gypsy kike balkan whore. kill them all!
I’d hotdog
I newer believed my country would give a world known satanist. But when I think better, both parents of her were stubborn communists. It is all about family afret all.
Find a way to convince people before, or else you will fight alone. I consider the emotional response towards pedophilia to be an interesting leverage though.
>makes a claim and then a description but with no source of evidence in any capacity whatsoever
Cool story bro. Sage
Many of them dude
Correct user
Unironically just looks like some dumb shit “spiritual” hippies post all the time. Notice how the other person just says dinner